10 Best Teas to Prevent and Relieve Heartburn

Despite its name, heartburn does not have anything to do with the heart. It is related to the digestive system, specifically the esophagus that is located near the heart. Since the lining of the esophagus is more sensitive than the stomach, one may feel a sharp and tightening pain in the chest and sometimes around the neck,  throat, or breastbone. Fortunately, there are several home remedies to prevent and relieve the discomfort caused by heartburn, and one of those is by simply drinking the right kind of tea.

Common Cause of Heartburn 1: Acid Reflux

Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux, an occurrence when the stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus. Acid reflux is commonly triggered by alcohol, caffeinated and carbonated beverages, and citrusy foods. Caffeine-free beverages are beneficial but avoid spearmint or peppermint teas for it also triggers acid reflux. Here are a few types of tea that can help reduce the symptoms. 

Relieve it with Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is a powerful holistic herbal remedy from baldness to malaria. It effectively relieves digestive issues and it also reduces stomach acid production. Its compounds can lessen gastric contractions and relieve gastrointestinal irritation, and the spice is a pleasant warm remedy for an aching tummy. 

Ginger tea can also promote food absorption by regulating the flow of stomach juices, speed the digestion process, absorb excess stomach acid, and tighten lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle where the esophagus and stomach meets. 

Relieve it with Chamomile Tea 

A member of the family of flowering plants which includes daisies, sunflowers, and chrysanthemums, chamomile flowers are used to make teas and extracts that can help aid acid reflux. This plant has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial capabilities, reducing the painful inflammation in the esophagus caused by acid reflux. 

In addition, acid reflux is commonly known as a result of stress that can further result in gastroesophageal disease (GERD), a severe form of acid reflux. But apart from taming stomach issues, drinking chamomile tea is also recognized for reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. Thus, it may also be a great help in preventing a next stress-related acid reflux episode.

Relieve it with Licorice Tea

Another helpful remedy for acid reflux is licorice tea. The sweet root or licorice root has been used for centuries not just as a sweetener for drinks and desserts but for curing various health issues. This includes acid reflux and heartburn. 

This root is rich in glycyrrhizic acid which has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Hence, it is greatly used to comfort an aching stomach caused by heartburn, food poisoning, and stomach ulcers by restoring the balance and repairing the stomach lining. Note that the next time you search for licorice in the tea ingredients, search for “bronchial wellness” and “cleanse and detox” instead, for they contain forms of sweet root.

Common Cause of Heartburn 2: Overeating and Bloating

Notice how easy it is for a person to experience heartburn after a heavy meal. The bloating stomach can trigger heartburn since the LES, the connecting muscle of the stomach and the esophagus is not properly closed. When it remains distended, it cannot prevent food and stomach juices from rising back up into the esophagus, which then causes heartburn. 

So on  your next hearty feast, either tone down to food consumption or be prepared with these types of tea to help aid digestion and prevent heartburn caused by bloating.

Relieve it with Green Tea 

Considered as one of the healthiest teas in the world, green tea contains some of the strongest healing compounds that is beneficial for digestive issues. A cup of green tea contains a high amount of catechins and antioxidants which both helps soothe muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. A cup of green tea after a heavy meal will help eliminate the gas build-up in the stomach  and it will help properly break down the food. 

Relieve it with Lemon Balm Tea

A carminative herb and a part of the mint family, lemon herb can help relieve mild digestive issues such as indigestion and bloating which often cause heartburn. The presence of iberogast in lemon balm, carries nine different herbal extracts that are used as a liquid supplement for digestion. Though it has not been tested alone to confirm its digestive benefits, lemon balm tea has still helped people alleviate stomach pain, constipation, and other digestive issues. 

Furthermore, lemon balm tea can help individuals with anxiety and sleeping problems – both can lead to heartburn tendencies. 

Relieve it with Peppermint Tea

Oftentimes peppermint tea is served after a hearty meal because it can keep the breath fresh and cleanse the bacteria inside the mouth. However, another advantage of drinking peppermint tea after a meal is it soothes the digestion process, allowing one to avoid any discomfort caused by bloating, gas, and constipation. 

Study shows that a teabag supplies six times more peppermint oil than a serving of a peppermint supplement, this means the a cup of peppermint tea contains a potent amount of menthol oil which makes it a strong remedy for stomach inflammation and abdominal cramps.

Relieve it with Fennel Tea

Just like the licorice root, the fennel plant harbors a natural sweet flavor and has long been used to treat digestive upsets. One who suffers heartburn, is prescribed with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory to reduce the the pain and discomfort; a published research of the Journal of Food Biochemistry has shown that this plant is an outstanding anti-inflammatory making it an ideal organic treatment for heartburn.

This delicious tea also helps dispel stomach gas and produce more bile that better breaks down fats in your body. 

Common Cause of Heartburn 3: Lying Down 

Heartburn is often experienced either after meals or at night, especially when the person lies down to sleep or even while sleeping. Normally, people eat sitting or standing so the gravity would help one properly digest the food by keeping it down and acid inside the stomach. When the person lies down after eating, chances are food will flow back up to the LES, resulting in acid reflux then heartburn. In consequence, heartburn can affect the quality sleep or may even cause one to have difficulty in falling asleep.  

Relieve it with Lavender Tea

Without a doubt, lavender tea is one of the most aromatic and soothing teas there is. With this, lavender tea can be consumed to relax the muscles and nerves, and help one to sleep. Moreover, this tea made from the small purple buds of the flowering plant of Lavandula is said to decrease anxiety and improve the sleep quality of people with anxiety-related ailments.

While one will get a better sleep quality with lavender tea, it is also best to replace your pillow with one that has a higher inclination.  Either fold your old pillow in half or get a new one that gives enough height and comfort that will prevent any acid reflux.  This is also perfect for pregnant women as it helps reduce any strain from the belly.

Common Cause of Heartburn 4: Pregnancy

A 2015 study shows that 17% to 45% of women experience heartburn during pregnancy,the reasons range from weight gain, pressure in the belly area, hormones, and stress levels. 

Pregnant women produce more progesterone hormone which relaxes smooth muscles, the lower esophageal sphincter is part of this and therefore, may not have enough strength to fully close and keep everything down. This muscle relaxation can lead to acid reflux, otherwise known as heartburn.

Relieve it with Slippery Elm Tea

The inner bark of slippery elm has long been used as a folk medicine to treat stomach ailments and physical wounds. Now, it is used to aid a variety of conditions such as heartburn from acid reflux, constipation, mouth ulcers, and sore throat. Slippery elm’s mucilage, a type of soluble fiber, provides short-term relief for pain and inflammation. It can also act as a mild anti-acid since it contains calcium content. Take note, it is of utmost importance to consult your doctor before consumption as this may pose a potential hazard to the mommy and baby. 

Relieve it with Marshmallow Root Tea

Marshmallow root contains a large content of mucilage that helps reduce heartburn and acid reflux, indigestion, and other digestive conditions. Earth Mama especially made tea for pregnant women called Organic Heartburn Tea to help them relieve heartburn which is a blend of marshmallow root, lemon balm, chamomile, and spearmint, with astringent raspberry leaf.

Best Tea Products for Heartburn

Birds & Bees Teas Lighthearted Tea

This blend is meant to relieve heartburn caused by acid reflux and pregnancy. It contains marshmallow root, calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, and lavender flowers. 

Organic Heartburn Tea Occasional Pregnancy Heartburn

Soon-to-be-mommas can stock up on this blend to help reduce the discomfort caused by acid reflux as the belly is getting bigger. This blend contains spearmint, marshmallow root, lemon balm leaf, chamomile flower, and red raspberry leaf. 

Pink Stork Heartburn Tea: Lemon Mint

This product claims to helps relieve indigestion, acid reflux, and heartburn caused by pregnancy. The organic products make it safe for mommy and baby, this contains chamomile flowers, lemon balm leaves, marshmallow root, spearmint, and ginger. It also helps with nausea, making it perfect for those who are suffering from morning sickness. 

Yogi Tea – Stomach Ease

This blend contains fennel seeds, licorice root, and peppermint leaves for a smooth digestion. It is also mixed with cardamom, coriander, and ginger which helps support the digestive tract. 

Mate Factor Functional Herbal Blends – Digestive Tea with Prebiotics

This blend contains fennel seed, peppermint, ginger, licorice root, cardamom seed, and coriander seed. It also contains burdock root and chicory root that helps promote production of bacteria in the gastrointestinal system.

Buddha Tea Organic Marshmallow Leaf Tea

This earthy blend is a caffeine-free beverage that can be enjoyed after lunch or dinner. The marshmallow leaf supports gastrointestinal and respiratory health, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, Ginger Plus Probiotics

Ginger is paired with sweet cinnamon and earthy cardamom, the added probiotics helps keep the stomach and digestive tract healthy by increasing the presence of good bacteria.

Though everyone has differences in pain tolerance, the sting of heartburn is still a discomfort for all. Observe yourself and identify the main cause of your heartburn to rightly pick the best tea to prevent and relieve it. When it gets worse, make sure to have it checked by a physician.

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