Amazing Benefits of Green Tea Supplements

As we all know, green tea has a lot of health benefits and many people do include green tea into their everyday diet. Its fresh aroma and slightly sweet taste is definitely a delight to some people’s everyday life. However, for some other people, they do not have enough time and equipment for them to brew green tea every day and any moment of the day. Therefore, science advancement has given us another way to enjoy the incredible benefits of green tea, the green tea supplements. Green tea supplements contain almost all the useful minerals and nutrients in green tea that we all need, like antioxidants, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), polyphenols, catechins and theanine. Let’s learn more about green tea supplements below.

What are green tea supplements?

Why choose green tea supplements?

Taking green tea supplements can allow your body to absorb the nutrients from green tea in a compact way so you do not have to go through the trouble of buying tea bags, brewing tea, waiting for it to cool down etc and etc, before your body can benefit from green tea.

Theoretically speaking, taking green tea supplements have the same effect on your body as you drink green tea. Of course, you would not be able to enjoy the full flavors and taste of a cup of nice, hot green tea, however, for those who cares about efficiency, green tea supplements might be the right thing for you.

What exactly is green tea supplements?

Green tea pills is a kind of green tea supplement. There are several ways to make green tea pills or green tea tablets, for instance, some green tea pills are made from dried green tea leaves in a capsule, while some undergone industrial process to make green tea extract. First, the tea leaves would be brewed and the catechins, an important mineral in green tea, would be extracted out to be used in green tea supplements.

Some green tea supplements producers took a step further and made decaffeinated green tea supplements for those who are sensitive to caffeine. These caffeine free supplements work just as fine, but without the possible side effects that might be brought by an inappropriately high amount of caffeine.

Is green tea supplement good enough?

Some may wonder would green tea supplements be as effective as drinking green tea itself? The answer is yes. Since green tea capsules include the most important element in green tea, the catechin, studies have already revealed that taking green tea supplements could be as effective as drinking a cup of green tea.

Recommended dosage of green tea supplements would be less than 10mg of extract per 1 kilogram of body weight. It would be the best if your consult your physician or a medical professional before your start your green tea supplement regime. However, bear in mind that green tea supplements would not be a solution to all problems and drinking green tea itself would be more natural way for your body to absorb the goodies inside.

Medical uses of green tea supplements

Nature's Green tea supplements

Green tea supplements, just like green tea, has a lot of health benefits to your body. Green tea supplements possess the common benefits of green tea, the most common ones include weight loss, cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease prevention, lowering of blood pressure and more. It is not news that green tea can help with weight loss, and this is probably why most of the people take green tea supplements. The catechin and polyphenol in green tea is proved to have the ability to reduce the amount of fat absorbed by your body when eating oily food, and at the same time, promote the fat burning process of your body. Taking green tea supplements can ensure that you are consuming a certain amount of catechin and polyphenol every day.

Prevention of diseases

On the other hand, green tea supplements could be useful when it comes to preventing cancer and heart diseases. It is particularly useful to prevent prostate cancer and slow down tumour growth. One study had found that prostate cancer patient who take green tea supplements daily can successfully slow down the growth of the cancer cells. While green tea can improve one’s immune system, green tea supplements can do the same by preventing common cold and flu.

Taking green tea supplements daily can help to lower the chance of getting common cold and flu, as well as to decrease the days it needs for the body to recover. Taking green tea supplements can also help to lower cholesterol level and blood pressure like green tea does, which ultimately can lead to the decreased chance of getting heart and cardiovascular diseases.

Taking green tea supplements VS drinking green tea

Starter Matcha Green Tea Powder

Most people choose to take green tea supplements instead of drinking green tea itself is convenience. Drinking multiple cups of green tea means that you have to carry around with you some hot water, green tea leaves, teapot, and more. Not only that, you might need to run a few more rounds to the toilet if you are drinking too frequently.

Therefore, some people who aim for the medical benefits of green tea would choose to take green tea supplements instead. In general, the production of green tea supplements would include the most important nutrient of green tea, that is polyphenol and catechin extract. These two ingredient alone are responsible for most of the health benefits of green tea, like the prevention of cancer, weight loss, lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases and decreased blood pressure.

Benefits and nutrients in a compact form

Beside the major advantage of convenience, green tea supplement can also be more effective when it comes to absorbing nutrients and minerals in green tea. Since it comes in a capsule or compact form, it is easier to control the amount of green tea extract you are absorbing every day. As a result, the health benefits of green tea would be more effective if you choose to take green tea supplements. Not to mention how much more convenient it would be to carry around a few pills than carry with you everywhere all the tea making equipment you might need.

Points to note when taking green tea supplements

However, green tea supplements do have its disadvantages. If you choose to take green tea supplements daily, you cannot enjoy the fantastic taste of green tea itself. A lot of people use such a tea break every day to relieve their stress and to calm themselves down.

The process of drinking tea is an important part of the tea remedy and that would be lost when taking green tea supplements. Moreover, green tea is a beverage to be enjoyed by drinking alone, certainly taking green tea supplements would be a less natural way to enjoy all these benefits. All in all, just always make sure you consult a physician or a medical professional before you start to take green tea supplements.

Benefits of green tea extract

Green tea extract is the major ingredient of green tea supplements. It is a defined and decaffeinated mixture of green tea polyphenol extracted from Camellia Sinensis, the place used to make green tea leaves. Green tea extract contains a lot of antioxidants including flavonoids, vitamins and polyphenols. Due to its abundance of antioxidants, green tea extract is usually used in beauty and cosmetics products.

The key to weight loss

The most famous property of green tea extract would be weight loss, and this is the most common reason for people to take green tea supplements. Although the result might vary among different people, green tea extract has proven to be effective when it comes to weight loss and fat burn. Since green tea extract contains catechin, it can increase your body’s capability to burn fat and calories. Taking green tea supplements regularly can also help to maintain your weight loss after your successfully reach your goal weight.

Green tea extract keeps your skin pretty

On the other hand, green tea extract is a name very commonly appeared on cosmetic products because of its outstanding antioxidizing effects. Green tea supplements can help to increase the blood flow and oxygen delivery to your skin cells, which can help to improve overall skin health. Not only that, the antioxidants in green tea supplements can bring you a young and smooth skin by protecting your skin to deteriorate from aging, UV radiation and other external damage. Now you understand why green tea extract is so commonly seen in cosmetic products.

Green tea is one of the healthiest food in the world. Not only does it benefit your physical health, but also mental health and even beneficial to your skin and appearance. Many people have already included green tea in their daily life. For those who live a busy life, you can try to take green tea supplements. It is as useful and effective as green tea itself, but it is more convenient and easy to take.

Green tea supplements are made from green tea extract and other important nutrients in green tea, these supplements can help to maintain your overall health as well as to prevent certain diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, another important benefit of green tea supplements would be weight loss. Green tea supplements is well known to be useful for weight loss and fat burn.

No matter if you are trying to shred a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight, green tea supplements would be a solution for you. Seeing all benefits of green tea supplements, are you ready to purchase some and try it at home? Just go to any local health store and you can find them easily. Make sure you consult your physician or a medical professional before you start your regime.

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