The Amazing Benefits of Black Currant Tea!

The origins of certain teas differ depending on the type of tea there is but one thing is for sure, each tea has its own unique effect on the body! Black currant tea is known to be medicinal and can be enjoyed in so many ways. There are even ways to enhance your tea experience.

What is Black Currant Tea?

Unlike most teas that come from herbs and etc., black currant tea comes from a Currant berry which gives it that rich and fully berry taste you might enjoy as you sip down a hot tea of this relaxing drink. Most berries aren’t compatible enough to become tea and that is what makes the currant berry unique.

Back in the day black currant tea wasn’t appreciated in the US because of how it would promote biological growth and healthy mold in wood which is a sign of life and although it had good effects on our body, it doesn’t really have a good effect on furniture. This shouldn’t be a problem at all. As long as you keep your tea in an airtight container, you won’t have to worry about this problem at all.

Here are a few benefits you can get from drinking black currant tea!

NO.1 Rich in Vitamin C

all know that Vitamin C plays a very important role in building our immune system and strengthening our organs. The lack of vitamin C can be critical to our bodies and this is why black currant tea is important.

NO.2 Antioxidant

Oxidation is quite harmful to the body and although people may think that it’s only uncomfortable, it actually damages your organs in the long run. Take care of your body by preventing oxidation in the body and cultivating a healthy system.

NO.3 Antiviral and Antibacterial

Viruses and bacteria are getting stronger around the world and without building the resistance to counter it, you wouldn’t stand a chance! Incorporating healthy options to your diet may be a great way to counter viruses and bacteria building inside of you from the harsh conditions you may have encountered.

NO.4 Improves Cardiovascular Health

Twinings of London Blackcurrant Breeze Black Tea Bags

The heart is the key to a happy life. If you haven’t heard this before, we can actually take this in a literal sense. Taking care of your cardiovascular health increases the chances for you to live a long and healthy life. The younger you are, the more oblivious you are to the idea of getting older and experiencing cardiovascular illnesses which is why you should take care of your health when you are younger.

NO.5 Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is not only irritating but also has the ability to do permanent damage towards your body. Black currant tea is a great way for you to reduce inflammation and soothe whatever irritations you may be experiencing.

NO.6 Protects Skin

Healthy skin is something we all would like to achieve but that doesn’t mean we should just pay attention towards the surface, we should go deeper and take a look at the actual health of our skin. Detoxifying your skin from time to time is a great way to promote healthier skin and protect yourself from skin related diseases.

NO.7 Improves Sleep

Sleep is usually hard to find for the person with a troubled mind. Tea has been a part of a solemn and meditative lifestyle which is why it is highly recommended to those who have trouble sleeping. Enjoy a cup of tea as you clear your thoughts before bed and see the improvement of your sleep.

NO.8 Regulates Hormones

Imbalanced hormones are the cause of many problems and sometimes even the feeling of distress may just be your hormones acting up. Making sure your body secretes a healthy dosage of hormones improves your mood and helps you deal with different emotions and impulses.

NO.9 Improves Memory

Tea Forte Black Tea

Memory can be tricky because not everyone has the ability to retain most information. This may be caused by stress in the body and improving the respiratory system has proven to improve memory as well! Black currant tea is known for this and has helped improve the memory of many confused brains out there.

NO.10 Helps Digestive System

The instant effect of black currant tea is that it helps break down solids within the stomach before they become acidic and allow them to flush out nice and clean instead of lingering and causing potential damage. It can help improving your digestive system.

Why is Drying Important?

Drying is an important way of preserving the substance without losing the benefits it comes with. This process is most popular with tea and is the sole reason why we are able to drink tea in the first place. Tea has been a classical practice which hasn’t just survived modern times but rather improved modern lifestyle.

The body doesn’t just mutate and evolve which is why what usually worked to strengthen our bodies back then still works right now! This is why people have been trying to incorporate old medicinal techniques such as the intake of herbs and most of all the practice of drinking tea.

How to Properly Enjoy Your Black Currant Tea

Although tea can be experienced and enjoyed anywhere in the world, there are a few things you can do to further this appreciation. Enjoy your cup of tea even more by elevating your experience. Here are a couple of ways to do that.

NO.1 Temperature

Depending on the type of tea, if you want to bring out the perfect taste, you have to have the perfect temperature. White and green teas are best enjoyed at a lighter 170-185 degrees Fahrenheit, oolong and brewed between 180-190 degrees, and finally black and herbal teas at 200-212 degrees.

For black currant tea, the best temperature to enjoy it is at 200-212 degrees because that’s when it really breaks down the particles into the water and you can experience the richest flavor with every sip.

Being particular with the temperature of your tea might seem like a lot of work but if you want to take your tea seriously, you may want to try it out and see the difference for yourself.

NO.2 Setting

There’s no specific setting for the perfect black currant tea experience but there is a perfect environment for it. Basically if you want to enjoy your tea more, you shouldn’t put yourself in a place that’s crowded and fast but rather a place that’s serene and slow.

Historically, tea was enjoyed in halls of slow paced but elegant movements and this is still the best way to enjoy tea.

Unlike coffee, tea isn’t really an “on the go drink” but rather a “sit down and appreciate” kind of drink and that’s what makes tea special because in this busy world around us, don’t you think it would be quite nice to slow down, sip a cup of tea, and enjoy life itself?

NO.3 Food to Pair

This is quite a complicated section but the more you understand your tea, the more this section will make sense. The first thing you have to do is assess what type of aroma and feel your tea is trying to portray. When you take a sip of your tea, do you imagine fruits, herbs, sweets, or does it have that earthly, strong, healthy feeling to it?

Once you’re able to assess what your tea makes you feel, you can find the right food to pair with it! Don’t try to mix and match too much as it might ruin the whole experience for you.

Try out something easy like eating a fruit along with a tea that gives you a fruity aroma or enjoy a herbed pasta with herb based tea. Factors like that are necessary for you to be able to find the right pairing of both your beverage and your food.

NO.4 Time of Day

There isn’t really a specific time of the day to enjoy your tea but one thing’s for sure, you should never rush it! Rushing your tea experience only compromises the whole reason of drinking tea in the first place. Try drinking your black currant tea in a time where you don’t have to do much or better yet, allocate time for you to focus on your cup of black currant tea alone.

Some teas are great before bed! There are teas that do not contain caffeine and are a great relaxant to take before bed. Not only does the tea itself help you sleep, the act of drinking tea also puts you in a mood that’s ready for bed.

In the morning! Some teas have caffeine and that really helps energize you without having the harmful components of most caffeine induced drinks. You can become both energized and relaxed at the same time. This is very doable with the right type of tea in hand.

Why is Black Currant Tea the Best?

Why is Black Currant Tea the Best?

Having a strong berry taste, black currant tea is just like other teas but stands out in terms of flavor. Not a lot of people appreciate berries anymore and berries have been used as decorations rather than the recipe itself which is what makes black currant tea interesting. Most berries are packed with a lot of medicinal advantages and this is what black currant tea capitalizes on.

Being rich in vitamins and minerals but also having the right taste profile to be acceptable to the public can be quite a challenge. Currant tea has definitely won this challenge and has been proof that you can also be healthy while enjoying what you eat. Sadly, not a lot of people realize this and that is why they would rather live an unhealthy lifestyle.

Black currant tea has had a huge cultural contribution in the past and continues to do so in this modern age and time. Now that our lifestyles have become more extreme, it’s definitely the best time to enjoy a cup of black currant tea.

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