All About Darjeeling Tea: Benefits, Uses and Good Recipes!

Ever heard of Darjeeling tea? This type of tea is one of the most well-known tea varieties of all time and is loved by many. Its high demand and popularity are because of its unique ability to be processed in different ways, resulting in various aroma and flavor. From black and oolong to green and white tea, you can have your pick of darjeeling tea. Let’s explore more about this very special type of tea that’s so loved by many!

What is Darjeeling Tea?

So, what is this famous type of tea? Darjeeling tea is named after the region it’s grown in, which is in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal in India. This type of tea is from the tea plant called Camellia sinensis and it goes through periods of dormancy and growth like any other plant. Darjeeling tea plant is light colored with a floral aroma. This tea plant is special as it undergoes various harvesting periods throughout the year that’s known as flushes, making different categories and types of darjeeling tea. There’s also a grading system for this tea, graded by the quality and size of the tea leaves. Whole tea leaves are graded at the highest level, the broken leaves and fannings — which are small leaf particles, also considered as waste that is left by the tea leaves — are in the middle grade while the dust is at the lowest grades. 

Types of Darjeeling Tea

As mentioned above, darjeeling tea leaves go through various harvesting periods known as flushes. Each flush is a type of darjeeling tea, and the period starts when the tea plant grows new leaves and it ends when they’re harvested. These harvest periods are based on the weather rather than the exact time of the year, hence the periods might not be fixed for each year — rainfall can affect the duration of each period as well. 

Flushes create different types of darjeeling tea because of each flush results in a different colour, aroma and taste of the darjeeling tea leaves. This is because of the exposure of environmental factors during the period. It is during flushes that you’re able to get the various types of darjeeling tea — black, white, green and oolong tea.

1. First Flush

The first harvest of darjeeling tea happens in spring, after the cold winter, about early April. During this period known as the first flush, the tea leaves are more distinct with a flowery and bright aroma. They’re the freshest batch in the whole year and because of that, they’re the most expensive flush out of them all. 

2. Second flush

About three to four weeks after the first flush harvest, the tea plants will generate new buds and leaves for the second round of harvest known as the second flush. These leaves are more matured compared to the first flush but it still retains the richness and complexity. Second flush darjeeling tea leaves are darker in colour and stronger in flavour. Sometimes, depending on the weather of the second flush, there’s also a stronger fruity aroma. 

3. Monsoon flush

The monsoon flush, compared to the first two flushes, are not as rich. This harvest happens around June when the abundance of rain hits the darjeeling tea plantations. Because of a large amount of water, the plants go into production overdrive. As the quantity increases, the flavour decreases — monsoon flush darjeeling tea is more neutral in taste and thinner in the body. While they’re not as premium as the first two, this type of tea is great for blending, tea bags, and other lower value purposes.

3. Autumn flush

Depending on how the weather is like, an autumn flush might be possible. Autumn flush darjeeling tea leaves are larger than others, but it is almost similar to the second flush in terms of flavour — it is priced lower than the second flush, though.

Darjeeling Tea Flavor

Darjeeling tea is known as the champagne of teas. It has a similar taste to that of muscat white in terms of the musky-sweet flavour. There isn’t a one-taste-fits-all for darjeeling tea, however. One darjeeling tea plantation can churn out various tastes. Because darjeeling tea has various flushes, it creates various types of flavours — they can be anything from delicate and light to full-bodied and powerful.

Benefits of Darjeeling Tea

Why do people love darjeeling tea so much? Is it because of flavour or origin? Or is there more to it? That’s right, darjeeling tea has countless of benefits that attracts tea lovers to their type. Let’s take a look at the top five benefits of darjeeling tea.

1. Calming effects

Darjeeling tea is extremely known for its calming effects due to its content of L-theanine, which is a type of amino acid that tackles the nerves and keeps the mind calm and peaceful. Tea is already a calming activity, but with the additional factors of darjeeling tea, it makes the perfect anxiety and stress reduction tea.

2. Boosts immune system

The contents of darjeeling tea are known to help your body against viral infections, chronic diseases and other similar situations. Drinking it constantly may eventually lead to a boost in the immune system as well as change the speed of our metabolism. 

3. High in antioxidants

Darjeeling tea has high antioxidant content that improves the body’s overall function. These antioxidants help with detoxification and possibly slows down the ageing process of the drinker. This tea is proven to have eight to ten times more polyphenols and antioxidants than those found in fruits and vegetables.

4. Promotes dental health

The black tea version of darjeeling tea can help with promoting healthy dental health as it prevents the plaque from forming in our mouths. It also destroys any acid that causes tooth decay, as well as eliminating bad breath due to the tea’s content of tea polyphenols that reduces the production of elements that cause bad breath.

5. Prevents heart problems

The high amounts of flavonoids in darjeeling tea reduces the likelihood of clots which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks. Studies have shown that it reduces the risk by 44%. With regular consumption, the darjeeling tea is effective in preventing any problems related to the heart.

Side Effects of Darjeeling Tea

With every good, there’s always a bit of bad. However, with correct and proper consumption, these side effects are avoidable. 

Darjeeling tea has a high content in theine which may be bad for those with high blood pressure. Limiting the dosage of darjeeling tea will solve the issue.

It’s not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers to be consuming darjeeling tea as it contains caffeine.

Try to avoid drinking darjeeling tea before a meal as it might affect the body’s absorption of iron. It’s best to buy from organic and premium brands that offer darjeeling tea to avoid such complications.  

Recommended Darjeeling Tea Products

Darjeeling tea is so popular that there are so many brands out there offering this special type of tea. However, as mentioned before, there are various grades of darjeeling tea leaves as well as flushes that decide what’s the best kind of darjeeling tea.

The question is, how do we get our hands on the quality darjeeling tea, then? Here are some of the recommended darjeeling tea products from well-known brands that are guaranteed to be among the best of them all.

1. VAHDAM Tea Glenburn King First Flush

VAHDAM Tea is without a doubt one of the most popular tea brands in the entire world! This brand has an excellent reputation with a wonderful collection of darjeeling tea. Their Glenburn King first flush product is one of the best out there — its flavours are fruitful and floral, the tea itself is light and refreshing. This darjeeling tea is perfect to be made in both hot and cold and you’ll be done with this bag of darjeeling tea in absolutely no time.

2. Bigelow Darjeeling Blend Black Tea Bags

Not as premium as first flush loose whole tea leaves of darjeeling. Bigelow’s Darjeeling Blend Black Tea Bags is exceptional for what it is. This tea brand is one of the most popular brands in the world, known for providing the best at affordable prices. This darjeeling tea product by Bigelow is extremely popular because it exceeds expectations in terms of flavours and aroma — they’re so rich and full-bodied! This is highly recommended for those who wants to try darjeeling tea at a bargain price.

3. Twinings of Londons Darjeeling Loose Tea

Twinings strives to provide convenience for the premium types of tea, and they’re extremely known for that. Their Darjeeling Loose Tea product is different from the rest of the other brand’s darjeeling tea because it is all-natural, which reflects in the unique oxidation levels that are visible in the leaves as well as the size. It is a step higher than the rest as well in terms of price, but rest assured that it’s well worth every penny.

Recipes for Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling is such a beneficial and delicious tea that it’s nice to have easy access to a nice cup of brewed darjeeling tea. Here’s a simple and efficient way to brew your own!


Darjeeling tea leaves, water, ice (for cold version), preferred sweetener (optional)


Tea pot, tea cup, tea strainer (optional)


  1. Boil water.
  2. Put tea leaves in a tea strainer (for iced version) or straight into the teapot.
  3. Pour hot water into the teapot and let it steep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Pour brewed tea into a tea cup.
  5. For iced tea, remove the strainer and pour ice into the teapot.


With various benefits and complex processing on top of their unique and rich flavours that are ever-changing throughout the year, it’s no wonder darjeeling tea is an extremely loved type of tea. From casual drinking of the tea to using it for health reasons, darjeeling tea is one tea variety that wouldn’t lose its popularity any time soon.

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