Everything You Need to Know About White Tea

White tea stands out amongst other true teas since it is the least processed. Sweet, mild-flavored and fragrant, it is not hard to see why white tea was the tea of emperors in its native China. White tea is known for its sweet floral flavor and soft finish that makes it one of the sweetest tea varieties available. White tea is also rich in antioxidants and packed with essential amino acids that make it one of the healthiest and most popular teas.

What is White Tea?

White tea is made from young leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. To make white tea, the young leaves of the tea plant are harvested before they are fully open. Once the leaves are harvested, they are withered and then dried. This limited manipulation of the tea leaves during production means that the resulting white tea is fresh and organic.

White tea does not undergo any oxidation during processing thus it is the least processed of all true teas. As a result of the minimal processing white tea is regarded as one of the freshest tea varieties available.

How Does White Tea Taste?

White tea has a characteristic subtle flavor. It has notes of vanilla, honey, and citrus which combine to give it a delicate fragrance and a mild, sweet taste. White tea has a smooth and silky texture that leaves a soft finish.

If you find green tea and black tea varieties of tea too bitter or astringent, white tea offers all the health and nutritional benefits of a true tea yet with a more subtle flavor yet rich flavor, white tea is the perfect tea for you. Due to its mild flavor, white tea can also be combined with other herbal teas such as ginger to make flavored teas

White Tea Vs Green and Black Teas

Assorted Loose Leaf Tea Sampler

White tea is one of the true teas. Teas that are produced using the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant are referred to as true teas. True teas include white tea, black tea, green tea, and oolong tea. So how does white tea differ from green and black teas?

  • White tea is made using the young leaves of the Camellia Sinensis, while green tea is made using mature leaves of the tea plant.
  • White tea undergoes minimal processing while black tea undergoes oxidation as part of its production process. Green tea, on the other hand, is partially fermented during production.
  • White tea is fresher and has a mild sweeter flavor profile compared to the green and black tea varieties which tend to have a slightly bitter and astringent taste and a bolder flavor.
  • Due to the minimal processing involved in the production of white tea, it retains a higher content of antioxidants compared to green and black tea varieties.

The top health benefits of white tea include;

1. White tea is good for your skin

White tea is rich in antioxidants and amino acids. Antioxidants act by eliminating preventing free radicals and toxins leaving your skin looking younger and radiant. Dull, dry and wrinkled skin is usually a result of the accumulation of toxins and free radicals in the body leading to skin damage and premature aging. White tea helps to remedy the situation and improve the health of the skin by eliminating these free radicals from the body.

White tea also has antibacterial properties and can, therefore, help in preventing acne that results from the activity of germs in the skin. This sweet indulgent beverage can also slow down the skin’s aging process and reduce the appearance of tell-tale signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

2. White tea will boost your immunity

Uncle Lee's Tea Organic White Tea

Essential amino acids, antioxidants, and flavonoids are all healthy natural compounds that are found in white tea. These natural compounds boost your body’s ability to fight off infections keeping you fit and healthy. In fact, due to its minimal processing, white tea is the richest in all these compounds of all the green teas and is, therefore, one of the healthiest beverages you can add to your daily diet.

3. White tea has soothing properties

After a long hard day what can be better than a soothing cup of sweet white tea? The amino acids in white tea do not just improve its flavor by offsetting the bitterness of polyphenols, but the amino acids also have stress and anxiety-relieving properties.

The amino acids in white tea have been found to work simultaneously with the caffeine in tea to uplift the mood while imparting a soothing feeling that works to relieve anxiety and stress. White tea is, therefore, a great pick me up beverage when you are feeling under the weather.

4. White tea can help in regulating blood sugar

Without the right levels of insulin, conversion of glucose to energy is impaired leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Complications such as Diabetes arise when blood sugar levels are too high. White tea may help in regulating blood sugar levels by boosting the production of insulin and enabling the efficient breakdown of glucose to blood sugar.

5. White tea is good for your heart

One of the major predisposing factors for heart disease is the buildup of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels leading to the obstruction of proper blood flow caused by the thinning of blood vessels. White tea can reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol mitigating against such conditions.

Consuming white tea regularly will help you in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in your body thereby protecting your heart and keeping it healthy.

6. White tea is good for your bones

Consuming white tea regularly can increase the mineral density in bones and protect the bones from oxidative stress by eliminating free radicals. This action is attributed to the polyphenols abundant in white tea.

7. White tea boosts weight loss

Legends of China Organic White Tea

Excess weight is a major predisposing factor for many lifestyle illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and many other conditions. White tea is a healthy beverage that helps in boosting weight loss by boosting metabolism.

The body’s efficiency in burning fat is one of the factors that determine the rate at which weight can be lost. The catechins present in white tea have great metabolism-boosting properties that can accelerate your weight loss process. Make white tea a regular part of your diet to reap the benefits of improved metabolism and faster weight loss.

8. White tea has anti-inflammatory properties

Chronic inflammation is perhaps one of the leading causes of chronic diseases. Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis and many other conditions result from prolonged inflammation leading to cell and tissue damage.

The catechins in white tea give it anti-inflammatory properties that mean regular consumption of white tea can help in managing inflammation in the body. Lower levels of inflammation will lead to symptoms of inflammation such as swelling and pain becoming less intense and therefore more manageable.

People suffering from diseases such as arthritis can benefit from making white tea a regular part of their diet. Not only will it help in curbing inflammation and relieving symptoms, but it will also boost the body’s natural immunity and therefore improve the overall health and wellness of the person.

Popular White Tea Varieties

a) Silver Needle White Tea

In terms of quality, silver needle white tea is the best of the white teas. It is the most popular variety of white tea and is renowned for its delicate, light, and slightly sweet flavor. Native to the Fujian province of China this type of white tea is a deep green and features delicate white hairs. The white hairs give it a shimmering quality that is evident when the tea is brewed.

For a perfect cup of silver needle white tea, make the brew using water at a temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Allow the tea leaves to steep for at least 5 minutes. The resulting brew will be pale yellow with a light fragrance and a mildly sweet flavor with a silky-smooth texture.

b) White Peony White Tea

White Peony tea is a high-quality white tea variety second to the silver needle white tea variety. White peony white tea is made using a blend of two opened tea leaves and an unopened bud.

A white peony brew is typically slightly fragrant with mild floral notes of peony. White peony white tea is more affordable than the silver needle variety of white tea and makes a great option for those looking for a good quality white tea at an affordable price.

c) Long Life Eyebrow White Tea

Long Life Eyebrow white tea is typically made from leaves left over after the silver needle and white peony harvest and is, therefore, a lower quality tea compared to silver needle and white peony varieties. Long-life eyebrow white tea has a bold earthy flavor similar to the taste of oolong tea. Long-life eyebrow tea is available as loose leaf and also in the form of teabags.

How to Make White Tea

Double Walled Insulated Cup


White tea loose leaf or tea bags, water


  • Step 1: Heat two cups of water.
  • Step 2: Once the water has boiled, remove from heat and let it cool for five minutes. A water temperature of 160ºF to 165ºF is ideal
  • Step 3: Add four teaspoons of white tea leaves per cup. (use 2 teaspoons of white tea per cup of water)
  • Step 4: Allow the white tea to steep for five to ten minutes.
  • Step 5: Serve and enjoy. White tea is naturally sweet so it is best taken without sweeteners.

Side Effects of White Tea

White tea is a healthy tea that can be consumed safely by most people with minimal side effects. It is important to note that white tea does contain caffeine so if you are caffeine sensitive, always check the caffeine content in the white tea variety you are purchasing.

White tea is an indulgent, delicate flavored treat that will do as much for your body as it will for your taste buds. Readily available in different varieties and qualities, there is a type of white tea to match every budget and every palette. White tea has a multitude of health benefits and a rich history as a nutritious beverage that is high in quality and pleasing to the senses.

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