Matcha Green Tea Hair Mask for Improving Hair Growth

Conventionally in modern societies, beauty is majorly judged facially. Yes, your physique also contributes as well but a major part of how attractive you are comes from your face. Now, we must also admit that your hair contributes significantly to how you look.It is common to appear more attractive when your hair is fuller and more stylish.

Certainly, baldness is not celebrated hence you see people rushing after hair formulations to enhance their hair growth or hair density.Therefore, matcha green tea hair masks are becoming very popularly adopted for their efficacy in giving you that enviable hair growth. Let us first start by learning about matcha and your hair!

Why Your Hair Loves Matcha?

Matcha is rich in antioxidants

Matcha green hair masks are amazingly effective because of how helpful matcha is to your hair. In close similarity to other green teas, matcha tea contains a sizable amount of polyphenols and antioxidants. A lot of the efficiency of matcha green tea hair masks can be traced to a very powerful phytochemical with the name epigallocatechin-3-gallate.

Studies have revealed the incredible nutrition abundant in matcha. Precisely, matcha has been found to contain as much as 20 times the amount of antioxidants you could get in fruits like berries and pomegranates. Doesn’t this sound interesting? Now the thing is the matcha component contributes to matcha green tea hair masks lavishing your scalp with amazing benefits like hair growth. More than this matcha would enhance the glow of your hair enabling it to shine more.

Matcha is rich in essential vitamins

Another thing is that matcha also contains measurable amounts of Vitamin B. The particular variant of Vitamin B we are referring to here is called panthenol. When matcha is therefore applied to your hair or say applied to your scalp in form of matcha green tea hair masks, it immensely spurs the increased growth of your hair. This would also improve the thickness of your hair. Panthenol, as contained in matcha green tea hair masks, is commonly deployed in hair strengtheners especially in top hair products.

Another thing that makes matcha wonderful for your hair is its composition of vitamin c. This contributes to the efficacy of your matcha green tea hair masks in protecting your hair from the damaging effect of UV radiation. Also, the Vitamin E sufficiently contained in matcha would help to enhance the way blood circulates to your scalp thereby aiding hair growth.Get Yours Here!

How You Can Make Matcha Green Tea Hair Mask

Matcha green tea hair masks as we have seen are great for your hair. From improving the growth of your hair all the way to improving its density, as well as its radiance, matcha green tea hair masks are just perfect for the hair enthusiasts. But then despite its effectiveness and seeming expensiveness, you can readily make your matcha green tea hair masks yourself. Let us look at the do it yourself procedures for making matcha green tea hair masks. First we will start with the requirements.

What Do You Need for Matcha Green Tea Hair Mask?

  • You will need matcha green tea of course, say a tablespoon would do.
  • You will need eggs. But just one would be okay as well.
  • Also required is a teaspoon of raw honey as well as a teaspoon of creamy coconut oil.
  • Next get your lavender essential oil, say 10 drops.
  • Lastly, we will need a magic bullet blender and possibly a shower.

DIY Matcha Green Tea Hair Mask

  1. Step 1: Crack your egg and put in a blender. After this, add your tablespoon of matcha green tea as well as a teaspoon of raw honey and then your creamy coconut oil.
  2. Step 2: Nice, now blend them for a while until the result is a creamy mixture.
  3. Step 3: Next would be to get that mixture in a bowl stirring adequately in your lavender essential oil.
  4. Step 4: Here is the real thing, take the bowl and get into the shower. You would stand over your sink parting your hair and then applying the mixture to your full scalp as well as your hair length.
  5. Step 5: Good, now tie the hair capping it with the shower cap allowing the mask to sink in properly for about 14 minutes.
  6. Step 6: Next you would rinse the matcha green tea hair mask off with cold water not hot. After that, you can shampoo your hair and condition it naturally with coconut oil.

How to Make the Black Tea Hair Mask Recipe

So having learned how to make and apply the matcha green tea hair mask, would you mind learning another potent matcha mask formulation? Yes, aside from the matcha green tea hair mask, let us also learn how to make and apply the black tea hair mask recipe. As usual we would we would be starting off with the requirement.

What Do You Need for Black Tea Hair Mask?

  • You will need a quarter cup of black tea
  • A tablespoon of aloe vera gel
  • You will need a teaspoon of raw honey
  • You will also need your lavender essential oil here say 4 drops
  • A Spritz bottle
  • Lastly, as before, you will have to get a shower cap.

DIY Matcha Black Tea Hair Mask

  1. Step 1: Get all your ingredients into the spritz bottle.
  2. Step 2: Now close your spiritz bottle and shake sufficiently so that the ingredients adequately mix up.
  3. Step 3: So we believe that the ingredients are well mashed up adequately right? Next get off to the shower. Here you would stand in the shower spritzing the hair mask thoroughly over the entirety of your scalp and your hair. Are you getting it right? In the situation where your hair is dripping, you will have to wring it out so as to squeeze off the liquid that is excessive here. Alright, that is nice. Let us go further.
  4. Step 4: Now you will have to tie your hair covering with the shower cap. After this, the mask sinks in for about 6 minutes to unleash its magic.
  5. Step 5: After the expiration of the 6 minutes interval, you can rinse the hair mask off with warm water. Following this, you could choose to shampoo your hair and condition as the normal procedure. It is actually preferable you use a natural shampoo that is also free of sulfate as this would immensely help your scalp doing less damage to your hair follicles.

Matcha Green Tea With Argan Oil Hair Mask

The Matcha Green Tea with Argan Oil Hair Mask is one powerful matcha hair mask formulation that we can’t help but talk about. So to begin, let us look at the ingredients.

What is it made of?

The matcha green tea with argan oil hair mask is made of green tea, phetylgly, aqua, argan oil, coconut oil, Moroccan oil as well as fragrance oil.

Moving on this matcha green tea hair mask formulation has amazing benefits for your hair. This matcha green tea hair mask goes a long way in repairing your hair even if it is extensively damaged possibly from salon chemicals or the accumulated effect of intense coloring.

Looking further at its potency

This matcha hair mask formulation is also effective in moisturizing your hair. Particularly this matcha green tea hair mask works is that it will moisturize your hair from the root all the way to the tips.

This matcha mask is very potent in straightening your hair as well with particular efficacy in taming frizzy wild hair. We must point out the nice aromatic scent of this matcha green tea hair mask which really feels good in your nostrils. Moreover, this matcha mask clearly stands out for the glow it brings to your hair getting it really shiny in addition to being smooth.

How to Apply the Matcha Green Tea with Argan Oil Hair Mask

So now let us get practically into how we can use this matcha green tea hair mask formulation.

  1. Step 1: To start with, you will have to get your hair wet after which you can now apply your shampoo. After this, you would rinse your hair with water, drying with a towel.
  2. Step 2: Apply the match mask recipe evenly across your scalp and hair ensuring to appropriately massage for the best effect. Now, so that we can get the best results from this matcha green tea hair mask, you will have to cover your hair using a plastic wrap. It would be ideal in this situation to let the Matcha Green Tea with Argan oil hair mask stay for at least half an hours.
  3. Step3: Now you can duly rinse the matcha recipe away from your hair after which you can sufficiently blow your hair dry.Get Your oil Here!

How You Can Make the Best of Matcha Green Tea Hair Mask for Healthy Hair

So we have been looking through how we can make matcha green tea hair mask readily at home. But then you can enhance your matcha green tea hair mask formulation making the best of it for promoting hair growth. How possible is this?

Further additives to increase potency

Your matcha green tea hair masks gain more efficacy in giving that wonderful hair growth when you mix the recipe with shea butter. Also, your matcha green tea hair mask also gains more potency when you mix it with a nice blend of hydrogenated vegetable oils. Together, this mixture is commonly referred to as matcha butter. This is a banger for healthy hair.

The application procedure

Now having arrived at the mixture, you would have to apply it on your hair right? Yes so get the butter on your scalp in gentle motion ensuring to massage for about 17 minutes. Good, now you will have to leave the mixture on your hair for an approximate 30 minutes. After this 30 minutes, you can confidently wash the matcha butter off your hair. Once again, natural shampoo would be more appropriate for the washing.

Here is the big assurance. We are not talking about miracles or magic here, but if you can sustain a habit of carrying out this procedure say three times a week (or even twice), you will significantly notice that your hair would add a natural shine, effectively reduce the inflammation of your scalp if you were suffering one as well as greatly relieve you of the dandruff nightmare. Doesn’t this sound great?

Side Effects of Using Matcha Green Tea Hair Mask for Hair Growth

In conclusion, you may be wondering if there are possible side effects of using matcha green tea hair mask to stimulate hair growth. In the general context, there isn’t much to worry about pertaining to deploying matcha green tea hair mask for improved hair growth.

While it is likely that matcha in some individuals due to its composition of tannins could cause relative difficulty in the absorption of iron, this doesn’t affect everyone and most of all is not connected to any disastrous side effect for your hair. The only thing to point out here is ongoing research into if matcha could convert testosterone to DHT to reduce hair growth in men. Yet this is far from proven scientifically.

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