Top 10 Calming Teas You Should Know About!

Nothing beats a soothing cup of tea after a long hard day. Calming teas are more than just a refreshing beverage, they have soothing properties that help in relieving stress and anxiety. While stress is an inevitable part of everyday life, managing your stress levels is essential for healthy living. One of the most effective and natural ways to do this is by drinking calming teas regularly.

What are Calming Teas?

Calming teas are types of tea that have soothing and relaxing effects on the body. These types of tea when consumed soothe and ease the body into a relaxed state. Calming teas can be herbal teas such as peppermint or valerian tea or varieties of green tea. Various types of tea have through the years been consumed as natural remedies for various ailments.

In addition to a multitude of health benefits, calming teas are a tonic for anxiety and stress. Natural remedies such as calming teas are always good for your health since they have minimal side effects. Before you reach for that pill bottle, consider having a relaxing cup of tea to de-stress.

Nutrition Profile of Calming Teas

Calming teas will naturally be low in caffeine or completely caffeine-free. While each type of calming tea will have its own unique nutrition profile, calming teas are typically rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. Calming teas such as peppermint tea not only have natural soothing compounds but even their aroma has a soothing effect on the body.

Health Benefits of Calming Teas

  1. it helps in relieving stress and anxiety
  2. It is effective remedies for sleep disorders
  3. It is good for digestion.
  4. It is effective in managing blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health.
  5. It is boost the body’s natural immunity.

1.Chamomile Tea

Traditional Medicinals Organic Chamomile Herbal Leaf Tea

One of the most popular calming teas is chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is brewed from the flowers of chamomile herb. The infusion of the dried or fresh chamomile flowers yields a fragrant brew with a crisp apple flavor.

Rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and essential minerals, it is not hard to see why chamomile tea is renowned for its healing and soothing properties. The soothing effects of chamomile are attributed to the natural sedative of the flavonoid apigenin present in chamomile tea.

Chamomile tea is also caffeine-free and this boosts its sedative effects. Apart from inducing sleep, the relaxing effect of chamomile tea also makes it effective in promoting proper digestion and soothing the stomach.

Simple Chamomile Tea Recipe


Chamomile tea leaves or tea bag, water, Lemon juice, Sweetener (optional)


  • Step 1: Heat one cup of water.
  • Step 2: Add your chamomile tea bag into the hot water. Alternatively, you can also use a teaspoon of Chamomile tea leaves.
  • Step 3: Let the brew steep for at least 3 minutes, ensure you cover your teapot during the steeping process.
  • Step 4: Add honey or sweetener of your choice if you prefer a sweet brew.

2. Green Tea

Organic Green Tea Bags

Green tea is a delicious and nutritious beverage. Packed with natural antioxidants and nutrients, it has potent health benefits. Brewed from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, green tea is consumed all over the world. The health boosting properties of green tea are attributed to the catechins naturally present in green tea.

Theanine, an amino acid present in green tea is responsible for the relaxing effect of green tea. Theanine not only promotes the secretion of the feel-good hormone dopamine, but it also combines with the caffeine in green tea to improve brain function. Apart from the stress-relieving properties of green tea, this calming tea is also good for:

  • Promoting weight loss by boosting metabolism in the body
  • Lowering Bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in the body
  • Green tea helps in regulating blood pressure and blood glucose levels

For best results take green tea without any sugar or milk to reap the maximum benefits of this refreshing and potent calming tea. For best results, steep your green tea loose leaves or tea bag in hot but not boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Passion Flower Tea

Tazo Passion Herbal Tea

The mildly flavored, fragrant and sweet passion flower tea is a common calming tea. Brewed from the flowers of the Passiflora group of plants, passion flower tea is especially popular in Europe as a natural stress-relieving remedy.

Passion flower tea contains the flavone chrysin, which is a potent stress and anxiety reliever that has been proven to be as effective as some prescription anxiety medication.

Passion Flower Tea Recipe


A teaspoon of dried passion flower petals, Water


  • Step 1: Heat 8 ounces of water.
  • Step 2: Add your dried passion flower petals to the boiling water. To get the best flavor, use a teaspoon of passion petals per eight ounces of water.
  • Step 3: Let the brew steep for at least 8 minutes, ensure you cover your teapot during the steeping process.
  • Step 4: Your tea is ready to drink. This tea is a great bedtime beverage.

4. Lavender Tea

Organic Lavender Flowers Dried

The enticing aroma of lavender tea is part of its soothing appeal. This fragrant, mild-flavored floral tea is top on the list of calming and soothing teas. With stress-relieving effects as powerful as some prescription medication for anxiety, if you are looking for a calming tea you cannot go wrong with lavender tea.

Lavender inhibits the production of the stress hormone cortisol and helps in alleviating stress and anxiety.

Apart from managing anxiety and stress, lavender tea has been found to improve sleep quality and help in alleviating sleep disorders such as insomnia. Lavender tea also boosts digestive functions and improves cardiovascular health by lowering levels of bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol, in the body.

To make the perfect cup of calming lavender tea, let the lavender buds infuse and steep in hot but not boiling water for at least 10 minutes.

5. Rooibos Tea

Twinings of London Pure Rooibos Herbal Red Tea Bags

How does Rooibos tea fit into your healthy lifestyle? Well, this calming tea harvested from the Aspalathus linearis herb is not only nutrient-packed, but it also has soothing properties. Effective in relieving stress and calming the body, rooibos tea is often used as a natural sleep aid.

In addition to being caffeine-free, Rooibos tea is rich in antioxidants and essential minerals including magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. Apart from relieving stress and anxiety, rooibos tea is also good for

  • Weight loss
  • Boosting cardiovascular health
  • Curbing Inflammation
  • Rooibos tea is good for your skin

Rooibos tea is available either as loose-leaf tea or in the form of teabags. 8 ounces of water per tea bag or a heaped teaspoon of loose-leaf tea is ideal. You should also allow the rooibos tea to infuse or steep for 5 to 15 minutes. Always keep the tea covered while brewing for a richer flavor. Milk, sugar or sweeteners such as stevia or even honey can be added to rooibos tea.

6. Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm tea is an herbal tea brewed from the Melissa officinalis herb. This fragrant calming tea has long been used as a remedy for depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. Lemon balm tree aids in relieving stress by inhibiting the production of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

The soothing effects of lemon balm tea coupled with its antimicrobial properties have made it a trusted natural remedy for several conditions including; insomnia, cold sores, and digestive disorders.

Brewing a calming cup of lemon balm tea is as simple as letting the balm leaves infuse into hot water for about 10 minutes. A sweetener such as honey can be used to sweeten the brew.

7. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is a refreshing and fragrant beverage with a sweet flavor appealing to most palates. The menthol contained in peppermint tea is a natural muscle relaxant that helps relieve tension in muscles that is caused by stress and anxiety. Apart from its soothing properties, the calming peppermint tea also has a host of health benefits including:

  • Peppermint tea is a natural remedy for sleep disorders.
  • Peppermint is a natural stress reliever.
  • Peppermint tea is effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Peppermint clears congestion and eases breathing by relaxing airways.

8. Rose Tea

Rose tea is made by steeping either dry or fresh rose petals in hot water. Rose tea is a powerful soothing beverage that has a delicate flavor and a floral aroma. Rose tea is effective as a calming remedy effective in managing anxiety and stress. Rose tea is a great bedtime beverage because it helps in inducing sleep.

Brewing rose tea is a simple process. Rose teas are widely available and you can simply steep the dried petals in hot water. Alternatively, you can boil fresh rose petals in hot water to get your rose tea. You may also purchase dried rose petals and add them to your favorite tea powder.

9. Valerian Tea

Celestial Seasonings Wellness Tea

The neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) relieves mental stress and anxiety. Calming teas such as Valerian tea boost the production of the GABA neurotransmitter effectively lifting your mood and making you feel calm and relaxed. Apart from stress management, valerian tea is also an effective sleep aid and a great remedy for conditions such as insomnia.

To brew valerian tea, steep a teaspoon of dried valerian root in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.

10. Mullein Tea

The rich and aromatic Mullein tea has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for anxiety, colds, flu, and other ailments. Mullein tea is made from the flowers of the mullein plant. The leaves of this plant are also used in brewing tea.

With antiviral and antibacterial properties, mullein tea is effective in resolving and managing respiratory conditions such as asthma. A soothing cup of mullein tea will help you wind down after a long day and induce a state of relaxation and calm.

Calming teas not only come with the renowned health benefits of tea but have the added benefit of relieving stress and anxiety. Stress is a major predisposing factor for multiple health disorders and therefore finding ways to manage stress is essential for your physical and mental wellbeing. Calming teas will help you in decreasing stress and uplifting your mood for a healthier happier life.

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