Top DIY Tea Face Masks – The Tea Secrets You Can’t Miss Out On

Lots of people, including individuals in the beauty community, swear by using a DIY tea face mask to improve and enhance their skin. Because of this many companies have come out with various black and green tea face mask products, but the best benefits are found in DIY versions. Many teas have so many different benefits for your internal health, so why not use it for your external health too? As well as helping with weight loss and energy, tea used topically can help to soothe and calm skin, as well as tightening and toning the skin’s surface.

In this article, we will go into the different types of tea that can be used in a DIY tea face mask, the benefits of using a DIY tea face mask, recipes for making one at home, and where to buy the best quality ingredients for a fantastic DIY tea face mask.

What Goes Into a DIY Tea Face Mask

Whether it’s white, green, black or even a special tea blend, what goes into a DIY tea face mask varies, and with that variation will come different benefits for your skin. Along with other natural ingredients, a DIY tea face mask can also come with a host of other additional benefits. Here, we will go into some variations of tea face masks that you can DIY at home and the benefits of each ingredient.

1. White Tea

White tea can prevent the breakdown of collagen in the skin and keep its tightness. Used weekly, a white tea face mask can be perfect as an anti-ageing remedy for the skin.
Combined with honey and some baking soda, this DIY face mask can also soothe your skin and with its antibacterial properties from the honey, can help reduce acne breakouts.

2. Chamomile tea

Naturally soothing and calming, chamomile tea has been used for centuries to both relax the mind and the skin. If you are prone to outbreaks of acne, rosacea, or any form of skin redness, chamomile tea can be highly beneficial in clearing it up.
It’s also great for sensitive skin that needs a little more love, as it’s gentle on the skin and has no chemicals that are harsh or abrasive.

3. Matcha green tea

Full of antioxidants that can help to repair skin and prevent further damage, matcha green tea can also help to boost circulation to give a radiant glow to your skin. Green tea also contains some caffeine, which can help to wake up and energise your skin too. If you want to enhance it’s moisturising properties, making a DIY face mask with both matcha powder and olive oil can make sure your skin is as smooth and as supple as can be.

4. Black tea

Black tea is brilliant for tightening pores, preventing acne, and soothing red or itchy skin. It’s a dream for any DIY face mask lover and can be used weekly to help improve your overall skin quality. It can also give your skin a healthy glow, as well as being natural and filled with healthy, good for you ingredients, with no harsh chemicals. You can also add avocado oil to improve the face mask’s moisturising qualities as well as increasing the nutrient content of the DIY face mask.

Benefits of DIY Tea Face Mask

There are so many amazing benefits to using a DIY tea face mask, it’s no wonder they’ve become so popular. The different teas used can have different benefits. For example, the benefits of using a white tea face mask will be different to those you will get from using a black tea face mask. The reason for this is down to the different levels of antioxidants, catechins, caffeine and more in each type of tea. Here, we will detail the benefits of using each type of tea in a DIY face mask on your skin.

White tea in a DIY face mask

White tea contains lots of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body in order to prevent skin damage or even to help repair it. Therefore, white tea is fantastic for preventing ageing and also in treating acne breakouts.→Grab yours here!

Chamomile tea in a DIY face mask

There are many different types of herbal teas, and many have some great skin benefits if you use them in a DIY face mask. We mentioned chamomile tea earlier, which is great for calming and soothing skin, but there are also many other types.Jasmine tea is amazing for skin conditions like eczema, dandelion tea has antioxidants to keep your skin healthy, ginger tea is anti-inflammatory, and peppermint tea can slow oil production in the skin.→Grab yours here!

Green tea in a DIY face mask

Green tea is a powerhouse for skin benefits, thanks to it’s high concentrations of antioxidants and caffeine. It’s a great anti-inflammatory agent for reducing redness, helps to maintain collagen levels, and can even get rid of dark circles.
The caffeine levels in a DIY green tea mask helps to shrink blood vessels around the eye area, so that it reduces skin puffiness and reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Plus, if you use it on your hair, it can also help to stimulate hair growth and promote healthy hair!→Grab yours here!

Black tea in a DIY face mask

Black tea is great for dry and dull skin, as well as reducing puffiness under the eyes if used regularly. It is also great for preventing ageing and skin cancer, thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants that it contains.
It’s also fantastic at reducing damage from UV radiation through sun exposure, creating a natural SPF that can help to combat the UV radiation from the sun. However, a DIY face mask should not be used solely as sun protection and should be used in conjunction with a high SPF sun cream.→Grab yours here!

DIY Tea Face Mask Recipes

Different types of tea will have different benefits when used on the skin. Here, we have gathered a couple of DIY face mask recipes we found that have amazing benefits for the skin, and are surprisingly simple and cheap to make. Read on to find out more.

NO.1 Black Tea and Honey Face Mask

This DIY face mask is only three ingredients, so is super simple for you to make at home. It uses black tea, honey and lemon juice to make your skin radiant, smooth and refreshed. The honey is great for clearing up acne as it has antibacterial properties, and is also extremely moisturising. The lemon juice can prevent blemishes, and it also smoothes out the skin and get rid of any discolouration of the skin thanks to scars or age spots, thanks to the citric acid removing dead skin cells.


  • 1 tbsp black tea leaves (or you can use six tea bags)
  • ¼ cup hot
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


  1. Step 1. Place the tea leaves in a cup or bowl and add hot water.
  2. Step 2. Steep for two to three minutes, and then drain.
  3. Step 3. Squeeze the tea leaves to remove as much water as you can.
  4. Step 4. Transfer the tea leaves to a mason jar or other container that you can seal.
  5. Step 5. Finally, stir in the honey and lemon until fully combined.

When using this mask, you can use it for between five to ten minutes, and then wash off thoroughly, drying your face off gently with a towel.

NO.2 Chamomile Oatmeal DIY Face Mask

As we’ve mentioned before, chamomile is great as an anti-inflammatory and is very soothing for the skin. The oatmeal contains salicylic acid, which is a great exfoliator, and the honey in the mask can also help to remove dead skin cells. Another exfoliant used here is sugar, which will be slightly stronger than the oatmeal, but this is optional depending on how much dead skin you need to remove.


  • ½ cup oats (blitzed in a blender)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsps white sugar (optional)
  • ¼ cup chamomile tea (strongly brewed)


  • Step 1. Brew a cup of chamomile tea how you would normally.
  • Step 2. In a bowl, combine the oats, honey, sugar and baking soda.
  • Step 3. Start adding tea, adding teaspoons at a time until you reach the desired consistency for your face mask.

You can keep this face mask on for up to five minutes for optimal results.

Where to Buy Your DIY Tea Face Mask Ingredients

There are so many great places where you can source the ingredients that you need for both the DIY face mask recipes as detailed in the last section as well as other recipes that you find online or by word of mouth.

You can find these most of these natural, amazing ingredients in your local supermarket or convenience store down the street. For example, black tea bags can be found most anywhere, as well as honey and yoghurt.
But, there may be ingredients such as matcha that your local shop doesn’t stock. That’s where the online stockists come in, and in this part of the article, we will go into where the best places online are to find the more ‘exotic’ ingredients on your recipe list.

NO.1 Amazon

Amazon is our favourite resource for sourcing great quality tea, and other ingredients. You can find so many different amazing natural ingredients in bulk quantities at affordable prices.
For example, bentonite clay which is used in a lot of DIY face masks, can be found easily on here

NO.2 iHerb

iHerb prides itself on making natural, healthy products more accessible to the public. They have products such as aloe vera gel, matcha green tea powder, and more that can be used in a variety of DIY tea face mask recipes.
You can also buy essential oils on the site which can be used for enhancing the skin benefits of your at-home face mask.

Other Places

You can also find natural ingredients at online wholesalers, the online stores of supermarkets, and on a variety of online stores that promote homeopathy and natural living.

It can be so easy to find the natural ingredients that you need for your DIY face mask recipes both, both online and in person at the store. Many will be cheap and easy to find, but as we mentioned before, you may have to go to specialised health food stores or online retailers to source the more unique ingredients.

Overall, using a DIY tea face mask in your daily routine can help to save both your skin and your cash. They are simple to make, and so many beauty influencers swear by using them, and praise their benefits. Keeping it natural and chemical free can help save your skin from years of damage from abrasive ingredients. Plus, there are a variety of different teas giving a whole host of different skin benefits.

So, it’s no surprise then that so many companies are now imitating these benefits and coming out with their version of face masks that contain tea compounds.

However, we think DIY tea face masks are a fantastic and healthier alternative to these and can also be fun to make and use! So why not grab the tea bags in your cupboards, and some other beneficial skin ingredients, and DIY your own face mask today!

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