12 Best Detox Teas for the Body

Have you ever been led on by a detox tea that claims to help you lose weight or clean out your liver but doesn’t deliver? The majority of these products are artificially done in a lab and what you’re paying for only goes to their advertising cost. Tea is a natural product that needs no further introduction, but what is less known is its detoxifying abilities to the body. Here are some detox tea types you could try for yourself.

What are Store-bought Detox Tea?

While there are ready-made detox teas in the market, it’s best to know the truth behind these self-proclaimed detox teas. Studies have shown that these detox tea does not surpass the health and detox benefits that one can find in green and black tea. These detox teas are said to promote short-term and non-sustainable weight loss and still contain a bit of green and/or black tea mixed with other ingredients such as diuretics (like nettle leaf or dandelion leaf) or laxatives (senna leaf). However, researchers stated that the claims to flush out toxins better than green or black tea are not proven, and it is best to detox the body with natural ingredients we are well aware of.

Benefits of Natural Detox Tea

Our bodies have their natural way of detoxifying, however, with our lifestyle and eating habits it can slow it down, risking ourselves from possible illnesses. There are natural ways to boost our capability to detox, and drinking tea is one great to detoxify. So what are the health benefits that you should look out for that signals a natural detox agent? Simple, it’s something that boosts one’s energy levels, aids digestion, and weight loss, reduces inflammation, improves skin and oral health, enhances your mood, and strengthens your immune system

12 Amazing Detox Tea Recipes for the Body

Pomegranate Green Tea

Pomegranate is often referred to as the “divine fruit,” is one of the most commonly mentioned fruits in many theology books. Fresh pomegranate juice has outstanding antioxidant and anti-tumor properties that help detoxify the liver. It is also known to be a good source of folic acid, as well as vitamins A, C and E. Green tea is well regarded as an effective weight loss agent because it improves metabolism. However, the lesser-known benefits of frequently drinking green tea include its ability in reducing cholesterol levels and detoxifying the body to maintain a healthy circulatory system and complexion. This power-combination is one of the best detox tea options.

Ginseng Tea

If you’ve seen those weird looking roots in a glass jar at your Asian markets, those are ginseng which is good for the bodies, and fortunately, ginseng is available in tea form and this can easily be your morning detox tea habit. It is not known to many that ginseng helps boost hair growth, the antioxidant properties in ginseng are more concentrated on the health of the cardiovascular system which revitalizes the blood flow. This also stimulates the blood flow in your scalp which improves the health of your hair follicles. Through this, hair growth will be enhanced and hair loss can be avoided. Ginseng is also an effective tool to build up your metabolism. Because it regulates the blood sugar and energy levels, it assists you in fighting fatigue and becoming more active. It also speeds the process of burning carbohydrates, preventing the body from storing residual fats.

Orange Oolong Tea

Like the majority of the detox tea in this list, Orange Oolong Tea is also effective for losing weight because of the nutrients it contains, it lowers cholesterol levels, boosts your metabolism and aids in digestion causing weight loss. Orange, on the other hand, is high in vitamin C which helps boost one’s immune system, controls blood sugar levels, detoxifies the body, and lowers the risk of cancer. The flavor of oolong tea is great for mixing other citrus fruits, adding a zesty orange fruit with the tea adds not only flavor but health benefits. To prepare, once the oolong tea is brewed, mix with a freshly squeezed orange juice at your desired amount.  It may also be served either hot or chilled depending on your preference, you can also add a teaspoon of honey for a bit more sweetness. →Get your oolong tea here!

Chamomile Mint Tea

Mint helps soothe the digestion process and it is also a known cure for headaches, the anti-inflammatory properties of mint keep mucus at bay and ease swelling as well. Mint contains countless antibacterial and antiviral properties that can diminish the risks and effects of mild flu and cold. While chamomile is known for helping individuals with insomnia, it is also useful in treating diabetes, decreasing blood sugar levels, and balancing the pH levels in the stomach reducing the risk for stomach ulcers and stomach pain. One surprising fact about chamomile tea is it helps reduce menstrual cramps and slowing down the development of osteoporosis. Aside from this, it can also treat symptoms of cold, and mild skin conditions and is an excellent detoxifying agent. With all that said, chamomile infused with mint leaves is a great healing detox tea. →Get your chamomile tea here!

Honey Lemon Green Tea

Green tea is known to improve brain function and boost metabolism which makes it a very powerful fat burner and a great way to flush out toxins, this detox tea can help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases. In addition, Catechins which is present in green tea, is a disease-fighting flavonoid and antioxidant that when mixed with lemon increases its side-effect to the body. While honey, will not only make your drink taste better but is very rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This combo is great for fighting colds, soothes cough, and relieves discomfort from symptoms of flu. →Get your honey lemon green tea here!

Lemon Cinnamon Black Tea

Lemons have a high amount of vitamin c, it helps boost the immune system, aids in healthy digestion and alkalizes the body which balances pH levels. Mixed with cinnamon, which is high in antioxidants, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and helps the body balance its blood sugar level. The black tea as the detox tea base for this drink has many detoxifying properties such as boosting heart health, helps lower bad cholesterols, reduces blood pressure, lowers the risk of stroke and may help lower risk of cancer. Add lemon juice and 2-4 cinnamon sticks to the brewed black tea, adding honey for sweetness is also beneficial. →Get your Cinnamon Sticks here!

Lemon Ginger Tea

Lemon mixed with ginger is a very powerful detox tea combination of ingredients that offers a holistic effect to the body such as (1) ginger helps suppress hunger while lemon lowers fat levels in the body, this is good for weight loss and for boosting one’s metabolism. (2) Lemon is rich in vitamin c and antioxidants which when paired with ginger helps fight infections and inflammations, they are great for boosting one’s immune system and fighting common flu. (3) It makes the skin healthy because both lemon and ginger are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and it promotes healthy skin. (4) Lemon ginger tea makes one feel soothed and relaxed, it even helps in nausea and vomiting therefore a great drink for pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness.→Get your Lemon Ginger Tea here!

Peppermint Black Tea

Peppermint added to brewed black tea adds spice to plain old black tea. For such a simple ingredient, it encompasses a lot of detoxifying properties on top of the already numerous detox properties of black tea. Peppermint for starters is commonly used in toothpaste and breath fresheners because of its antibacterial properties, so it is great for improving oral health. The natural compound found in peppermint increases energy levels and lowers fatigue levels, it also eases indigestion, relieves bloating, gas and indigestion.→Get your Peppermint Black Tea Tea here!

Ginger Mint Green Tea

From all the previous nutritional facts about green tea and mint, you know by now that it has numerous medicinal properties. What you have yet to know is the benefits you could get when you add ginger to the mix, one of the uses of ginger mint green tea is detoxifying the respiratory system, it does this by draining the mucus out of the respiratory tract. This addresses respiratory problems at an early stage by killing the bacteria which may infect the sinus cavities. This type of detox tea could also serve as a pain killer for acute pain in one’s joints. Because ginger is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it can reduce dependency on painkillers.→Get your Ginger Mint Green Tea here!

Lavender Chamomile Tea

Another detox tea meant for healthy mental wellness is this combination of lavender and chamomile. When you hear the word “lavender,” one of the first things that pop in your mind is its relaxing floral smell, however, this herb has so much more to offer than its pleasant fragrance. Lavender is a great source for detoxifying and it contains strong healing powers such as easing menopausal flushes, treating skin blemishes, fighting fungus growth and relieving asthma. When the pleasant aroma of lavender and the power of chamomile tea combine, it forms a natural sedative that can cure migraine, muscle tension, and insomnia. The combination of these two is equipped with antioxidants that helps detoxify the mind and the body through the endocrine system which helps lower one’s stress levels.→Get your Lavender Chamomile Tea here!

Mint Lemon White Tea

Just from the name itself, it gives off a very refreshing jolt. It may be served cold (as a thirst quencher and refreshment) or hot for relaxation. White tea is very rich in antioxidants like green tea, and just as powerful as a fat burner. It also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and because of its bioactive compounds it may protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Together, this mix is not only tasty but also delicious detox tea.→Get your White Tea here!

Jasmine Tea with Lime

Jasmine tea is packed with antioxidants often based on green, white or black tea. Like the other teas on this list, jasmine tea doesn’t fall behind in boosting your metabolism. Due to its antibacterial properties, it is an effective detoxifying agent, lowers some types of cancers, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and may boost brain functions caused by the effects of caffeine present in the tea. Lime is rich in antioxidants, vitamin c, and other various nutrients. Lime reduces the risk of heart disease and may prevent kidney stones. Also, because of high vitamin c and antioxidant levels, lime promotes healthy skin.→Get your dried lime tea here!

With all the junk food that you consume every day and all the unhealthy lifestyle and sleeping patterns you’ve developed, you need to find a way to make up for the insufficient nutrients and discard the waste. It’s so easy to give in to a sluggish lifestyle and lose motivation. Drinking your choice of detox tea can be one of the most effective ways of helping your body detoxify and get rid of the toxins you’ve accumulated over the years.

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