Everything You Need to Know About Turkish Tea

Turkish tea also known as cay is more than a beverage, it is a social experience in its native Turkey. Turkish tea is enjoyed at any time of the day and to support the tea-drinking culture, Turkey is littered with tea gardens and tea houses that serve Turkish tea throughout the day.

Being the only tea producing European country, Turkey exports Turkish tea to other countries where the tea has become an accepted health beverage.

What is Turkish Tea?

Turkish tea is also referred to as cay. Turkish tea is a type of black tea that is made using the oxidized leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. One of the factors that set Turkish tea apart from other varieties of tea is that no pesticides on the Camellia Sinensis plants grown in Turkey. This means that Turkish tea is free from artificial chemicals.

To optimize its flavor, Turkish tea is taken without any milk. However, sugar cubes can be added to the Turkish tea to make it sweeter. Widely accepted as a healthy and nutritious beverage, Turkish tea or cay is an intrinsic part of the Turkish culture and you will hardly visit any part of Turkey without being offered a glass of cay.

Nutrition Profile of Turkish Tea

Altinbas Caykur Black Tea

Turkish tea is considered by many as one of the healthiest teas in the world. Not only is it organically produced, but it also boasts a host of powerful natural compounds. Rich in antioxidants, catechins, and flavonoids, Turkish tea has long been used as a natural remedy for many ailments and conditions.

It is a healthy beverage that does more than refreshing the body. From fighting inflammation and reducing risks of certain disorders, Turkish tea makes a great addition to a healthy diet.

Turkish tea is also low in caffeine and is therefore ideal for people looking to reduce their intake of caffeine. Since it has a naturally sweet flavor, it can be taken without milk or sweeteners and will, therefore, not pile on extra calories to your daily diet.

How Does Turkish Tea Taste?

Turkish tea is naturally sweet with a mild but distinct apple flavor. This tea is quite fragrant and has a characteristic vibrant color that is almost, but not quite red. To best appreciate its flavor, color, and fragrance, Turkish tea is typically served in glasses. No milk is added to Turkish tea but a cube or two of sugar may be added to enhance its natural sweetness.

Types of Turkish Tea

Double Wall Tea and Coffee Glasses

Black tea is the most common and popular type of Turkish tea. However, there are other varieties that are also widely consumed. Oralet Turkish tea is made from a fruit tea that has colorful leaves in different shades. Oralet tea comes in different flavors including apple, lemon, and cherry.

Apple tea is also a common type of Turkish tea renowned for its crisp and refreshing apple flavor. Apple tea is naturally sweet and can be taken without adding any sweeteners to the brew.

6 Top Health Benefits of Turkish Tea

NO.1 Turkish Tea for Weight loss

Studies have found that catechins present in Turkish tea may have a beneficial effect when it comes to weight loss. Regular consumption of Turkish tea may decrease abdominal fat and reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood. This means that having Turkish tea can boost your weight loss goals by enhancing the loss of fat, especially in the abdominal area.

Since Turkish tea does contain caffeine, it has a stimulatory effect on metabolism in the body. This means that it increases the efficiency of the breakdown of food into energy. In terms of weight loss, the better your metabolism is, the less the amount of fat that will be stored in the body.

An efficient metabolic rate is thus a prerequisite for weight management. Combined with healthy eating and regular exercise, Turkish tea is a nutritious beverage that will help you in keeping the extra pounds off and achieving a healthy body weight.

NO.2 Turkish Tea for Stress Relief

Tea was traditionally known as the go-to beverage for de-stressing and relieving anxiety. This tradition is so much more than just an old wives’ tale. Turkish tea and other varieties of black tea actually Inhibit the production of the stress hormone cortisol. The lower the levels of cortisol in the body, the less stressed you are likely to be.

The relaxing effects of Turkish tea mean that it is a great beverage to have after a long stressful day or when you want to wind down and reduce your anxiety levels.

In an increasingly stressful society, the relaxing and calming effects of a cup of Turkish tea comes in handy. Stress is a major predisposing factor for diseases such as high blood pressure, heart conditions, and even inflammatory diseases.

Managing stress is therefore essential for your physical and mental wellbeing. Decreasing your stress levels by making Turkish tea a part of your daily routine will go a long way in boosting your body’s immunity and overall health.

NO.3 Turkish Tea Reduces Risk of Cancer

The antioxidants in Turkish tea are effective in eradicating free radicals in the body. When free radicals, which are by-products of metabolism, accumulate in the body these toxins can cause disorders and cell damage.

Free radicals increase the risk of conditions such as cancer. Making sure you get sufficient levels of antioxidants from your diet is, therefore, an important factor in reducing risks of conditions such as cancer.

Turkish tea reduces the risk of cancer in the following main ways; Inhibiting abnormal cell growth Eliminating free radicals from the body Boosting body immunity thereby reducing chances of development and growth of cancer cells

Turkish tea is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties. These natural compounds make it a nutritional powerhouse that will keep your body cleansed of toxins and in optimal health.

NO.4 Turkish Tea is Good for your Heart

Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol which is also commonly known as bad cholesterol in the body is one of the major causes of heart disease. When LDL cholesterol levels build up in the blood, the bad cholesterol can cause thinning of blood vessels and obstruction of proper blood flow.

This interference in the normal flow of blood leads to heart disorders. Heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension all arise as a result of blockages in blood vessels.

Turkish tea is a type of black tea. It is packed with flavonoids that are effective in lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. In addition to lowering bad cholesterol, Turkish tea helps in lowering blood pressure and preventing the formation of blood clots.

Both high blood pressure and blood clots are predisposing factors for cardiovascular diseases. Having two or three cups of Turkish tea daily will boost your cardiovascular health and help in managing conditions such as hypertension.

NO.5 Anti-inflammatory Benefits of Turkish Tea

Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis are caused by inflammation. Inflammation occurs as part of the body’s natural defense mechanism against pathogens and infections. However, when inflammation in the body is prolonged for extended periods of time, the body starts to damage its own cells.

This leads to inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders. This is why it is important to manage levels of inflammation in the body.

Turkish tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in the management of inflammatory conditions by easing pain and swelling. Regular consumption of healthy teas such as Turkish tea means that you can reap the anti-inflammatory properties of these healthy beverages and reduce your risk of suffering from inflammatory conditions.

NO.6 Turkish Tea for Colds

Common colds and upper respiratory tract infections such as sore throats and coughs are typically caused by microbial infections. Healthy teas such as Turkish have potent antimicrobial properties that make them an effective natural remedy for common colds.

The relaxing and warming properties of Turkish tea can also help in alleviating symptoms such as congestion and a runny nose.

How To Make Turkish Tea


Double tier teapot, Turkish tea leaves, Water, Sugar cubes (Optional)


  • Step 1: Turkish tea is usually brewed using a two-tire teapot referred to as a caydanlik. The brewing process of this tea involves boiling water in the larger bottom pot while the smaller teapot is used to steep the Turkish tea leaves.
  • Step 2: Two tablespoons of Turkish tea leaves are placed in the top teapot. These tea leaves are then covered with boiling water from the lower teapot.
  • Step 3: The tea leaves are left to infuse into the hot water for approximately ten minutes.
  • Step 4: After steeping, Turkish tea is served in glasses.
  • Step 5: Depending on whether you want a weak or strong brew, you can fill the glass a third of the way up and then top up with clear water from the bottom pot. For a stronger brew, use a higher ratio of Turkish tea to water.
  • Step 6: Sugar cubes can be added to the Turkish tea for a sweeter taste.

Some useful tips for brewing a perfect cup of Turkish tea include:

  • When brewing your Turkish tea avoid overboiling the water as this could result in a bitter brew.
  • Do not stir or shake the Turkish tea while it is brewing.
  • Avoid over steeping as this may cause your Turkish tea to become bitter.

Side Effects of Turkish Tea

Turkish tea is a healthy beverage with little to none adverse side effects for most people. For people who are anemic, Turkish tea should be consumed in moderation since it may hinder the absorption of iron in the body aggravating their condition.

The tannins in Turkish tea may cause acidity and result in stomach upsets if the tea is not taken in moderation. Overconsumption of Turkish black tea may also cause teeth discoloration. While this tea has a host of health benefits, moderate consumption is advised.


Marmara authentic loose Turkish Black Tea

In most cultures’ tea is more than just a beverage, it is a social activity where people come together to enjoy a healthy and relaxing beverage. This is especially true for Turkish tea. The health benefits contained in this potent beverage have made Turkish tea an increasingly popular beverage across Europe and the US.

In a world where organic products are becoming fewer and fewer, Turkish tea has the added advantage of being grown in natural and pesticide-free conditions. If you are looking for a healthy and refreshing beverage with deep traditions, you cannot go wrong with Turkish tea.

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