15 Most Popular Healthy Teas You Should Know About!

Tea has been a popular beverage for centuries and it still remains widely popular due to its numerous health benefits. Healthy teas range from the stimulating and invigorating brews to the soothing and relaxing teas that put you right to sleep.

Whatever your preference is, there is a tea for every palate. Despite the different varieties, healthy teas all have one thing in common; the incredible health benefits they possess.

What are Healthy Teas?

There are many healthy teas that are packed full of natural compounds such as antioxidants and flavonoids. These natural compounds help the body in overcoming infections and fighting off conditions such as inflammation in the body. These healthy teas play a significant role in boosting the body’s natural immunity.

While traditionally, tea was considered a beverage brewed from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, over the years the scope of healthy tea has widened to include herbal teas from various plants. These herbal teas are renowned for their potent healing properties and therefore have become a major part of the tea industry.

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea is not only a healthy way to stay hydrated, but it also offers up a multitude of health benefits. The antioxidants present in tea have a cleansing effect on the body. These antioxidants help in eliminating free radicals from the body keeping it toxin-free.

Teas that are healthy also have anti-inflammatory properties which are important in managing inflammation in the body and easing pain and symptoms of inflammation in conditions such as arthritis.Good teas provide an alternative to coffee for people looking to lower their intake of caffeine. Herbal teas are completely caffeine-free and are thus suitable for caffeine-sensitive people. Healthy teas like chamomile have a relaxing and calming effect on the body and are thus used in relieving stress and anxiety.

When it comes to weight loss, healthy teas can boost body metabolism and in effect increase the rate at which the body burns fat. Most herbal teas are also low in calories and sugar-free making them perfect for people on a low-calorie diet. In addition to their effect on metabolism, some teas act as appetite suppressants.

Cardiovascular diseases and conditions such as diabetes and cancers develop over time. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of healthy teas decrease your risk of developing these conditions. Taking tea regularly will therefore not only remedy infections such as common cold, stomach upsets, and inflammation, but it will also reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

1.Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a fragrant herbal tea with a crisp apple flavor that is brewed from the dried flowers of the chamomile herb. Chamomile tea is one of the healthiest teas and boasts healthy natural compounds including; flavonoids, phenols, and terpenoids.

The flavonoid apigenin contained in chamomile is a natural tranquilizer that when ingested effectively acts as a sedative. For people with sleeping disorders, having a cup of chamomile tea at bedtime can help in inducing sleep.

2. Rooibos Tea

Naturally sweet with nutty undertones, rooibos tea is a delicious tea that appeals to most palates. Rooibos tea can be brewed on its own or taken with a splash of milk.

Studies have found that the antioxidant aspalathin in rooibos tea actively inhibits the production of hormones that trigger hunger and therefore taking rooibos tea is effective in curbing overeating and appetite suppression. Rooibos tea also has benefit of weight loss, a soothing and calming effect and can be taken before bed as a sleep aid.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is brewed using the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Widely consumed across the globe, green tea is one of the most popular healthy teas. Research has found that the antioxidants in green tea are effective in eliminating free radicals in the body and effectively lowering the risk of cancers such as stomach, breast and lung cancers.

Delicious piping hot or ice-cold, green tea is a versatile beverage that should be consumed for its health benefits.

4. Black Tea

If you are partial to an invigorating beverage, you cannot go wrong with black tea. Made from fermented tea leaves, this healthy tea is rich in caffeine and is one of the most popular beverages globally.

The health properties of black tea stem from its richness in compounds such as flavonoids, antioxidants, and polyphenols. These natural compounds boost overall body immunity and reduce the risks of chronic diseases.

5. Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is the perfect combination of green and black tea to create a healthy tea with a potent nutritional benefit. Oolong tea is made by partial oxidation of the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant.

Apart from caffeine, oolong tea is packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It also contains the amino acid theanine that gives it a relaxing and soothing effect. In addition to its health benefits in boosting cardiovascular and neurological health, oolong tea is renowned for its ability to boost weight loss.

6. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea has a vibrant flavor and distinct flavor. Brewed from the flowers of the hibiscus plant, hibiscus tea is a nutritional powerhouse with plenty of health benefits. Hibiscus tea is effective in managing blood pressure and can, therefore, reduce the risk of diseases caused by high blood pressure such as stroke.

Hibiscus tea also has antiviral properties as a remedy for colds. Hibiscus flower tea is also rich in flavonoids and contains vitamin C that helps to keep your liver healthy, relieve menstrual cramps and promote digestion.

7. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is brewed using the spicy aromatic root of the ginger plant, Zingiber officinale. The gingerol compounds present in ginger have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and are responsible not only for the flavor of ginger tea but also for its healing properties.

Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and gingerol, ginger tea is commonly used as a remedy for ailments ranging from common colds to digestive disorders. Ginger tea is caffeine and sugar-free and is therefore suitable for people who are sensitive to caffeine.

8. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a refreshing, aromatic tea with a mildly sweet flavor that is appealing to most palates. Peppermint tea is one of the most effective remedies for an upset stomach as it has a calming effect on the stomach muscles.

Rosmarinic acid in peppermint tea has been found to alleviate allergy symptoms such as difficulty breathing, sneezing, and a runny nose. In addition, the menthol in peppermint tea has stimulating effects on the body and a cup of peppermint tea will boost your energy levels and make you more alert.

9. Echinacea Tea

The Echinacea plant from which Echinacea tea is derived has been used as an herbal remedy for many years. In fighting off colds and flu, Echinacea tea is one of the most effective natural remedies.

The antioxidants in Echinacea tea make it effective in regulating blood sugar levels meaning that this healthy tea can be taken by diabetics to help manage their blood sugar levels. For those who want a cup of tea to help them de-stress after a long day, Echinacea is the perfect beverage because of its soothing and calming effects on the body.

10. Mullein Tea

Mullein tea is a rich and aromatic beverage traditionally taken as a natural remedy for colds, flu, and other ailments. Mullein tea is made from the flowers of the mullein plant. The leaves of this plant are also used in brewing tea. With antiviral and antibacterial properties, mullein tea is effective in resolving and managing respiratory conditions such as asthma.

11. White Tea

White tea promotes weight loss, reduces inflammation in the body and reduces risks of cancer. White tea is made from leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant and has been found to have the most potent anti-cancer activity amongst all the teas.

Packed with antioxidants, catechins, and tannins, the health benefits of white tea are numerous. This coupled with its soothing and relaxing effect on the body, makes white tea one of the healthiest varieties of tea available.

12. Rosehip Tea

Rosehip tea has a floral scent and a mild flavor. Brewed from the rose hips of the rose plant, rosehip tea is good for boosting your immunity, boosting weight loss and improving the health of your skin.

Rosehip tea is typically brewed by steeping loose leaf rosehip tea in hot water for about 10 minutes. You can add a sweetener such as stevia or honey to your brew.

13. Lemon Tea

Adding a slice of lemon to your favorite tea or adding some lemon juice to your brew not only improves the flavor of the tea but it also increases the health benefits of your tea. Lemon tea is a great remedy for colds and flu. It is also great for weight loss and regulating blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity.

By adding some lemon to your regular cup of tea, you will multiply the health benefits of your tea. Lemon tea also goes well with honey so the bitter taste can easily be balanced out by using a sweetener.

14. Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea is made using dried chrysanthemum flowers. Chrysanthemum tea is suitable for caffeine-sensitive people since it is naturally caffeine-free. Chrysanthemum tea contains beta-carotene which is essential for healthy skin.

This healthy tea is easy to brew and the preparation process involves adding hot water to dried chrysanthemum flowers and letting the mixture steep for at least five minutes.

15. Lavender Tea

Lavender tea is made using fresh or dried blooms of the lavender plant. Lavender tea is a natural sleep aid that has a soothing and relaxing effect on the body. The antioxidants and antibacterial compounds in lavender tea are great for boosting the immune system and can help in warding off common infections such as common colds and flu.


Making healthy teas a regular part of your diet will boost your health naturally. With so many options of healthy teas available, it shouldn’t be difficult to find one that appeals to you. Have a cup of any of these healthy teas regularly and reap the benefits of the health powerhouse that is tea.

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