Oolong Tea and Its Amazing Benefits for Your Skin

Oolong tea is semi-oxidized tea of Chinese ancestry. Traditionally, the process of producing Oolong tea entails withering the plant and exposing it to intense sunlight. This is prior to the process of twisting and curling. In more common cases, oolong tea is produced with distinct tea plants cultivars. This is typical to oolong tea of the finest quality. Such tea plant cultivars are deployed widely for a wide stretch of varieties.Let’s Look at the most amazing benefits of Oolong tea for your skin!

What is Oolong Tea?

The degree of oxidation

Now the degree of oxidation the oolong tea leaves are made to undergo is connected with the span of time proceeding firing. This could vary across 7% to 83%, consequent to the style used in the production as well as the varieties. Certainly, the different types of styles used in producing oolong tea explain the diversity in its flavors. This also is a determinant in the oolong tea benefits for skin as we would be seeing later.

The flavor

While some oolong tea can be particularly fruity, some present a uniquely sweet flavor, others could have woody aromas, honey aromas or even roasted aromas. Also contributing to this as well outside the production style is the horticulture. Of course, several types of oolong tea are in existence today. Famously, there is the Da Hong Pao type produced from the northern Fujian in the Wuyi Mountains. This is one of the most popular variants of Chinese teas.

There is understandably differences in the mode of processing for the variety of oolong teas. However, commonly the leaves are formed into one of two distinguishable patterns. Some of these could be made into smaller beads by ‘wrap-curling’, while others could be rolled into curly long leaves. The latter is more traditional.

Oolong Tea Nutrition Facts

Rich in vital minerals and vitamins

Oolong tea is powerfully nutritious most particularly as to its benefits for skin. Standing out among its nutritional components is its vast multitude of antioxidants. Oolong tea richly consists of vital minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, and carotene. More than these, oolong tea also contains very helpful vitamins like Vitamin K, E, C, B and Vitamin A. These are of immense benefits for skin.

Great at detoxifying the body

Additionally, Oolong tea is wealthy in its composition of niacinamide, detoxifying alkaloids as well as folic acid. Now considering that oolong tea undergoes partial fermentation, this tea is congested with very valuable polyphenols which comes with their wonderful health advantages especially benefits for skin. We would be looking expansively into this.

Keeps you mentally refreshed and energized

As customary with the generality of tea, oolong tea contains measurable quantities of caffeine. Notably, the caffeine content of oolong tea is reasonably cut down in course of the steeping process. For example, in the preparation procedure of oolong tea, if a steeping time of 60 seconds is observed, the caffeine content would be significantly chopped down to less than 50mg. Well, studies are yet to reveal a tacit connection between the caffeine composition of oolong tea and its benefits for skin.

How to Make Oolong Tea

Bigelow Oolong Tea Bags

There is a variety of oolong tea differing across various leaf shapes as well as different levels of oxidation. With this in mind, there is no singular or generalist method for steeping oolong tea. Importantly, the steeping process observed would determine what oolong tea has to offer us as to the benefits for skin. We would be learning this later on.

Correctly matching oolong with water

In the case where your oolong tea is rolled into balls, you could deploy a teaspoon of tea leaves for every 6 ounces of water. If however, you have large open leaves, you could make do with two tablespoons for that equivalent quantity of water. Forward, you could make use of fresh cold water which you have not boiled at all prior to this. It would be advisable at this stage not to use distilled water. This is to prevent us from miserably arriving at an oolong tea with flat flavor.

The temperature of the water

At this interval, you would need water of elevated temperature. So before steeping your oolong tea, boil your water to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Now pertaining to the duration of the steeping, this would depend on the strength of the flavor you are aiming to achieve for your oolong tea at the end of the day (as well as the health benefits for skin). Optimally, your steeping time could range from 1-5 mins.

Allowing the leaves to unfold

One thing you have to strongly consider when steeping your oolong tea is the need for the leaves to be allowed the avenue to unfold. This unfolding process so to say unleashes the flavor of your oolong tea. Thus it is not well recommended to use a ball-style infuser for your steeping. More advisably, with the need to unfold, you can use your basket-style infuser rather. Now we would be looking at the immense health benefits for skin you stand to enjoy with oolong tea.

Oolong Tea to Prevent Skin Aging

Without a doubt we all love to look young forever. Very few would like age to steal away their stunning looks. Wouldn’t you still like to look stunning even at 60? Oolong tea significantly helps you achieve a skin that is almost impervious to aging. Oolong tea to a very large extent prevents quick aging with its remarkable benefits for skin. How is this possible?

Keeps your skin fresh

This is because of its voluminous composition of antioxidants. These antioxidants are very vigorously vital in maintaining the freshness of your skin. This is similar to what you enjoy from your green tea as to health benefits for skin. These antioxidants abundantly composited in oolong tea are vastly helpful in fighting free radical formations. This goes a long way in the reduction of oxidative stress.

Keeps your skin from wrinkles

Thus oolong tea brings a fresh look to your skin maintaining its youthful allure. This is because this oxidative stress piled on by free radicals can crucially instigate DNA damage, thereby harming your skin and fostering quick aging. Such can be seen in the rapid formation of worrisome dark spots. Furthermore, these free radicals are notoriously for pelting your skin with wrinkles. This can be traced to a breakdown of the cells of your skin, thereby losing their elasticity. Via this manner, your skin would struggle to hold itself together resulting in troublesome looseness. In the same line, you look really older than you actually are because of rapid skin aging.

However, you can be relieved that with oolong tea, you don’t necessarily have to worry about all this courtesy of the antioxidant composition and its associated benefits for skin. In fact, when you steep your oolong tea for a longer time in hot water, the amount of antioxidants are lovably multiplied.

Oolong Tea for Eczema

Atopic dermatitis which is more commonly referred to as eczema happens to be a condition that makes your skin itchy with notable redness. In other cases, it may come with inflammation and even hay fever. Definitely, this is of no benefits for skin. Atopic dermatitis is notably chronic and can even last for a stretch of time with period flares. There have even been cases of chronic Atopic dermatitis triggering asthmatic attacks.

Reduces the itchiness

Well, you have a reliable resort in oolong tea for fighting skin eczema as to the benefits for skin of oolong tea. With oolong tea, eczema would be significantly alleviated with significant waning in the itchiness as well as the redness and even the swelling. Most of the efficacy of oolong tea in healing skin eczema can be attributed to its anti-allergenic antioxidants. This brand of antioxidants is exceptionally helpful resourceful in relieving you of eczema as well as its infectious side.

Reduces the discoloration and scarring

Studies have revealed remarkable alleviation of the scarring, the irritation as well as the discoloration that come with eczema when patients habitually take oolong tea courtesy of oolong tea’s benefits for skin. Particularly, a survey carried out among eczema patients led to the finding that drinking oolong tea on a daily basis – say three cups – can provide exceeding relief from eczema. The polyphenols composited in oolong tea are largely responsible for this therapeutic efficacy.

Oolong tea for acne

100% Pure All-Natural Oolong Extract

Acne can have such a distortive effect on our skin and our appearance in general. For one thing, acne inflammation is really worrisome and can quickly take the glow off your looks. What is worse is that acne can easily proliferate all across your skin really destabilizing your look even further.

Reduces the inflammation

Nevertheless, drinking oolong tea can greatly help you reduce the inflammation that comes with green tea further consolidating its benefits for skin. Drinking oolong tea would appreciably reduce your susceptibility to acne breakouts. This is also courtesy of the ability of the antioxidants in oolong tea to combat free radicals.

Drinking at least a cup of oolong tea can be beneficial in this regards because of its benefits for skin. Aside from the oolong tea anti-inflammatory benefits for skin, it restores the freshness to your general look.

Treats breakouts

Particularly the vital oils contained in oolong tea have proven to be an efficacious treatment for acne breakouts. More than this, oolong tea benefits your skin in relieving you of the irritations that come with acne breakouts. Such potency of oolong tea can help reduce the acne blemishes on your skin also reducing the dryness of your skin. Aside from drinking oolong teas, research has shown that the topical application of oolong tea still has benefits for skin in the terms of acne.

How to Drink Oolong Tea to Enjoy Benefits for Skin

Umbrella Reusable Tea Ball Infuser

The curative properties of oolong tea, especially its benefits for skin, is well dependent on how you steep it. As earlier pointed out, the amount of antioxidants contained in your oolong tea is very reliant on your rate of steeping as well as the water composition.

The water content

Ideally, when steeping your green tea, it would be advisable to match every 3 gram of your oolong tea to 200 millimeters of water for anywhere between 4-9 minutes. At times, the steeping procedure could even be stipulated on your tea packet.

The steeping procedure

Moving specifically to steeping your oolong tea to enjoy its best of benefits for skin, we should be aiming at unleashing the largest amount of antioxidants. Pertaining to these said benefits for skin, the steeping process could be done at 194 degrees Fahrenheit for no more than 4 minutes. Most importantly, do not boil.

The extra flavors

Well, while we are aiming to prepare our oolong tea to enjoy the best benefits for skin, additional flavors are not forbidden here. You could bring in external sweetening spices like honey just to make things really rosy and juicy. All the same, your oolong tea naturally has this sweet taste and can sufficiently do without honey in the absence of such. Precisely for eczema you can take 3 cups daily, otherwise, 2 cups of oolong tea every day is still cool for your skin.

Oolong Tea for Skin Cancer

Oolong tea is of great benefits for skin precisely in preventing skin cancer. Owing to the rich composition of antioxidants in oolong tea, it vastly helps in fighting the growth of cancerous cells. This way oolong tea benefits your skin, protecting it from cancer by blocking new blood cells from forming that would otherwise supply the requisite nutrients these cancerous cells need to grow. Aren’t these oolong tea benefits for skin amazing?

Contains vast amount of polyphenols

This tea impressively lacks toxicity and contains impressive amounts of polyphenols in neutralizing cancer-fostering free radicals. The likes of vitamin C, as well as vitamin E tremendously contained in oolong tea, have proven to be of benefits for skin in that they maintain the health and turgidity of your cells against cancer invasion. These vitamins are effective in chemically neutralizing toxins.

Additionally, a regular consumption of this tea protects your skin from the direct and damaging impact of ultraviolet radiation. 2- 3 cups daily of oolong tea would flourish you with amazing benefits for skin in protecting it from cancer in the long run.

Darjeeling Oolong Tea

In conclusion, oolong tea is of great benefits for skin as we have emphatically seen. From acne treatment to eczema relief as well as preventing immature skin aging and cancer, oolong tea is simply dazzling for the health of our skins. Other types of tea also of notable benefits for skin is black tea and also white tea. In all, aren’t you already drooling for the next cup of oolong tea in view of all these benefits for skin we have talked about?

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