The 10 Amazing Benefits of Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea is one of the healthiest teas that is consumed all over the world. When it comes to healthy teas, spearmint tea is a nutritional powerhouse and a potent natural remedy for many ailments and health conditions.

Spearmint tea is a soothing and calming beverage. It has a delicious minty fresh taste and an invigorating aroma. Spearmint tea is appealing to the senses and will leave you feeling refreshed long after you have drained your cup.

What Is Spearmint Tea?

Spearmint tea is made from the dried leaves of Mentha spicata, a mint herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family of plants. Spearmint is best known for its distinct aroma. Its menthol content is not as high as it is in other mint herbs, therefore it has a less pungent aroma and taste when compared to other mint teas.

Spearmint Tea Nutrition Facts

Spearmint tea is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that give it its numerous health properties. Some of the minerals in spearmint include potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Apart from essential oils such as menthol, spearmint tea is also rich in vitamins such as vitamin-A, β-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin B-6, riboflavin and thiamin.

1. Good for Pregnancy

Health experts recommend that caffeine intake should be minimal during pregnancy (200mg or less per day). This makes caffeine-free teas, such as spearmint tea, chamomile tea and rooibos tea ideal for pregnant women. These teas do not contain any caffeine and tend to have relaxing properties that help in soothing the body.

The refreshing taste of spearmint tea and its soothing properties make it a perfect drink for pregnant women. Not only is it great at relieving anxiety and stress, but it can also work as an energy-boosting drink due to the invigorating properties of menthol in spearmint tea.

The nutrient-rich peppermint tea also goes a long way in boosting the body’s natural immunity and can, therefore, aid in fending off colds and other infections. A healthy body is essential during pregnancy and therefore peppermint tea serves as a natural but effective health tonic.

2. Benefit of Weight Loss

Spearmint tea is a great weight loss beverage. By boosting the rate of metabolism in the body, spearmint tea effectively increases the rate at which fat is burned in the body. An efficient metabolic rate is necessary for weight loss therefore for people trying to lose weight, spearmint tea is an ideal beverage to include in their daily diet.

The body needs to burn fat efficiently in order to prevent excess storage of fat which results in weight gain. Teas with metabolism-boosting properties such as spearmint tea when combined with healthy eating and regular exercise can accelerate the rate of weight loss.

Spearmint tea is also known for its appetite suppressing properties and will help you in eating less by curbing hunger pangs. Additionally, spearmint tea is pretty low in calories and therefore will not add additional calories to your diet plan.

3. Hormone Regulation

Spearmint Tea is efficient in balancing hormones when taken regularly. The hormone androgen is present in both men and women. Androgen functions in reproductive processes, liver, and kidney function as well as skin and hair health. When the androgen hormone levels are either too high or too low, all these functions are affected.

It helps in regulating androgen levels which in turn, benefits the body in terms of boosting libido and reproductive processes, healthy bones and improved skin, and hair health. That cup of peppermint tea is more than just a refreshing beverage it will boost your overall health and in fact, spearmint tea has long been recommended for hair problems.

For women with hirsutism, which is characterized by abnormal hair growth on the face, chest, and abdomen, spearmint tea has been found to be effective in reducing this type of hair growth by regulating hormones in the body.

Abnormal hair growth in women is linked to the presence of excessive male hormones, the regulatory effect of spearmint tea in regulating these hormones helps in curbing abnormal hair growth.

4. Good Dental Health

Spearmint tea is effective in eliminating the bacteria that cause bad breath. The antibacterial properties of spearmint tea mean that if consumed regularly it will help keep halitosis at bay by preventing the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Multiplication of bacteria in the mouth leads to dental diseases such as bad breath or halitosis. The menthol in spearmint tea has antibacterial properties that make it effective in killing disease-causing germs in the mouth. The minty fresh taste of spearmint tea also has a fresh aftertaste that lasts long after you finish your cup of tea.

5. Improve Digestion and Relieves Stomach Upsets

Spearmint tea is an effective remedy for irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, and vomiting. It soothes stomach muscles and improves digestion. Spearmint tea contains carvone, a natural substance that effectively inhibits muscle contractions in the digestive tract soothing stomach upsets. Conditions such as IBS which are caused by inflammation in the gut can be relieved by spearmint tea due to anti-inflammatory properties and soothing effects.

It is also good for relieving bloating and has long been used to relieve nausea. Having a refreshing cup of spearmint tea after your meals will help in settling your stomach and boosting digestive processes.

6. Good for Your Memory

Studies have shown that spearmint tea can boost brain functions such as working memory, concentration, and improve learning ability. Spearmint has an invigorating effect in the body that also provides a boost in mental functions. Patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases are encouraged to drink spearmint regularly to help in boosting memory and other brain functions.

This tea has been found to aid in improving concentration and the ability to focus. It, therefore, makes a great pick me up beverage especially for people who are caffeine sensitive and cannot drink coffee.

A refreshing cup of spearmint tea in the morning will give you a mental boost and help in kick starting your day.

7. Good for Your Heart

High blood pressure is detrimental to your heart and may lead to cardiovascular diseases and other disorders. When the blood pressure is too high, blood vessels and heart muscles are damaged by the excessive pressure exerted on them.

Spearmint tea has the natural compound craven which acts in regulating blood pressure. The soothing effects of spearmint tea on the body helps to lower heart rate and may help in preventing elevated blood pressure.

8. Strengthen Pain Management

In cases such as osteoarthritis, spearmint tea may help in pain reduction and therefore makes the management of the condition easier. People with arthritis will find that regular consumption of spearmint tea reduces stiffness and pain. The antioxidants in spearmint tea are also effective in preventing excess inflammation in the body which causes swelling and pain in the affected regions.

Take this tea to relax muscles and prevent stiffness in joints. Since spearmint tea is a natural remedy you can safely consume it regularly to help in dealing with joint pain and prevent inflammation.

9. Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Tea is known for its relaxing qualities and spearmint tea is one of the best soothing teas out there. The menthol in spearmint tea has soothing and calming effects and can even act as a mild sedative. The refreshing taste and invigorating aroma of spearmint tea also boost its soothing properties.

Stress is one of the major predisposing factors for chronic diseases and natural remedies such as spearmint tea can play a big role in reducing your stress levels. In addition to the relaxing properties of the menthol in spearmint tea, it also contains no caffeine and is, therefore, a great way to unwind before bedtime after a long stressful day.

10. Boosts Immunity System

Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and essential minerals, spearmint tea boosts the body’s ability to fight off infections. Consuming spearmint tea regularly will help you in warding off common colds and flu symptoms.

It also has antibacterial properties that make it effective in getting rid of disease-causing bacteria in the gut and mouth. Long trusted as a potent natural remedy, consuming spearmint tea regularly will boost your overall health and help you avoid constant infections.

How Do You Prepare Spearmint Tea?

Spearmint tea is easy to brew at home and you can have your relaxing cup of spearmint tea any time by following these simple steps.

  • Step 1. Heat 2 cups of water
  • Step 2. Once the water has boiled, remove from heat then add in your spearmint leaves.
  • Step 3. Allow the brew to steep for five to eight minutes covered.
  • Step 4. Strain into a cup and enjoy.

Spearmint tea can be taken either hot or cold depending on your preference. Since it is caffeine-free, you can enjoy it any time of the day.

Side Effects of Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea is a perfectly healthy and safe beverage with minimal side effects for most people. However, it is always important to avoid overindulgence and consume in moderation to avoid any side effects.

For pregnant women, always consult your doctor if you have any discomfort after taking spearmint. Ensure you consume spearmint tea in moderation to avoid any side effects on your uterus.

If you are suffering from kidney or liver disease, it is best to avoid spearmint tea as it may aggravate the condition.


Tea is a healthy beverage option that comes with a multitude of health benefits. Soothing and relaxing teas such as spearmint tea are ideal for people who are caffeine sensitive or those who want to manage their caffeine intake.

A soothing beverage such as spearmint tea has the added benefit of helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Spearmint tea has been a trusted health remedy for ages and with its refreshing taste and aroma, it is easy to understand why spearmint tea is a favorite for many tea lovers.

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