12 Best Teas for Spring

The snow is finally melting after the gloomy winter season, the weather is getting warmer, and the leaves are starting to grow back – it’s springtime! Now that the flowers are blooming, seasonal springtime teas will be available once again. What we often see in flower shops can surprisingly be edible and turned into a tea that is packed with great health benefits. 

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known as a natural sedative that helps those who are having trouble with going to sleep. What makes this plant the best is that the flowers bloom from spring until mid-autumn. Harvest a handful and steep the fresh flowers in hot water, add your honey or milk and get the relaxing sleep that will surely re-energize you for the following day. 

Traditional Medicinals Organic Chamomile with Lavender Herbal Tea

End the day feeling relaxed with this soothing trio of  chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. Enjoy the benefits of these natural muscle relaxants that will help you fall asleep faster at night. 

Lilac Tea

Lilac flowers bloom in May the colors often vary in the shades of white, violet, and blue. The fresh lilac flowers and leaves can both be used for making tea by simply steeping and a handful with hot water. It’s packed with many health benefits such as eliminating intestinal worms, reduces fever, and eases anxiety. It also treats skin problems and improves skin health. Lilacs are a natural antifungal and antibacterial which helps fight common flu symptoms. 

Simpson & Vail, Inc. Lilac Bouquet

The aroma of lilacs immediately signifies the peak of spring, enjoy a hot cup of lilac tea any time of the year. 

Mint Tea, Peppermint Tea, and Spearmint Tea

Experiencing an allergic reaction is common during springtime, one of the common symptoms is having clogged sinuses that would lead to headache. The mint family is a popular essential oil for a reason because it helps one breathe easier when diffused in the air. Drinking any tea from the mint family will act as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant allowing you to breathe better.  The menthol present in mint leaves is also a natural muscle relaxant and is good for reducing stress.  Grow them in a pot and brew a cup of tea with a handful of fresh leaves that will keep your breath fresh.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Smooth Move Senna Peppermint Laxative Tea

This blend helps relieve constipation and bloating. Senna is a natural laxative that could help with weight loss by eliminating water weight. Make a cup before bedtime and maximize the effects of the peppermint as it keeps your breath fresh the entire night. 

Licorice Tea

While everything is in full bloom, spring is also condemned as the allergy season caused by the pollen in the air. The licorice plant contains an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory property that would help reduce any reaction from the pollen. It helps with allergic dermatitis and hives, asthma, sneezing, itchy or runny nose, and other common allergic reactions. Drink a cup of licorice tea before you head out will surely make a difference as you battle with seasonal allergy.

Buddha Tea Organic Licorice Root Tea

Similar to the candy, the licorice extracts a naturally sweet flavor, it’s caffeine-free and a great tea before bedtime. 

Organic Egyptian Licorice 

Ancient Egyptian patronized licorice for its healing properties. This blend is infused with cinnamon and orange peels which gives a warming effect for the body.

Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm tea is a natural relaxant that is effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It also contains an antihistamine that helps relieve any respiratory symptoms caused by allergies.  

Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Balm Herbal Tea

This blend offers a pleasing lemony scent and citrusy flavor will surely keep you feeling refreshed throughout the day. 

Cherry Blossom Tea (Sakura Tea)

Spring season is often associated with colors of pink and red due to the flowers blooming this season. The cherry blossom flowers are the national flowers of Japan, it symbolizes a time of renewal as it blooms during spring. Every year, thousands of tourists visit the parks that are covered with cherry blossom trees giving a baby-pink picture-perfect landscape. The leaves and flowers are also edible and are said to have a fragrant, salty-sour taste. Try the cherry blossom tea and have a taste of the wonders of Japan.

Harney & Sons Caffeinated Cherry Blossom Green Tea Tin 

This unique blend of green tea infused with cherry blossom flowers and cherries will  surely transport you to the heart of the Japanese tea culture. Drink a cup after a meal and the hints of natural sweetness from the tea will curb your sugar cravings.  

Sakura Green Tea & Black Tea Set

This duo offers both green and black tea infused with cherry blossom leaves and flowers. It has a fragrant flavor without tasting too perfumey. 

Jasmine Tea

The jasmine flowers bloom in spring until autumn, it is infused in regular green, white, black, or oolong making it the jasmine tea we all know. Drinking a cup of jasmine tea during spring is perfect for shedding the few pounds you’ve gained over the holiday season. It helps speed up metabolism and can burn an extra 70–100 calories per day. 

Harney & Sons White Tea, Dragon Pearl Jasmine

The Dragon Pearl Jasmine are hand-roller jasmine flowers with white tea leaves that resemble round pellets. The pearls are said to bloom once the teabag is dipped in hot water, which releases the extracts from this blend. 

Twinings of London Jasmine Green Teabags

This green tea infused with jasmine flowers offers a smooth yet mild body with a unique floral aroma and taste. 

Carnation Tea

Carnation flowers bloom in late spring, it does not only belong in vases but the flowers are also edible and can also be eaten with food or brewed for tea. Carnations are natural muscle relaxants and are used for treating the nervous and coronary disorders. A cup of carnation tea can reduce stress, nervousness, and relieve any symptoms of depression. 

Dried Carnation Flower Herbal Tea Loose Leaf

These loose dried flowers are flexible to use. Steep it as is or infuse it with peppermint tea for a different flavor. It helps detoxify the organs and promotes weight loss.

Stinging Nettle Tea or Nettle Leaf Tea

Stinging Nettle has been used as herbal medicine since ancient times to treat hives and allergies. It helps treat hay fever, an allergy that involves inflammation in the lining of the nose. It is said that stinging nettle tea is the best type of tea to fight any allergies during the spring season.

Buddha Teas Organic Divine Immunity Blend Tea 

Spring is in, and this unique blend will surely give you the taste of the season. Be prepared for a burst of flavor that is meant to improve the immune system. The rosehips and cherry bark provides a flowery fragrant; the cranberry, lemon balm, and elderberry provides a hint of tartiness; and the nettle leaf and lemongrass extracts a grassy-type flavor.

Butterbur Tea

Pollen allergies during spring can cause mild to severe allergic reactions that include breathing difficulties, itchy and watery eyes, and skin rashes. Butterbur is a great alternative for antihistamine medications and could also treat migraines and hay fever.

Butterbur Tincture Alcohol Extract

Brew a cup of mint tea and add a few drops of this extract in the morning. It has strong antihistamine properties that will protect you from allergies the entire day. 

Echinacea Tea

A local herb found in the Rocky Mountains, the Native Indians and Americans used echinacea to fight infections. The popularity of this organic product made it available in tablets, juice, and in tea form. It is used to treat upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, and inflammations that helps reduce symptoms of the cold and flu.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Echinacea Plus Elderberry Seasonal Tea

Wash off a heavy meal with this tea that bursts with sweetness and tartiness from the berries. It has an immune-stimulating property that will help fight off any symptoms of the flu caused by the changing of the season. 

Thyme Tea

Vitamin C helps boost the immune system and is a natural antihistamine agent. Thyme tea is a great source of vitamin C, 100 grams of thyme contains 160mg of vitamin C in comparison to 100 grams of orange that only contains 53.2 mg. It also has antiseptic and antimicrobial property that helps fight infections such as the common flu. Drink a cup of thyme tea in the morning to avoid any allergic reaction throughout the season.  

Adanim Bio Eucalyptus Thyme & Mullein Leaf Tea Bags

This blend is made to support respiratory health and lung detox. It helps relieve coughing and sore throat, perfect for any allergic reactions during the spring season. 

Tea Holidays in Spring 

National Tea Day – United Kingdom

Tea has been a part of the British culture for almost two centuries, it has been deeply rooted in their culture that they consume upto 60 billion cups a year. The Brits show their appreciation for the tea during their National Tea Day held every year on April 21. It is often celebrated by hosting or attending a tea party.

For the year 2020, the Brits celebrated this holiday by having a virtual tea party to promote how drinking tea can combat feelings of isolation, loneliness and anxiety as the whole country is on lockdown.

National Bubble Tea Day – United States of America 

In celebration of the Taiwanese drink that has made its way to America, the National Bubble Tea Day is celebrated on April 30. Bubble Tea or Boba Milk Tea are tea-based drinks sweetened by cream and have tapioca pearls for extra texture. If the nearby stores are currently closed, make some at home by following this recipe.

Tulip Festival

The Netherlands is the home of the tulip festival; it is a month-long celebration in April when the tulips are in full bloom. Flevoland is the largest tulip farm with over 5,000 acres of red, yellow, and purple flower-bulb fields where windmills and wooden shoes can also be seen. There are great activities in the area aside from picture taking, they also offer tulip ice cream and tulip tea during the season. 

Cherry Blossom Festival

Hanami is a term used for cherry blossom viewing during its peak bloom, it is celebrated with picnics, parties, and sake. The cherry blossom festival varies from year to year, depending on the forecast, but it is often held within March-April. During springtime in Japan, merchandise would release a special cherry blossom themed or infused products that includes Asahi beers, Starbucks drinks, potato chips, Sakura flavored Kit Kat, Sakura flavored Pepsi and Coca-Cola, and cherry blossom teabags.

Mackinac Island Lilac Festival

Lilac Festival is a week-long celebration at the end of spring in Mackinac Island, Michigan. Their activities include a walking tour in the lilac garden as well as planting lilacs. There are also beer, wine, and tea-drinking activities, where these beverages are infused with lilac. Other activities include art shows and performances.

Have a taste of Japan and try the Sakura or Cherry Blossom tea.  Ever thought tulip flowers can be made into tea? Might as well experience it during the tulip festival. A city can show their appreciation by hosting a flower festival that also markets products made by their flower, it gives a unique experience for the visitor and a souvenir worth bringing home. Spring is a wonderful season, it symbolizes a new beginning of hope and growth. It could be referred to as the allergy season, but a cup of tea can help you be prepared for the irritation it may cause. Overcome the sniffles and enjoy the flowers and trees blooming once again, a great reminder that the gloomy winter will eventually pass. 

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