Why is Chamomile Tea Good for Babies?

Chamomile has two widely-recognized variants: Roman chamomile and German chamomile. Often consumed as a soothing, relaxing beverage, chamomile tea is emerging as one of the good teas for babies because of its numerous health offerings. Nevertheless, it is still important to consult your child’s pediatrician before introducing the drink to their diet for their safety.

Introduction to Chamomile Tea for Babies

The dainty white flowers of the chamomile plant are certainly a pleasing sight to look at, but the delicate blooms hold more than aesthetic sense. What makes chamomile special is it is chock-full of health benefits in a cup, to an extent that it has been used traditionally as a relief for wounds and inflammation thousands of years ago.

Presently, people are still exploring the benefits of natural and alternative remedies to ease pains and discomfort. Some adults actively seek herbal solutions for their conditions, and there are parents who are open to giving natural care to their children. With chamomile tea’s popularity in every grocery shelf, it is no surprise that people have been looking into the flower’s benefits, apart from its smooth, floral taste.

How to Serve Chamomile Tea?

Even though we are free to consume chamomile tea in a cup or even in large mugs, which led to a worldwide consumption of at least a million cups a day, our babies’ developing organs need extra precaution. It’s not as simple as dropping a teabag in hot water and serving it immediately. Upon the doctor’s approval to include it in the child’s diet, chamomile tea may be given to babies in small and gradual doses. These doses may be administered in either droppers or spoons, particularly when they are not able to manage feeding bottles yet. Once they are accustomed to it and can drink from bottles, you may then add some drops to their bottled drinks, slowly transitioning to drinking from a cup.

To prepare, heat some water and steep a bag of chamomile tea. You can add a bit of sugar or your choice of sweetener, but bear in mind that frequently doing so may lead to tooth decay. It is also important to let the tea cool to room temperature and to dilute the infusion since adult dosage and capacity differ greatly from that of a baby’s. For parents who want to make sure about the contents of their child’s drink, some grow their own chamomile plant, dry the flowers, and infuse them with water.

How Often Can Babies Drink Chamomile Tea?

Studies have shown different results on the recommended dosage and frequency of administering chamomile tea to babies. Half to an ounce is one of the suggestions when incorporating the beverage to their diet. The dose may be slowly increased over time, especially when uneasiness and symptoms fade. However, it is crucial to remember not to give them a large dose like a full cup, as that may lead to more health issues than advantages. One thing is for sure: the adult quantity for tea should never be equal to that of a developing child.

The ideal time of the day for babies to have some chamomile tea had varied recommendations too. Some have advised offering the drink in controlled doses in a span of one to two days while some have suggested serving it prior to hitting the sack. If the infant’s crying and discomfort regularly occur at a certain time of the day, chamomile tea may be served ahead of this period too.

What Age is it Safe to Start Drinking Chamomile Tea?

Although there was a successful trial on two- to eight-week-old infants who have been given chamomile tea blended with other herbs, experts generally promote and advocate breastfeeding for babies’ early stages of life. This includes the World Health Organization that stated its importance in a child’s first six months. During this time, milk—from mothers or from infant formula—is best for our children.

When they reach the age of six months and above, chamomile is deemed safe for consumption, along with other nutritious foods. Just do not forget the recommended dosage and the right way to serve them the drink.

The cited trial may have reduced the symptoms of colic to weeks-old babies, but it would be wise to ask your doctor if your little one can have some soothing chamomile tea.

Why is Chamomile Tea Beneficial for Babies?

As adults, we turn to chamomile tea for its recognized soothing and calming effect, not to mention for its mildly sweet flavor. Our babies can benefit from the relaxing effects of chamomile too, with easing colic as its leading advantage.

Colic is the condition when an infant cries for a long time, usually lasting for three hours. The exact etiology for the crying and uneasiness is unknown, but medical professionals are seeing digestive issues as one of the reasons. Aside from intense crying, colic appears to come with bodily stiffness too, causing clenched fists and a tight tummy area. Some studies have linked chamomile tea in relieving abdominal pains, gaseous feeling, and other digestion problems because of its bisabolol content and anti-inflammatory properties, thus relieving colic as well.

Chamomile tea is also believed to help with teething babies. Growing teeth can be very painful for infants, and chamomile tea can remedy that by relieving pain and alleviating their gums. To serve, some recommend freezing chamomile tea into ice cubes that infants could suck, while others suggest soaking a clean cloth in the infusion for them to chew on.

An evening dose may also be taken for a good night’s sleep. Chamomile has calming and sedative effects that can help babies who have trouble getting a full night’s rest. Plus, it does not contain caffeine, so moms and dads can get their quality resting time too. In addition to these benefits, chamomile tea has anti-bacterial characteristics that help boost immunity and ward off infections.

What are the Side Effects of Chamomile Tea?

With all of the glorious benefits of chamomile tea, parents should also be on the lookout for possible side effects. If either of the parents has allergies to ragweed, their baby has a possibility of having the same condition and should refrain from consuming chamomile, a member of the ragweed family. It is also highly advised for parents to read labels of packaged tea bags and ensure that the tea is not blended with caffeine, as it is not recommended for infants. 

High consumption of chamomile tea for infants may undo its digestive relief too, causing diarrhea and an upset stomach. To prevent these unwanted adverse effects, ask your pediatrician for advice, especially if your baby is taking medications, and has congenital conditions.

Best Commercial Chamomile Tea Brands for Babies

Having discussed chamomile tea with your physician and deciding to proceed with giving your baby the floral infusion, make sure to buy from trusted and well-known brands for a healthy drink.

Buddha’s Herbs Organic Chamomile Tea

Buddha’s Herbs makes sure that their tea bags do not lose the flavor and benefits of chamomile tea when served since they went through airtight processing. Each bag is filled with organic chamomile flowers that are suitable for infants and even for the whole family, perfect for parents who’d like to have some relaxing time as well. Buddha’s Herbs even dedicated a page for their chamomile tea’s benefits for babies and hailed the daisy-like plant as a “miracle herb,” allaying any qualms about their product. 

Apotheke Bio Tea for Children-Chamomile

When a brand allots a specific line for your beloved child, you may be sure that the product is safe and approved for your baby’s consumption. Apotheke boasts of the Children’s Teas line among their extensive list of tea selections. The line was made for children in their early years and was given the stamp of approval by the Czech Pediatric Society. One of these is the Chamomile tea that may be given to at least one-month-old children. The sweet flavor is enticing for your little one, and if that isn’t enough, the colorfully illustrated packaging will.

Pukka Three Chamomile

Pukka’s organic chamomile tea is not the regular packaged tea bags. The caffeine-free, 20-pack box has the power of three chamomile types—African, Egyptian, and European chamomile—which maximizes the capacity that this beautiful plant can offer. The dried flowers were also hand-picked before they were blended, so you don’t need to worry about unnecessary chemical methods that may not be good for your child. 

Apotheke Organic Chamomile Tea for Children

This blend supports the digestive tract and promotes digestion. It helps relieve any issues such as bloating and constipation. Chamomile tea also helps soothe the respiratory tract and dry cough. Most importantly, this helps the little ones to calm down and have a better sleeping pattern. Mix this with milk and honey for toddlers and reduce the tantrums efficiently.

Baby Teething Relief for Painful Gums

For your growing little one, keep them comfortable during their teething phase. This caffeine-free herbal tea is an organic pain reliever that helps relieve tooth pain and the symptoms that come along with it including discomfort, irritable, tender, and swollen gums. This is also a great blend for digestive issues and will calm their stomach immediately.

Baby Colic Calm Baby Magic Tea

This blend is perfect for colic, tummy, and digestive issues. It soothes the little one and helps them to calm down. Serving is usually 1 to 5 oz depending on baby’s age and can be given three to four times a day. According to the reviews, this tea helps with gas and bloating, that causes the baby to become irritable and fussy. 

Parents naturally want the best for their children, particularly for precious newborns and infants. As much as possible, we do not wish any illness to befall them, and in the unfortunate time that it happens, we would look for the most effective solutions. And if this solution comes in the form of a healthy, soothing tea that comes with a physician’s approval, we’d happily serve it to our children.

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