The Best 10 Herbal Tea to Increase Fertility Naturally!

Those aspiring moms-to-be would do anything to get that baby bump, and for some women it’s quite easy but that’s not the case for everyone — a little effort is needed to achieve that. Say goodbye to the traditional idea of using prescription drugs by the doctor after multiple hospital visits, because herbal fertility tea is the way to go especially since it’s the healthiest and most natural way to it.

What is Fertility Tea?

The term “fertility tea” is commonly marketed by brands who push their products that assist in fertility and support reproductive health. Usually in the form of herbal teas, these teas contain powerful oxidants that provide nutritional support, aid the reproductive system in women and promote female hormonal balance.

Herbs that Increase Fertility

There are numerous herbs that can assist to increase chances of getting pregnant, and these herbs can be found in specific teas.

Rich in nutrients like calcium, iron and vitamin B, red raspberry leaf is the most widely known herb for promoting fertility. It helps women to regulate their menstrual cycles, and when it’s easier to predict the days of ovulation, it increases the chances of conception.

The red raspberry leaf also has a type of alkaloid that strengthens the uterine wall, so not only is it great for conceiving, it does more than just that.

Similar to red raspberry leaf, stinging nettle helps in the strengthening of the uterus lining. It is also high in calcium and magnesium, thus cleansing and detoxifying the system of harmful toxins that may affect fertility. Its calming effect also reduces stress, which indirectly impacts fertility.

Other popular herbs include chaste berry, black cohosh, primrose oil, red clover, ginger, ashwagandha, tribulus and vitex. All of these herbs could be found in forms of dried tree or herb barks, fruits, flowers, roots and others. They’re usually dried, so they’re often crushed and brewed in water.

How Does Fertility Tea Work?

There is no scientific proof to back up the claims of fertility teas to increase chances of conception, the ingredients in the teas are the keys to them being one.

The different types of herbs in each of them have functions including regulating imbalances of cycles and hormones, stimulate the release of eggs and promotes wellness of the reproductive system. On top of that, it also reduces stress, maximizes general health and wellness, and promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

On that note, fertility tea doesn’t work like a miracle. It may not be a one-time deal where you’re promised to get pregnant instantly. It depends on other factors as well like timing and state of mind, and when all of them are aligned, the baby bump is bound to show!

When Should You Drink Fertility Tea?

One to three cups a day would be a great recommended amount to consume fertility tea — that is, until the ovulation phase. Although a lot of teas claim that they’re safe to drink throughout the cycle, it’s best to stop right after ovulation.

Some teas contain herbs that aren’t recommended to consume during pregnancy, so it would be ideal to stop taking them after the ovulation stage, where there might be a chance of the egg being already fertilised and a baby in the making!

Which Fertility Tea is Best for You?

There are lots of teas that are great as “all-around” fertility teas, but before locking down the one type of tea for yourself, consider a few factors. There are teas that contain herbs with certain functions to tackle specific situations like regulating menstrual cycle, improving egg quality and hormonal imbalance.

Know yourself to choose the one that suits your body best — or consult your doctor if you’re uncertain about anything.

It’s also important to note to not take all the different types of tea at once. They have herbs that aren’t suitable to mix with each other.

1. Pink Stork Fertility Tea

This tea is now doubt the most popular fertility teas out there. The Pink Stork Fertility Tea contains herbs that are beneficial to the women’s reproductive system, including red raspberry, chaste berry and nettle leaves.

These herbs are blended into one perfectly brewed tea that enhances fertility by improving hormonal balance and regulating menstrual cycles. On top of it all, this herbal fertility tea has no caffeine in it — which means it can be consumed before, during and even after your pregnancy.

2. Traditional Medicinals Organic Healthy Cycle Tea

Containing the best herbs known for increasing chances of fertility like raspberry leaf, strawberry leaf, licorice root, stinging nettle leaf and blessed thistle, Traditional Medicinals’ Organic Healthy Cycle Tea not only helps irregular cycles become regular but also a great fix for PCOS (a condition that affects women’s hormonal levels where the hormonal imbalance affects chances of getting pregnant).

3. Fertilitea

Fairhaven’s Fertilitea has countless success stories under their belt. With the choice of tea bags or loose tea leaves, this herbal fertility tea contains components like vitex, green tea and red raspberry that not only regulates a woman’s cycle but also helps to tone the uterus lining and strengthens other parts of the woman’s reproductive system. There’s also a male version for it called Virilitea, so the husbands can take it together with their wives!

4. Moontime Fertility Tea

Just as the name suggests, this formulation of tea will get you relaxed into the “soothing ritual of connecting with the natural cycles of the moon, the earth and your body.” As with other herbal teas, Moontime Fertility Tea has all the ingredients that promotes healthy reproductive system — it even has a bonus ingredient, peppermint, which strengthens the sex drive.

5. Secrets of Tea — Get Pregnant Fertility Tea

The brand that created this herbal fertility tea is constantly getting great reviews from all of their Secrets of Tea range, including the Get Pregnant Fertility Tea.

Containing passion flower, red raspberry leaf, chasteberry, cinnamon bark and organic honey-bush, its ability to promote fertility can be proven by the success stories in the reviews.

There’s also a ginger version of the Get Pregnant Fertility Tea, and the ginger component helps the increase of antral follicle count and implantation levels.

6. Traditional Medicinals Organic Spearmint Herbal Tea

The Traditional Medicinals brand is no stranger to those healthy tea drinking lovers. The Organic Spearmint Herbal Tea not only improves general health but increases chances of fertility for women.

The primary component of this herbal fertility tea is spearmint, and it contains high levels of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. It also reduces the number of androgens while increasing the necessary hormones that promotes fertility and even regulates the menstrual cycle. It’s caffeine-free with a sweet and minty taste — who doesn’t love that?

7. Modest Earth Baby Maker Tea

A great conception and fertility aid, the Modest Earth Baby Maker Tea is full of vitamins and mineral-rich herbs like peppermint, rose, milky oat tops, nettle, dandelion lead, red raspberry, oatstraw, chamomile and alfalfa leaf. All of the ingredients are 100% organic and are healthy nutrition that promotes fertility. This herby, minty and slightly sweet brew has had great feedback from moms-to-be.

8. Teavana Citrus Lavender

Teavana is an extremely popular brand of tea, so it’s no surprise that one of their products can be a herbal fertility tea. The Citrus Lavender contains a delicious mix of orange zest, pineapple, apple lavender and chamomile, and acts as a soothe and calming remedy.

Not only does it contribute significantly to a healthy living, it helps in improving fertility as well. This caffeine-free herbal fertility tea has effects that soothes menstrual cramps and even a smooth pregnancy — the caffeine-free feature allows you to consume it even while you’re pregnant!

9. The Tazo Passion Tea

Containing all the natural herbs that can improve fertility levels, The Tazo’s Passion Tea is a blend of hibiscus, chamomile, orange peel, cinnamon rose hips and passion fruit that’s nutritional and healthy.

Not only does it have antioxidant properties containing vitamin C to help fight bacteria and tackle hypertension, the cinnamon component in this herbal fertility tea allows the reduction of heavy menstrual flow as well as improve ovary functions and health. An all-rounder in just a sip of a cup.

10. The Tazo Zen Tea

The minty Zen Tea by The Tazo is one of the perfect types of tea for all tea lovers. Its other useful features like assistance in weight loss, stomach upsets and relieving cold are not the main reasons people drink this tea.

Moms-to-be opt for this herbal fertility tea as it improves fertility levels with its ingredients like vitamin B, folic acid and other nutrients. The spearmint component also helps with hormonal imbalance. Do take note that there is caffeine in this tea, so avoiding it during pregnancy is highly recommended.


It is a given precaution that any and all herbs, if taken in large quantities, can be unsafe. Caffeine and lavender are just some components to avoid when pregnant or during ovulation to slightly assist in the fertility process. Carefully monitoring your intake, before and during pregnancy, can significantly be beneficial to you.

While fertility teas may not have science to back its claim, or a guarantee for a pregnancy, they’re still extremely popular among women who are looking to get that baby bump. It’s impossible to deny the amazing benefits the herbs bring to your body as well. A relaxed and healthy mind helps your body become as healthy as it can be.

Herbal fertility teas prep your body for pregnancy, and are easy to tailor them to meet your personal needs and preference. On top of it all, they’re safe, effective and require no medical prescription (though that doesn’t mean you can take them in excess).

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