Everything You Need to Know about Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba Mate tea is the perfect combination of an energy boost, refreshing taste and multiple health benefits all in one beverage. Native to South America, this potent herbal tea has become popular across the globe because of its health benefits and is now consumed all over the world. With the caffeine kick of coffee and the nutritional benefits of a potent herb, Yerba Mate tea is one of the most nutritional beverages available today.

What is Yerba Mate?

The leaves of a caffeinated holly tree, Ilex paraguariensis, are used to make Yerba mate tea. The leaves are harvested from the tree and then dried and aged to make Yerba Mate. The characteristic rich flavor of Yerba Mate tea comes from the aging process which gives it a very distinct taste.

The Yerba Mate leaves contain many beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that make this tea a potent nutritional powerhouse. In its native South America, Yerba Mate tea is a renowned cure-all remedy used to treat various ailments and boost overall health.

Yerba Mate Tea Nutrition Facts

Yerba mate tea contains a substantial amount of caffeine. In fact, because of its caffeine content, Yerba Mate herbs are also used as ingredients in energy drinks. Aside from the caffeine, Yerba Mate also contains the stimulants theobromine and theophylline.

These stimulants are responsible for the energy-boosting effect of Yerba Mate tea. Yerba Mate has a stimulating effect that leaves you calm because of the blend of caffeine and the two natural stimulants.

Yerba Mate tea is also rich in Caffeoyl derivatives. These derivatives include caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. Caffeic acid is a potent antioxidant while chlorogenic acid has neuroprotective properties. This neuroprotective element gives Yerba Mate tea its ability to improve mental focus and cognitive functions.

The saponins in Yerba Mate tea are responsible for its bitter taste and its anti-inflammatory properties. Saponins are natural anti pathogens that serve to boost overall body immunity. Yerba Mate is also rich in vitamins including Vitamin B1.

Two cups of Yerba Mate tea will give you up to 85% of your daily requirement of vitamin B1. Other Vitamins contained in Yerba Mate include vitamin C and vitamin E.

Iron, potassium, manganese, and magnesium are some of the minerals contained in Yerba Mate tea. This combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals makes Yerba Mate tea a potent nutritional remedy for a myriad of ailments and a natural immunity booster for the body.

How Does Yerba Mate taste?

Yerba Mate has a distinct and bitter taste that means it may take a while to get used to. It has earthy undertones more or less like green tea but with a more minty taste. Yerba Mate is however available in different flavors in the market and you can opt for fruit blends which give it a sweet taste or herbal blends.

Best Way to Taste Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate tea is best steeped in hot water because the hot water is necessary for the extraction of all the nutrients from the leaves. However, if you prefer a cold beverage you can always steep it in hot water then let it cool before drinking it.

5 Health Benefits of Yerba Mate Tea

1. Boosting Energy

Yerba mate tea has caffeine and natural stimulants which make it a powerful energy drink. It has a caffeine kick that is enhanced by theobromine and theophylline which are natural stimulants present in the Yerba Mate leaves.

Yerba Mate tea has more caffeine than tea but less than coffee, meaning that while it has the same stimulating effect as coffee, it does not leave you feeling edgy. This caffeine high means that Yerba Mate tea is a great alternative to coffee, especially for those who want to benefit from the other nutrients contained in Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate improves mental alertness and focus. The chlorogenic acid present in Yerba Mate boosts memory, protects brain cells and reduces anxiety. This means that Yerba Mate is a great way to start the day feeling alert and energized.

Due to its energy-boosting properties, Yerba Mate tea can also be taken as a pre-workout beverage to keep you energized during your workout routine.

2. Weight loss

Yerba Mate tea has several properties that make it an effective weight loss tonic. It boosts metabolism and reduces the amount of blood sugar and fat in the body. For weight loss to occur, the body needs to burn fat, Yerba Mate increases the amount of fat burned in the body and in this way accelerates weight loss.

Yerba mate tea is effective not only in weight management but it can also help diabetics in managing their blood sugar levels.

This tea is a natural diuretic and thus prevents water retention in the body. Moreover, studies have found that people who take Yerba Mate experience fewer hunger pangs and that it acts as an effective appetite suppressant. This means that taking this tea frequently will make you less prone to overeating which is one of the most common factors for weight gain.

Yerba Mate tea has energy-boosting properties that stimulate and refresh the body. It has a pick me up effect that gives you the energy to engage in physical activity and this is important especially for those who exercise regularly and need to avoid burn-out.

3. Better Immunity

The body’s ability to fight off infections and disease is determined by how well the immune system is able to function. The saponins in Yerba Mate give it anti-inflammatory and anti pathogenic properties which are important in boosting the body’s natural defenses against microbial infections from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.

Being rich in vitamins including vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, and magnesium; Yerba Mate tea improves overall health and boosts the body’s natural defenses against infections.

4. Good for Cardiovascular Health

A healthy heart makes for a healthy body. Yerba Mate tea boosts cardiac health by lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol can clog up the arteries and blood vessels and is one of the leading causes of heart disease. Taking Yerba Mate tea regularly will enable you to keep your LDL cholesterol levels low.

The antioxidant compounds in Yerba Mate tea, act as vital elements in enhancing cardiovascular health. Antioxidants usually act by removing free radicals from the body. When free radicals accumulate unchecked in the body, they can lead to various disorders and health complications.

5. Improve Diabetes Management

When the body cannot produce sufficient insulin or insulin sensitivity becomes diminished, blood sugar levels rise. Efficient conversion of glucose to energy is only possible in the presence of insulin. Without this conversion, blood glucose levels increase.

This build-up in blood sugar levels causes diabetes. Yerba Mate tea is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. It boosts insulin sensitivity and promotes the breakdown of glucose into energy. Diabetics can benefit from this property of Yerba Mate tea as it helps in regulating the amount of glucose in the blood.

How to Prepare Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba Mate tea is available both as loose leaves or in the form of tea bags. For best results when brewing your Yerba Mate tea, always moisten your Yerba Mate with a splash of cold water before brewing.

After you have moistened the leaves, you can then use hot water to brew your Yerba Mate tea. To get the best tea, do not use boiling water. Always steep your Yerba Mate brew for at least five minutes to allow the flavors to infuse into the tea.

The Yerba Mate experience can be enhanced by taking the tea as it was traditionally prepared in its native South America. To make the traditional brew, the simple steps below will guide you.


Yerba Mate tea, water


Hollow gourd, thermos, metal straw (bombilla)

  • Step 1: Pour your Yerba Mate leaves, about half a cup, into the gourd
  • Step 2: Pour hot water into the gourd, the water should be hot but not boiling.
  • Step 3: Allow the leaves to steep for at least 5 minutes.
  • Step 4: Put the bombilla into your gourd and enjoy your Yerba Mate tea.

Yerba Mate tea can also be enjoyed cold by making a terere’ which is an ice-cold Yerba Mate treat. To make a terere’, you simply add loose Yerba Mate leaves to a pitcher of water and ice and stir in some fresh lime juice. You can also add a sweetener to the brew.

The Yerba Mate Ritual

Traditionally Yerba Mate was shared among friends of family in a Yerba mate circle. In this ritual, each person in the circle receives a half-full gourd of Yerba Mate tea. They sip the tea until the gourd is empty and then pass it back to the pourer, who is traditionally referred to as the “cebador”.

The pouring is only done by one person who will keep refilling the gourds in the Yerba Mate circle until the water runs out or the leaves lose flavor. In this ritual, touching the straw or the bombilla is not allowed.

Side Effects of Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate, when consumed in moderation by healthy adults has multiple health benefits. However, overconsumption of Yerba Mate may have side effects. Studies have shown an increased risk of respiratory and digestive tract cancers in people who consume excessive amounts of Yerba Mate over long periods of time.

Since Yerba Mate contains caffeine, too much of it can lead to headaches or increased blood pressure in people sensitive to caffeine. The recommended daily intake for pregnant women or caffeine-sensitive people is a maximum of three cups daily.


Yerba Mate tea is not only a refreshing beverage, but also boasts a host of health benefits ranging from promoting weight loss, preventing inflammation and even boosting cardiovascular health. The caffeine content in Yerba Mate makes it suitable as an alternative for coffee especially for those looking for a caffeine kick that does not come with the jittery aftermath typical in coffee.

Since it is widely available, this nutrition powerhouse should be relatively easy to incorporate into your list of go-to beverages when you need a quick pick me up. Get it at a grocery store near you or online.

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