Echinacea Tea: History, Health Benefits, and More

While flowers are also beautiful to look at, they don’t always belong in the vase or a bouquet. Common flowers that are found in the garden are capable of combating viral infections such as the flu and its symptoms. Echinacea, pronounced as eh-kih-nei-shuh, is a flowering plant in the daisy family found growing naturally in the United States and Canada. The Echinacea tea has been used as an herbal treatment for centuries, learn more about Echinacea and how it can treat an illness.

History of Echinacea

Before it was available in a different form, Echinacea, a perennial plant grown in North America and Europe, was first recognized as beneficial by the Native American, and it is said that this is the most used medicinal herb in the Midwest. They used several species of Echinacea to treat various illnesses, a toothache, for example, is treated by Echinacea tea by directly leaving the liquid on the tooth for some time. 

Several tribes grew this plant-family in their garden to heal sore throat, cough, and colds. Interestingly, they even called Echinacea as “snake root”, for they found it useful in treating snakebites.  

In 1887, a famous pharmacist and herbal medicine manufacturer John Uri Lloyd first introduced Echinacea to the American health industry, making it a widely used and recommended herbal remedy by the doctors in the early 1900s. However, its popularity subdued due to the growth of drug medicine in the 20th century. But its name prospers again beginning the late 20th century, the herbal renaissance period. 

Facts About Echinacea Tea

There are different species of Echinacea some of the most commonly used are Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea pallida, and Echinacea angustifolia, however, each specie is said to provide its advantages and disadvantages causing a conflicting knowledge on the Echinacea plant – the Echinacea purpurea is the most used flower in the family.

The roots and above-ground parts of the echinacea plant are used fresh or dried to make teas, squeezed juice, extracts, capsules and tablets, and preparations for external use. Drinking it as an Echinacea Tea using fresh or dried flowers will help one maximize the holistic health benefits of this beautiful plant. 

Dosage When Drinking Echinacea Tea

Although there is a  low risk of Echinacea blocking or interfering with other medications unlike other tea, it is still best to consult for medical advice before implementing this to your daily habit. Most especially for those with chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol level, and cancer patients who are under prescription medication – the risk was seen here is that one may overdose in the effects needed. 

There are currently no standards in the maximum amount of Echinacea tea that can be consumed a day, an 8 ounce will be beneficial for regular consumption.

However, Echinacea tea and other forms are not advised by those with Autoimmune disorder (such as lupus) , Multiple sclerosis, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Tuberculosis.

Health Benefits of Drinking Echinacea Tea

One convenient way to consume and take advantage of the health benefits of Echinacea is through drinking its tea form.

High in Antioxidants

Studies revealed that these plants are full of antioxidant compounds that help defend cells against oxidative stress and free radicals that are associated with chronic diseases. More so, Echinacea contains a compound called alkamides that further enhances antioxidant activity. Alkamides renew worn-out antioxidants and helps antioxidants better reach molecules that are prone to oxidative stress.

Cures Common Colds and Flu

Echinacea tea is commonly used for treating flu symptoms. The compounds of this plant boost the immune system that helps protect the body from foreign bacteria. Whether you’ve had your annual flu vaccine or not, drinking Echinacea tea regularly is said to reduce the chances of catching the flu by 58%. Some studies also show that Echinacea increases the number of white blood cells which is vital in fighting infections in the body. 

Helps Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection

It is estimated that 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection in her lifetime. It is often caused by hormones, diabetes, antibiotics, sexually transmitted, using douche or vaginal spray, and a weak immune system. The antifungal properties of the Echinacea, helps treat the infection and prevent recurring vaginal yeast infection by boosting one’s immune system and stabilizing the blood sugar level.

Reduces Feelings of Anxiety

Research facilities have tested Echinacea plants as a potential remedy for anxiety, a common illness affecting millions of adults in the US today. It was discovered that these flowering plants contain compounds such as alkamides, caffeic acid, and rosmarinic acid that help reduce feelings of anxiety by regulating the intersection of two nerves that helps communicate the body and brain. Echinacea tea is a natural physical and mental relaxant that would help one feel calmer with or without the attacks.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and other chronic health problems are just some of the risks when one has a significantly high blood sugar level. A test-tube study showed that the extract of Echinacea purpurea, more commonly known as purple coneflower, suppresses enzymes that digest carbohydrates, meaning, it helps reduce the amount of sugar entering the blood, and in effect lowers blood sugar levels.

For those who are prediabetic a cup of Echinacea tea daily will help lower the blood sugar and reduce the risk of acquiring diabetes. While for those who already have diabetes, drinking Echinacea tea will greatly reduce the glucose but taken along with the medication prescribed by your physician, may cause hypoglycemia or low blood sugar – it is best to ask for advice on proper dosage with your physician before consuming regularly

Treats Skin Problems 

Echinacea is often a key ingredient in skincare products, it helps soothe dry and irritated skin and reduces visible signs of aging like wrinkles. Drinking Echinacea tea will help suppress the development of common skin issues like acne and eczema, while the anti-inflammatory properties reduce skin allergies or hives. On the other hand, several studies have shown that the compounds found in the play may withhold cancer cell growth and even eliminate cancer cells completely.

Can it Cure COVID-19?

Drinking Echinacea tea is an effective treatment for viral respiratory infections, a recent study conducted on an Echinacea purpurea preparation against common cold coronavirus 229E and highly pathogenic MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, indicated that the flowers could help prevent severe respiratory diseases caused by coronaviruses. The study concludes that it could treat and help the respiratory system recovery of the aftermath of COVID-19, but does not help provide immunity or cure those who are infected. 

Possible Side Effects When Drinking Echinacea Tea 

Be on alert that Echinacea may cause allergic reactions in children and adults who have severe allergies to daisies, mums, ragweed, and marigold. Some people experienced redness, itchiness, and even a rash after applying products or consuming Echinacea tea.

Some people reported they have experienced side effects such as the following:

  • Diarrhea 
  • Headache 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Sever 
  • Sore throat 
  • Difficulty in sleeping 
  • Numbness of the tongue 
  • Disoriented feeling 
  • Joint and muscle aches 

Best Echinacea Tea Products

Now that you already weighed the health benefits and possible risks of Echinacea, here is a rundown of the best and most in-demand Echinacea tea products sold in the market. 

Echinacea Plus Seasonal Tea

Traditional Medicinals claims their product’s herbal power is to fire up the immune system. The perfect formula of Echinacea Plus tea is a mix of the Echinacea purpurea’s flower, stems, leaves, and root; together with Echinacea’s angustifolia’s flowers, stems, and leaves. They balanced out the taste by blending lemongrass for a twist of citrus and spearmint lead for a hint of mint. 

This Echinacea tea is packed with health benefits that will surely provide a refreshing feeling and fresh breath – a perfect after-meal beverage. 

Lemon & Echinacea Tea

For over 70 years and three family generations, the Bigelow family has still been passionate about tea, they continue to innovate with only the highest quality of leaves and herbs. In every sip of their caffeine-free Lemon & Echinacea Tea expect a soothing and refreshing effect from the citrus that will help attain a goodnight’s sleep.

Echinacea Immune Support

Since 1969, the founders of Yogi Tea are committed to providing healthy and natural teas that are accessible to anyone. The flavorful taste of Yogi Echinacea Immune Support Tea is the result of the perfect combination of lemongrass, licorice, and peppermint. It has a mix of three varieties of Echinacea root, which are commonly used by herbalists to support immune function. It also contains Black Elderberry Extract and Mullein – herbs that are traditionally used to support respiratory function. 

Elderberry & Echinacea Organic Herbal Fruit Tea (Pukka)

Pukka’s heartfelt desire is to create a happier and healthier world through its organic herbs. Pukka has preciously made plastic-free teabag to retain the healthy essential oils in the herbs inside. So expect to fall in love with the bed of ripe wild fruits found in it: inky blackcurrants purple-black elderberries, fragrant elderflower, all touched by the tingling notes of Echinacea. 

Echinacea Green Tea Lozenges (Ricola)

A different product on the list: Ricola’s Echinacea Green Tea Lozenges. Claimed as a cough suppressant, this throat drop is specially made in Switzerland to provide a sugar-free lozenge that naturally helps calm your cough and soothe your throat. This is made with extracts of Echinacea, green tea, and peppermint – you’d surely want one even on a regular day. 

Herb Pharm Certified Organic Echinacea Root Liquid Extract

If you prefer other tea bases such as ginger tea or perhaps a cup of black tea for the caffeine rush, this potent extract from Echinacea root, Echinacea seed, and Echinacea leaf and flower can be mixed with your tea of choice. You’ll still get the health benefits of the Echinacea while enjoying your daily tea. 

Homemade Echinacea Tea Recipe

If you or your neighbors have an Echinacea plant in the garden, take advantage of the blooming period which happens from early to late summer. Harvest some fresh flowers and make some homemade Echinacea tea. 


2 tablespoons of fresh Echinacea (preferably flowers and leaves), 2 cups of water, honey, sliced lemon, sliced fresh ginger


Tea set


  1. Step 1: Wash the Echinacea flowers and leaves in running water then add inside your teapot including the ginger and lemon.
  2. Step 2: Fill the teapot with boiling water. Let this steep for ten minutes
  3. Step 3: Add a drizzle of honey in the teapot and serve.

Although there are still limited variants of Echinacea tea in the market, tea makers and blenders will surely keep up as Echinacea has been gaining popularity for its medicinal properties and the capabilities have been proven by research institutes. But now, you may explore the best blend and what to infuse in your Echinacea tea and make it a delicious way to strengthen your immune system all year round. 

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