Everything You Need to Know about Rooibos Tea

Whether you are an avid tea drinker or simply looking for a refreshing and healthy beverage to make part of your nutrition routine, Rooibos Tea is the ideal addition to your diet.

With origins in the Western Cape of South Africa, Rooibos tea is harvested from the Aspalathus linearis herb that lends its herbal nature to this nutrient-packed tea. A host of health benefits combined with a rich flavor have made rooibos tea the beverage of choice for many.

Rooibos Tea Nutrition Profile

Rooibos tea delights the senses while still having a host of health benefits. These benefits come from its unique composition. Not only is Rooibos tea rich in antioxidants, but it also contains a host of vital minerals including magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron.

The flavonoids and polyphenols contained in rooibos tea have anti-inflammatory properties and are great for boosting overall body immunity. In addition to all these elements, rooibos tea also contains alpha-hydroxy acids making it the go-to beverage of choice for the health-conscious and those looking for a beverage that does more than quench your thirst.

The health benefits of rooibos tea are further enhanced by the fact that it is completely caffeine-free. This means that if you are on a caffeine-free diet or are looking to minimize your caffeine intake, then rooibos tea is a tasty alternative.

As opposed to caffeinated beverages, rooibos tea has a soothing and calming effect and is recommended for people with difficulty sleeping or insomnia. The soothing effect of rooibos tea also comes in handy if you are looking to lower your stress levels. Having a cup of rooibos tea before you go to bed is an easy way to ensure a good night’s rest.

How Does Rooibos Tea Taste?

Naturally sweet with nutty undertones, rooibos tea is easy on the senses and has a mild flavor that is quite delicious and even children will love the taste of this tea. Rooibos tea can be brewed on its own or taken with a splash of milk.

Depending on your preference, you can also add a sweetener or some honey to your rooibos brew. The best thing about rooibos tea is that it tastes great piping hot on a cold day or ice-cold on a hot day.

Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea

Nutrition is a primary determinant of health and finding healthy foods and beverages makes life so much easier. A healthy lifestyle requires a conscious effort to make healthy choices when it comes to what we eat or drink. How does Rooibos tea fit into your healthy lifestyle? Well, it has a myriad of beneficial effects that we are going to explore below.

Rooibos Tea for Weight Loss

Weight management is an important part of staying healthy and finding the right beverage that does not carry hidden calories is important. Rooibos tea is calorie-free and thus an ideal refreshment for those who want to quench their thirst without worrying about piling on extra calories.

Whether you are on a diet or simply cutting down on sugary drinks, rooibos tea makes a great alternative.

Studies have found that the antioxidant aspalathin in rooibos tea actively inhibits the production of hormones that trigger hunger and therefore taking rooibos tea is effective in curbing overeating and appetite suppression.

By reducing insulin resistance, rooibos tea plays a significant role in increasing the efficiency of energy use in the body and minimizing the storage of fat in the body.

Rooibos Tea for Cardiovascular Health

The anti-inflammatory properties of rooibos tea and its richness in flavonoids make it a heart-friendly beverage. Rooibos tea will not only lower your risk of heart disease but also help in regulating blood pressure.

The antioxidants in rooibos tea act in promoting cardiac health by eradicating the free radicals in the body that cause heart disorders and other inflammatory conditions.

One of the predisposing factors for heart disease is elevated blood pressure or hypertension. When blood pressure is too high it causes damage to arterial walls by exerting more pressure than blood vessels can withstand.

This means that keeping your blood pressure in check is a key consideration for maintaining good cardiovascular health. Rooibos tea helps in reducing blood pressure and also promotes the reduction in the LDL cholesterol that causes thickening in blood vessels.

Ultimately, making rooibos tea a part of your daily diet will have a beneficial effect on the health of your heart and blood vessels.

Rooibos Tea for Diabetes Management

One of the antioxidants in rooibos tea is aspalathin which acts as an anti-diabetic by balancing blood sugar levels in the blood. For diabetics, insulin resistance and insufficient insulin leads to high blood sugar levels in the blood.

These high levels of blood sugar in turn cause buildup of plaque in the arteries as well as cause vascular inflammation. It is these effects of high blood sugar that puts diabetics at a higher risk of heart diseases than the average person according to the American Heart Association.

Due to its ability to suppress blood sugar spikes, rooibos tea can play a significant role in the management of diabetes. The antioxidant aspalathin is more abundant in the green rooibos tea than in the red rooibos tea and therefore the green variety of rooibos tea is a better option for diabetics.

Rooibos Tea for Better Immunity

Your body’s overall immunity determines your ability to fight off infections. This means that the better your immune system is, the more efficient your body will be in fighting off infections.

So, whether you find yourself suffering from a common cold every other week or prone to a myriad of infections, give your immunity a boost with rooibos tea.

The flavonoids, polyphenols, and dihydrochalcones found in rooibos tea give it powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds increase the body’s ability to fight off infections and make you less susceptible to everyday bugs and ailments.

Anti-inflammatory Properties of Rooibos tea

An overactive immune system can cause inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a condition that occurs when the body starts fighting its own cells. Keeping inflammation in check is important in order to avoid complications that arise from prolonged inflammation and autoimmune disorders.

The flavonoid chrysoeriol present in rooibos tea is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and helps in inhibiting inflammation.

Free radicals that are released in the body during metabolism can also cause inflammation. By eradicating these radicals, the antioxidants in rooibos tea effectively aid in managing inflammation.

One of the side effects of inflammation is the characteristic swelling and pain that accompanies inflammatory conditions. For instance, in rheumatoid arthritis cases, patients experience pain and swelling in the afflicted joints.

Rooibos tea, due to its anti-inflammatory properties is effective in pain management and can, therefore, make such diseases more manageable.

Rooibos Tea for Younger Healthy Skin

Perhaps one of the most common components in beauty treatments is alpha-hydroxy acids. Alpha-hydroxy acids are present in rooibos tea and can be credited with making rooibos tea a beauty treatment that gradually improves skin elasticity and eradicates fine lines and wrinkles.

The aging process that causes the skin to wear out and lose its youthful appearance is partly due to the accumulation of free radicals. Since the antioxidants present in rooibos tea are effective in eliminating these free radicals from the body, drinking rooibos tea promotes healthy skin and minimizes premature aging of the skin.

Drinking rooibos tea as part of your skincare regimen will help in keeping the wrinkles at bay and maintaining youthful healthy skin.

Rooibos Tea for Allergies

Allergic reactions result from the release of histamine in the body. This histamine is released by mast cells. The anti-allergen effect of rooibos tea lies in the flavonoid Quercetin which functions by inhibiting the production of histamine.

This means that rooibos tea can help in relieving the wheezing and coughing that are characteristic in allergic conditions such as asthma. Making rooibos tea part of your daily routine will help in managing sensitivity to allergens and also reduce the intensity of allergic reactions.

Rooibos Tea for Insomnia

Sleep is an important part of healthy living and when you do not get enough sleep your body does not get enough time to rest, renew and rejuvenate itself. The term beauty sleep may be a cliché but it is true that the quality of sleep you get will impact your appearance and physical health.

For people with insomnia, beverages with caffeine are a no-go zone, hence the caffeine-free rooibos tea is the ideal alternative.

Rooibos tea has a soothing and calming effect and can be taken before bed as a sleep aid. It is effective in inducing sleep and improving the quality of sleep, ensuring that you get sufficient rest.

Choosing the right Rooibos tea for you

Rooibos tea is available either as a red tea or green tea. The main difference between these two varieties is that the green variety is steamed and dried immediately while the red variety is typically fermented before being dried.

While the green rooibos tea may have higher levels of the antioxidant aspalathin than the red variety, in both types of rooibos tea the nutrition profile is the same and thus choosing between the two will come down to individual preference in terms of taste.

How to Brew Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is available either as loose-leaf tea or in the form of tea bags. Both will have instructions on the packaging on how best to prepare the perfect cup. As a general guideline, 8 ounces of water per tea bag or a heaped teaspoon of loose-leaf tea is ideal.

You should also allow the tea to infuse or steep for 5 to 15 minutes. Always keep the tea covered while brewing for a richer flavor.

Milk, sugar or sweeteners such as stevia or even honey can be added to rooibos tea.

Where to Buy Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is easy to make at home and is widely available in grocery stores and even in online stores. Apart from the green and red rooibos tea varieties, there are also flavored varieties available such as vanilla and lemon rooibos tea.

Whatever your individual taste, there is a rooibos tea available for you at a grocery shop near you or online.


With a host of health benefits ranging from promoting weight loss, preventing inflammation and even boosting cardiovascular health, rooibos tea is a healthy caffeine-free beverage. The naturally sweet taste and rich flavor of this tea, make it appealing to both children and adults.

Moreover, the wide range of options available in terms of flavors of this potent tea means that there is a rooibos tea for everyone and for every season.

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