Best Time to Drink Green Tea: Before, During, After Meals

Green tea is less oxidized yet contains a high amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. But like meals, there is also an ideal time to maximize the effects of green tea. These schedules have been defined by health experts and scientists as each time frame delivers different health benefits.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea before Meals

Though consumable at any time of the day, health experts advise all individuals not to drink green tea with an empty stomach. Compared to coffee, green tea has lower levels of caffeine but providing that a person hasn’t eaten anything yet for the day, it might disrupt the chemical balances inside their stomach and it might cause diarrhea or liver problems. Experts reveal that it is better to start breakfast meals with warm water infused with lemon instead of drinking tea.  

Energy Booster

Taking green tea before eating your lunch or dinner is a great factor to increase the energy levels of your body. Green tea is known for being a source of Zinc, Iron, and Vitamin C which are both needed in boosting the body’s immune system to fight off infections. If this habit continues, it will also protect the body from accumulating grave diseases such as different types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and mental illness. The recommended time to drink green tea before meals is 30 to 60 minutes before, this is to prevent shocking the stomach and to also ease up the digestion of food. 

Calming Effects

Brewing green tea and consuming it before meals is a good de-stressor. Individuals who are suffering from anxiety or stress practice steeping green tea leaves and drinking it before meals to calm their nerves and stomach cramps. The leaves used to brew green tea have a component called Theanine, an amino acid that helps promote body relaxation. Furthermore, because of the catechins found in the leaves, this component also helps in lowering the blood pressure and cholesterol of a person. 

Faster Metabolism

A lot of individuals are aiming to improve their metabolism to prevent their body from being bloated and to also achieve a physique that is physically fit and healthy. A faster metabolism is another benefit of drinking green tea before meals. Because of the caffeine component of green tea, it serves as a stimulant to assist the body to perform well during exercise. It will also help the person increase the ability of their body to burn more stored fats and calories. 

Rejuvenates the Skin

Green tea is also helpful in keeping your skin healthy and glowing. One of the natural ways to keep your skin hydrated and free from inflammation is to consume a cup of green tea before meals. Such a habit can help the stomach absorb a lot of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties from the beverage which is both useful in keeping the skin from reducing its swelling, redness, and irritation. The polyphenols found in green tea is also an elixir in curing acne on the skin. 

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea during Meals

This method is not practiced worldwide because it is believed that drinking green tea during meals inhibits the body to absorb the vitamins and minerals. But in China, it is a common scenario during meals to see a green tea set on the table together with the appetizing meals. The Chinese are very fond of keeping their green tea supply at bay during meals as they think of it  as a great appetizer refreshment that helps their stomach have a smooth digestion.  

Great Appetizer Refreshment

When visiting Chinese restaurants one can notice that they serve house teas that can either be oolong tea, green tea, jasmine tea, or Pu-erh tea. This habit has been in Chinese tea culture for many years, it is said that such practice is a sign of welcoming the patrons and it bids the people have an appetizing dining experience. Green tea is also a great refreshment for relaxing and setting up the mood of the patrons to start a conversation with each other while waiting for their food to arrive. 

Easy Digestion

Science-based research has revealed that green tea slows down the person’s appetite. Drinking green tea throughout a meal can also help to avoid overeating by consume too much food. This will also help the body regulate its calorie intake for the day; such a method can help the body avoid indigestion and stomach ache. But take note that if the person has an underlying illness such as anemia or liver problems, they shouldn’t drink green tea during meals. The individual should consult first to their health provider before dwelling into this habit. 

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea after Meals

Health experts are recommending that the best time to drink green tea is after meals. It is one of those go-to drinks people consume after a delicious meal to relax especially for those who are wary of their bodies. Green tea is a great example of an antioxidant and releases a lot of toxins that are not needed inside the body. To maximize its benefits, it is advisable to drink green tea 30 to 2 hours every after a meal.

Weight Loss 

With the significance of green tea’s role in providing the body with a fast metabolism, it is also a wonder that this beverage is the most consumed tea variant after a meal. Green tea contains an amino acid called L-Theanine which helps keep your body awake and sustain more energy. Through this factor, people who drink green tea after a meal can avoid falling asleep immediately which is helpful in not disrupting the body while burning the fats, and experiencing heartburn and acid reflux. Moreover, sustaining a lot more energy through this method can make the person feel energized and more motivated to do some exercise routines. With this lifestyle, a person can gain more inspiration to become healthy and be physically fit. 

Facilitates in Absorbing Nutrients and Vitamins

This type of tea went through a process that is less refined than others; this is also the reason why green tea is hailed as one of the healthiest beverages in the world. Though some warning points for those who are considering this habit, health experts remind individuals to avoid consuming this beverage right after a meal because it will inhibit the stomach to digest properly and absorb all the necessary nutrients and vitamins found in green tea. One should wait at least 2 hours maximum after meals to drink green tea and get the most out of it. 

Other Ideal Timing to Drink Green Tea

It is not always before, during, or after a meal that green tea should be consumed. Though the habit is highly beneficial, green tea can also be incorporated into these time frames too. 

Before and After a Workout 

A cup of tea before or after a workout session is good. The ECGC and caffeine component found in green tea facilitates in keeping the body alert during the exercise and it provides more fat-burning properties. The individual needs to make sure that he or she consumed it one hour at least before starting their exercise routine. Meanwhile, a cup of green tea 30 minutes after a workout is also advisable to refresh the body and it also relaxes the muscles after an intense exercise. 

Early Evening

For some people, they prefer drinking green tea before going to bed because it makes it easier for them to fall asleep. But be reminded that it is best to drink green tea in the early evening or 30 minutes after dinner instead of drinking it before lying down on the bed. Two hours before bedtime is usually the time where our body burns less fat, though drinking green tea during this timeframe can help the body burn more. Green tea as mentioned has a caffeine component and it is a stimulant to keep the person awake. It also causes night-time peeing which is another bad factor in disrupting your sleep quality

During Spring and Summer

Green tea tends to taste bitter sweet with hints of nutty and grassy flavor. Tea connoisseurs like to pair up the spring and summer with green tea because of the similarity of taste to the seasons. Aside from that, green tea can make the skin less dense and it reduces sun damage because of its antioxidant contents. It also keeps the skin protected from the detrimental UV rays that come from the sun.

Before and During Working Hours

Green contains caffeine, which makes it a great milder coffee alternative. Green tea contains 25-50mg of caffeine compared to the 100mg in a cup of coffee, this gives a person enough boost of focus and alertness that is needed for an entire workday.

When You’re Not on Medication

Unlike other types of tea that can block or increase the effect of medication especially for chronic diseases, green tea takes a milder effect. One should not drink green tea while on medications such as antibiotics, stimulants, asthma medication, and depression medication as it may increase the risk of liver damage.

Drinking green tea can be enjoyed at any time of the day. These are just some of the recommendations one can consider to maximize and get most of the health benefits provided by drinking green tea like during meal time. Each time frame has a lot of contributing factors but it is really up to the individual when he or she wants to drink it. After all, it’s all about convenience.  Everything is good as long as the habit is not abused or consumed at the wrong time.