The Ultimate Guide To Using Tea Bags For Eye Issues!

Ever gotten an eye issue and have no idea how to aid it immediately without the help of the doctor? One might think it’s impossible and there is no way, but there actually is. Everything from mino eye issues like dark circles and morning puffy eyes to slightly more serious ones like pink eyes, tea bags are great natural remedies that not only aid it but also enhance relaxation. Tea bags are easily accessible and inexpensive — who knew it could be a wonderful solution for the eyes!

Benefits of Tea Bags For Eyes

You might think, “why would anyone use tea bags for eyes when there are proper medicines out there made specifically to tackle those eye issues?” Well, have you wondered what people used before modern medicine was invented? The people of ancient times had to make do with what they have to effectively tackle the problem at hand. Here are some of the benefits of using tea bags for eyes:

1. Natural remedy

As mentioned, before modern medicine existed, people had to use what they have around the house to cure the issues that they faced and that includes various multiple eye issues. Because tea bags are in almost every household — that depends on the people of the house, of course — it became a natural remedy for soothing and eliminating the eye issues. Tea bags are more often than not made out of the most natural and organic ingredients like tea leaves, so it doesn’t get more natural than that.

2. Inexpensive

The tea industry has been around for quite some time. There are hundreds and thousands of tea plantations all around the world, and ever since the start of tea drinking practice, the tea scene has grown substantially more. With higher demand comes bigger production, and the fact that it is now a casual activity rather than one that only the upper class partakes, tea bags especially have become cheaper and less expensive. Why buy specific medicines for your eye issues when you can just get a box of teabags that are not only two-in-one purpose but also super inexpensive?

3. Almost instant results

Sometimes, medicine takes a while to react. It might be anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some medicine for eyes are orally taken, and depending on how each medicine works, it might take slower than others, but also it’s tackling the problem from the inside. Having tea bags placed on the eyes directly tackles the problem from the physical aspect, and this leads to almost instant results — sometimes even instant results!

Types of Tea For Eyes

Now that you’re convinced tea bags are perfect natural remedies for the eyes, it’s time to look at exactly what types are the best for this practice. Tea bags have contents that vary depending on the type of tea it is and how it’s being processed. The content of the tea plays a part on whether or not it is effective as a natural remedy for the eyes. 

Let’s take a look at the different types of tea that can be used for the eyes and exactly how they affect the eyes in different ways based on its content!

1. Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most effective types of tea to use as tea bags for the eyes! Not only is this tea type one of the most consumed teas in the world, it’s also one of the most multi-functional ones. 

Green tea has a high flavonoid content — even more so than black tea — which makes it effective for the eyes. On top of that, there’s also caffeine in green tea which has positive effects too, contrary to popular belief. The caffeine improves the skin elasticity as well as reduces dark circles around the eyes. Green tea bags are also perfect to use for soothing as it reduces swelling and pigmentation as well.

2. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea isn’t just a calming remedy to the insides of the body and soul but also very specifically to the eyes, too! This tea has been used since ancient times as a reliever of eye infections and is actually a traditional practice for some cultures. These eye infections include blocked tear ducts and conjunctivitis. 

One other factor of chamomile tea is that it has an impressive amount of flavonoids, which are high in anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it one of the best tea bags to use to reduce inflammation when it comes to the eyes.

3. Black Tea

Another excellent tea that’s great as tea bags for eyes is the black tea. Black tea has amazing components that are perfect for soothing the eye issues. Just like green tea, black tea has polyphenols which help soothe inflammatory problems like soothing burns from sun exposure, prevent sunburn and heal burn injuries. On top of that, the polyphenols can also act as antioxidants and protect the skin around the eyes against free radical induced dames.The caffeine content in black tea also tackles the dark circles and improves the skin elasticity. 

4. Calendula Tea

This tea type may not be as common as the rest for using as tea bags for eyes, but it’s one of the most effective ones yet. Calendula tea bags are often used to relieve the symptoms of pink eye as it helps to remove the excess fluid in your eyes. The content of calendula tea also helps to relieve any swelling and irritation as well.

How To Use Tea Bags For Eyes

One might wonder how they can use tea bags for the eyes. It’s actually not that hard. In fact, it’s surprisingly easy and it’s just like brewing a normal cup of tea, only for your eyes instead of for consumption.

Firstly, steep two tea bags the same way you would steep them if it were for preparing a cup of tea to drink. This would then be a warm compress for your eyes. If you would prefer a cold compress, steep them normally and place them in a cup of ice or the freezer.

Remove the tea bags from the water and make sure to squeeze the excess liquid out. If you steeped them in warm water, allow them to cool to an appropriate temperature or whatever you prefer. 

After that, apply the tea bags to your closed eyes for approximately 10 to 25 minutes. Massage the area around your eyes gently if you wish a more stimulating experience.

An additional tip is to add cool cucumber slices on top of the tea bags for extra relief. 

The Various Eye Issues Tea Bags Can Help With

Depending on the type of eye issue you have, you’ll want to pick the suitable type of tea for it. You’ll be surprised at the number of eye issues that tea bags can help with. The list goes on and on, but here are the most common eye issues that people have used tea bags for:

1. Puffy eyes

Puffy eyes can occur for various reasons. It can be from a long and tiring day before, lack of sleep and excess liquid of the eye overnight. 

Another main cause is aging. SInce the skin under the eyes is extremely thin, it changes as one’s body changes and ages. The tissues in the eyelids can weaken and cause some falls of fats of the eyelids. 

In this case, you would want to use black tea bags or green tea bags for your eyes. This is because these tea types have flavonoids and tannins that are extremely effective for this eye issue due to the anti inflammatory properties. 

You can use your tea bags as either warm or cold compress. If your eyes are more inflamed, a cold compress is recommended.

2. Red eyes

Another eye issue that’s pretty common is the red eyes. They’re usually caused by a few factors like allergy, fatigue or overwearing lenses. Red eyes can be uncomfortable at times, maybe even inflamed.

In this case, green tea bags or chamomile tea bags are perfect for this due to their content. Anti inflammatory properties help reduce the inflammation of red eyes, but the key component is the anecdotal. It’s best to use it as a warm compress, unless really inflamed which you should use a cold compress for a more soothing effect.

3. Dark circles

We have all been there. Dark circles are some of us’ unwanted best friends. Regardless of whether you naturally have it already or it was a progressive aftereffect from sleepless nights and tiredness, use tea bags for your eyes to get rid of them.

Use black tea for this eye issue as it has the highest caffeine content. The caffeine content helps to constrict the blood vessels and reduce the appearance of dark circles. It’s best to use it as a cold compress.

4. Dry eyes

It happens, sometimes our eyes do not produce enough tears to moisturise them or the tears evaporate too quickly. The use of tea bags can fix that problem straight away! 

Black tea is perfect for soothing and relieving any irritation from dry eyes, as well as releasing oil from the glands. What’s more, the quality of the tears will improve as well. Use warm tea bags for these for the most effectiveness. 


While tea bags have been proven to be safe to use for the eyes, it’s best to take note of some precautions so that you wouldn’t face any unpleasantries:

  • Make sure your hands are clean and thoroughly washed before treating your eyes
  • Remove your contact lenses before using the tea bags
  • Never place scalding hot tea bags on your eyes. This would damage your eyes more than they would help them.
  • Do not let the liquid of the tea bags into your eyes.
  • Do not use bleached tea bags.
  • If you feel any irritation or discomfort from the act of putting tea bags on eyes, remove immediately.


Who would have thought that something so simple can be so effective for multiple eye issues. What’s more, they might even be readily available in your cupboard in the kitchen! So, whenever you need a soothing and relaxing sensation for the eyes, grab a couple of tea bags and start your brewing of tea bags for eyes!

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