Top 10 Healthiest Teas in The World

Drinking tea can bring hydration to the body, satisfaction in the taste buds, and improve overall wellness. Labeled as an elixir by some, tea is considered to be the healthiest drink in the world next to the water. While most tea contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, each type has its unique benefits, oftentimes more suitable for a person’s lifestyle and condition than the other. But which one is the healthiest tea and most favorable, read on as we list the top 10 healthiest teas in the world.

Top 10 Healthiest Tea: Echinacea

If you’re feeling under the weather due to colds, drink a cup of Echinacea tea. It comes from the family of Echinacea, but the most popular type is the Echinacea purpura or the purple coneflower. This is commonly used as a natural remedy to relieve one from colds and combat symptoms of flu like cough and nasal congestion. Aside from the capability to fight upper respiratory illnesses, Echinacea helps strengthen the immune system and also increases the number of white blood cells, which is responsible in eliminating infections. 

Echinacea tea helps lower blood sugar and blood pressure, these chronic diseases are often linked together and it is better to have them both at a stable ideal level.

Anxiety can be crippling for some and may lead to dependency on prescription medication, Echinacea was tested for anti anxiety medication and turned out effective. It switches off the fear reflex of a person dealing with anxiety, making them feel calmer and relaxed. Get Yours Here!

Top 9 Healthiest Tea: Ginger

Ginger is a part of a family of flowering plant Zingiberaceae, that has been used for centuries as a spice that adds flavor and for traditional medicine. Ginger tea has a tangy taste with a kick of heat to warm the body during the cool season, and it has been used by ancient Indians and Chinese herbalists to treat various illnesses. Ginger tea helps calm an upset stomach and soothe indigestion, it promotes a smooth digestive tract that prevents bloating, gas, and constipation

Ginger tea is also appreciated for relieving motion sickness symptoms such as cold sweats, dizziness, and vomiting. It also helps reduce menstrual cramps and nausea caused by morning sickness. 

Drinking ginger tea regularly will also lower the risk of acquiring certain types of cancer and heart diseases. Ginger tea is one of the healthiest tea and does not have any side effects or daily limitations, a cup of tea can be a part of one’s daily routine. Get Yours Here!

Top 8 Healthiest Tea: Hibiscus

Many admire the beautiful flowers of the hibiscus plant, it grows in countries with a tropical climate, but even better, it is hailed as one of the healthiest tea. This caffeine-free beverage helps lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. Some studies showed that drinking hibiscus tea is one of the best beverage alternatives to keep one hydrated, and it is on the same level as coconut water. It is a great source of antioxidant which is the key in reducing oxidative damage and free radicals that both attack the cells and accelerate aging. 

The taste is almost similar to cranberry juice, it has a sweet-tart flavor that is a great alternative to soda and sweetened drinks. Get Yours Here!

Top 7 Healthiest Tea: Peppermint

The aromatic minty herb which is native to Asia and Europe can do so much more than flavoring a toothpaste and candy. Inhale the aroma from the vapor of your hot cup of peppermint tea and it will provide instant relief in unclogging congested sinuses and the headache that comes with it. 

Peppermint tea is the perfect after-meal tea as it prevents digestive issues like bloating and indigestions, and it keeps the breath fresh and blocks the growth of bacteria in the mouth, further preventing infections and tooth decay.

Peppermint is also a muscle relaxant, it helps reduce menstrual cramps during a woman’s time of the month and muscle soreness. Get Yours Here!

Top 6 Healthiest Tea: Sage

Antioxidants are important in gauging which is the healthiest tea, as it helps protect the cells and reduces the risk of one acquiring chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Sage tea tends to be overlooked, but it contains rosmarinic acid that is effective in decreasing inflammation and lowering blood sugar levels. The anti-inflammatory property is vital in reducing swelling and bacteria growth that could cause infection. A cup of sage tea can help keep the breath fresh and eliminate mouth wounds and sore throats.

One of the compounds found in sage called camphor it helps promote skin-cell growth, slow signs of aging, and decrease wrinkle formation. Along with the compounds carnosol and carnosic acid that are present in sage, it protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Sage also contains Vitamin K, which is essential for bone health, circulation, and proper blood clotting. For women, sage helps relieve the discomfort of nausea from pregnant women, and hot flashes for menopausal. It was however believed that sage was consumed by new-moms who wanted to reduce their supply of breast milk, but up to this day, no further scientific evidence can back up these claims. 

Finally, sage is said to protect brain health from developing Alzheimer’s, it also improves memory, brain function, mood, and focus. Get Yours Here!

Top 5 Healthiest Tea: Oolong

Representing only two percent of the world’s tea, the traditional Chinese oolong tea is worth listing on the healthiest teas. It comes from the same family plant of green tea and black tea but goes through a different process resulting in extraordinary health benefits. 

The presence of theanine in oolong tea helps increase focus and productivity; oolong contains 10-60 milligrams of caffeine and it increases the effects of the compound. 

Oolong tea burns fat faster by raising the metabolism for up to two hours after consumption, this would result in weight loss. More so, it contains polyphenols that can block enzymes that build fat allowing one to continuously shed weight along with a healthy diet. This makes oolong tea, the best weight loss tea without acting as a laxative.

Aging causes one to lose bone mineral density making them brittle as we grow older. Oolong tea contains magnesium and calcium which protects the bones from degrading and prevents osteoporosis.

Additionally, research reports that drinking oolong a day can lower the risk of stroke and reduce the possibility of acquiring heart disease. Get Yours Here! 

Top 4 Healthiest Tea: Black Tea

Earl Grey, English Breakfast, and Chai tea – all these varieties are blended with black tea. Black tea among all of the other tea variants has the strongest flavor and highest caffeine content. This type can improve focus and alertness and can be a great alternative to those who would like to avoid coffee. 

Having high cholesterol and blood pressure may increase one’s chances to suffer a stroke or a heart attack, black tea helps lower down and stabilize these chronic diseases while it supports the heart, gut, and liver health.

Consuming black tea can also restrict bacteria growth in the mouth that can result in cavity formation and tooth decays. 

Finally, the polyphenols found in black tea help prevent the growth of cancer cells, and further reducing the risk of acquiring certain types of cancer. Get Yours Here!

Top 3 Healthiest Tea: Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is one of the healthiest tea in promoting overall wellness from hair, skin, organs, and prevention of diseases. Chamomile was used as traditional medicine for stomach ailments, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. It is also effective in reducing the menstrual cramps and muscle spasm during a woman’s PMS period. With its anti-estrogenic capabilities, chamomile tea is said to slow and even prevent osteoporosis too.

With its mild sedative effect, chamomile is a great organic treatment for those who are suffering from insomnia and anxiety.

Regularly drinking chamomile tea is beneficial for achieving a glowing look as it can lighten the skin, fight and reduce acne, and encourage hair growth

Finally, chamomile also strengthens the immune system, which prevents flu and helps relieve nasal congestion, a runny nose, and sore throat. Get Yours Here!

Top 2 Healthiest Tea: Green Tea

Green tea, landing on the second spot of the healthiest tea, was first used as traditional Chinese and Indian medicine to heal wounds, stop bleeding, aid digestion, and regulate body temperature.

It is high in epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a powerful component that has anti-cancer properties for certain types like prostate, breast, esophageal, lung, colorectal, and stomach. The natural antioxidants also protect the health of the liver, an organ responsible in flushing out toxins in the body, processing nutrients, and metabolizing drugs.

Green tea prevents brain aging and an early deterioration of the brain caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Likewise, it boosts brain function, improving focus, memory, and reaction time. Green tea can lower bad cholesterol and improve blood flow, preventing heart-related failures such as clogging of the arteries and shooting up blood pressure. It also helps lower down blood sugar by improving insulin sensitivity for those with type 2 diabetes and prediabetic.

Finally, regularly drinking green tea or matcha, can help one lose weight as it speeds up the metabolism. Get Yours Here!

Top 1 Healthiest Tea: White Tea

White tea is considered to be the healthiest tea because of how it was made. It is processed the least, retaining a highest amount of antioxidants. Just like its black and green counterparts, it is also loaded with polyphenol type called catechins that act as antioxidants. This is important to the body as it counters skin aging, weakening of the immune system, and increases the risk of chronic inflammation and a variety of other harmful diseases. The number of antioxidants retained in white teas, can help lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A study showed that participants who drank three cups or more of white tea per day had a 21% lower risk of heart disease.

Another research study showed that white tea suppressed the growth of colon cancer cells and stopped them from spreading, as well as eliminating cancer cells from lung cancer. The antioxidant properties also protect the normal healthy cells from getting damaged by the cancer cells, and therefore, white tea is said to have the capability to help fight cancer. The EGCG also promots brain health and reduces the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

One of the outstanding benefits of drinking white tea is it balances the pH level of the mouth as it contains fluoride that prevents tooth decay; catechins and tannins block plaque bacteria. Get Yours Here!

Despite all teas having its health advantages, choosing to drink tea instead of a soda or sweetened juice is already the first step to a healthier lifestyle. White tea is proclaimed the healthiest tea among all variants for regular maintenance and preventive measures. However, in specific circumstances such as a stuffy nose, one must select a tea that can perform better for that. Overall, any type of tea is beneficial for the body as long as one maintains an active lifestyle and healthy diet with it.

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