How Can Tea Help During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation?

We live in strange times right now. At one point we were all living our normal lives and the next, the world’s in lockdown and we’re battling against this pandemic. Most of us have no choice but to stay at home. Some of us are working from home. Either way, going outdoors and gathering is not an option. What if we told you that tea, some way or another, can help combat the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)? It may be true — read more to find out!

What is Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)?

This virus needs no introduction even though it’s the newest discovered virus of them all. The Coronavirus disease is a highly infectious disease caused by a new virus. As it has only been recently brought to attention, there hasn’t been enough time yet for a cure or vaccine that can prevent the spread of this Coronavirus.

The virus is not airborne, but it is spread when a person is in contact with one who does carry the disease. It spreads primarily through coughs and sneezes of an infected person. It can also be from touching items that have the virus on it, and then touching your nose, eyes or mouth.

Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

The COVID-19 can be both symptomatic and asymptomatic. The most common symptom of the Coronavirus disease is cough and flu. In more severe cases, infected people can have difficulty in breathing.

Recommended Teas to Consume during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As mentioned, there isn’t a cure yet for the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). But there are some teas that you can drink that may help your body during these tough times. Teas are known to be loaded with various benefits depending on the tea you drink. These recommended teas are selected as it helps the body in certain areas that will boost the body to be stronger. 

1. Garlic tea 

One wouldn’t think garlic tea is ideal at a time like this. On the contrary, garlic tea is just as beneficial to the body as any other tea — even more, maybe. Garlic tea, just like ginger tea, boosts the immune system as well. Garlic tea has antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal properties that will make your body stronger against these viruses. You won’t be so easy to catch a cold or flu. (Plus: During this Coronavirus period, it will be great to increase the usage of garlic in our meals)

Garlic tea is also known as a natural antibiotic, so skip that pop antibiotic. Greek soldiers used to drink that all the time to cure infections.

2. Ginger tea

The ginger tea is especially known to ease indigestion. One other benefit ginger tea has is that it gives extra boosts of immune support, because of the antioxidants it has. Ginger tea also has tons and tons of vitamins, including iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium. These vitamins are extremely good for the body as well as strengthening the immune system. Ginger tea is also consumed to combat cold viruses and even chills and fever, which are some of the symptoms of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). 

3. Green tea

Green tea is no stranger to us. It’s potentially the tea with the most benefits to our health. So there’s absolutely no reason not to have it included in this list. Not only does green tea have anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe our insides, it is also known for its detoxification factor. Green tea removes any form of toxins in us and also prevents any from making home in our bodies. 

Home Quarantine Activities with Tea

For some (or most) of us who are staying safe at home because of the COVID-19 situation and doing the best they can to keep themselves entertained, why not bring tea into your day-to-day activities (quarantine)? Tea is more than just for drinking. There’s more to tea than just brewing a cup of it — that’s merely the final step of the long tea process. Tea has a long line of history just waiting for you to discover them and keep up the practice. From the growing journey to the formal execution of presentation, there’s so many things to do with just tea itself.

Here is a short list of them for you to try out at home to start your tea journey outside of just drinking it! Nothing can stop you from expanding your activities list, not even the Coronavirus (COVID-19)!

1. Perfect the tea rituals

While in the modern day, tea is consumed casually. Grabbing a cup of tea at any time of the day is considered a leisure activity rather than a formal one like a ritual. In the olden days, and even today, some cultures like the Japanese and Chinese have traditional tea rituals as part of their culture. And it’s not as simple as pouring into a teacup. There’s usually a whole process to it all.

Why not read up on some of these tea rituals? There’s always a significance behind the process, from the way the teapot is held and all the ware is placed to the method of sipping and even brewing. Who knows, by the end of it all, you’ll be a tea ritual master! When the whole Coronavirus (COVID-19) dies down, you’ll be able to impress your friends with your skills!

2. Learn the art of tea and food pairing

Not every food goes with tea. Not all the tea types go well with one food. Each tea type has their own flavour and aroma, and based on that, they pair perfectly with specific types of food. For example, the earthy aroma and mild flavours of green tea is usually paired with sweet treats like mochi in Japan.

Wouldn’t it be satisfying to be able to effortlessly pair a snack to the perfect tea type? Not only is it a skill that will be beneficial to you in the years to come, you’ll also be more sensitive to the flavours you taste. Your future home guests will be well impressed by your tea and food pairing skill.

3. Grow your own indoor herbs for tea

Can’t go outdoors because of Coronavirus (COVID-19)? No outdoor space? No problem! This day and age, the people have invented something called the indoor garden! You can grow quite a number of herbs for not only cooking but making tea as well! This’ll not only give you a regular supply of the herbs you grow but also brighten up the indoor space of your home.

This growing process may keep you busy and entertained, as these herbs do need time invested into them. What’s more, the herbs you grow are the freshest ones you can ever get! Don’t you want fresh tea leaves from your very own indoor garden for your cup of tea?

Reasons to Pick Up Drinking Tea

Are you not convinced about adding tea into your quarantine days? There’s so many things to do with just tea, but that’s not only it. There’s also countless of reasons to include tea in your life! Millions of people all around the world drink tea for more reasons than one — it brings people together, it’s a favourite pastime, it’s a hobby; there’s basically endless of reasons why tea is so significant to many.

Every tea drinker can agree on these three reasons listed below of the benefits of picking up drinking tea! 

1. Extremely Beneficial to Health

Tea is not only delicious but it is great for our health. All types of tea have positive impacts on our body and mind. People from ancient times have used tea for medical and psychological reasons. The Chinese have been using tea as part of traditional medicine for centuries. 

Tea is abundant in nutrients and antioxidants, along with properties like antibacterial and anti inflammatory for some. All of these are extremely good for the body to maintain and improve to a healthy level. Some even have a hint of caffeine in it, which can be good for the body as well. Not to fret though, there are loads of tea types that do not have caffeine in it.

2. Affordable Luxury

The finest loose leaf tea in the world might be considered a luxury, but one that is extremely affordable. Compared to other beverages out there, even the most expensive tea is not considered pricey. 

To cut costs even more, growing your own tea leaves almost cost nothing and it tastes just and good, and even fresher! It is even rewarding to grow your own tea leaves at home, seeing its progress from a tiny seed to a full-grown plant. Not to mention, you’ll have an endless steady supply just footsteps away from wherever you are at home.

3. Good for the world

Tea demands careful labour, the best conditions of lands and skillful experience. The fine tea industry is truly a holdout one, making significant difference to the tea produced in factory farms. Drinking tea from these highly renowned companies known for their quality tea benefits not only you, but also the farmers who produce it, the environment and the communities involved. 

Growing tea leaves does no harm to the world. If anything, it creates a constant flow of nutrients for the ground they held their roots in. It’s all about getting the best care and condition that differentiates good tea leaves from others.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) may have resulted in us being at home and off the streets, but that’s not stopping anyone from still involving tea in their lives and even playing a part positively in this pandemic. What’s not to like about tea? With all its plus points and natural benefits, there’s no way you’re not convinced to pick up a bag of tea bags or leaves yourself. Or even getting some seeds to plant your own tea leaves during this Coronavirus period! 

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