All the Amazing Facts About Verbena Tea You Don’t Want to Miss!

Verbena tea has a delightful lemony scent and a refreshing flavor that stays with you long after you have drained your cup.

Traditionally used as a natural remedy for multiple ailments, this healthy herbal tea is fast becoming a popular tea amongst health enthusiasts and tea lovers. With health benefits such as promoting weight loss and stress reduction, it is not hard to see why Verbena tea is one of the healthiest herbal tea options available.

What is Verbena Tea?

When it comes to healthy herbs, the Aloysia citrodora shrub from which Verbena tea is derived is one of the most potent and medicinal herbs. Native to South America, lemon verbena has been used over the years to make verbena tea which is a popular tea in the South American region. Lemon verbena herbs are also widely cultivated in Europe for their health properties.

Verbena tea is typically made by infusing the leaves of the lemon verbena herb in hot water. The resulting brew is usually a deliciously refreshing lemon-scented balmy infusion with a sweet and delicate flavor that is unlike the characteristic bitter taste of most herbal teas. Verbena tea is popular for its soothing and relaxing properties as well as its potent health-boosting compounds.

Lemon verbena tea is also a naturally caffeine-free beverage and thus a suitable drink for people who are caffeine sensitive.

What is the Nutrition Profile of Verbena Tea?

Verbena tea is rich in natural healthy compounds that are responsible for its potency as an effective natural remedy for many ailments and multiple health benefits. These are some of the compounds found in lemon verbena.

  1. Verbascoside and luteolin 7-diglucuronide – these are the compounds in the lemon verbena plant that help to protect against harmful UV rays and slow down aging.
  2. Citral – this is a natural compound that gives the lemon verbena plant its citrus smell and taste. This compound also has antimicrobial properties.
  3. Eucalyptol– a natural compound that soothes inflammation.
  4. Geranial – this is a natural compound in verbena that has antimicrobial properties.

6 Top Health Benefits of Verbena Tea

1. Verbena Tea is an Effective Weight Loss and Diet Tea

Harney and Sons Mint Verbena Tea

When it comes to healthy beverages, tea is one of the most popular across the globe and has long been consumed for its health properties as well as its refreshing and invigorating taste. Some teas act as diet teas and can actively help in weight loss. This is especially true for herbal diet teas such as verbena tea which are effective weight loss tonics.

Verbena tea is a potent diet tea that acts as a natural slimming aid that can actually help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. Verbena tea has over the years been used as a natural tonic for weight loss. These are some of the reasons why you should adopt verbena tea and make it a regular part of your weight loss regimen.

  • Verbena tea acts as an appetite suppressant reducing the tendency to overeat and helping stave off cravings.
  • Lemon verbena tea promotes the burning of fat in the body encouraging the body to break down stored fats into energy.
  • Verbena tea has been found to have a positive effect on metabolism. Studies have also found that this tea can also effectively stimulate the breakdown of cellulite.
  • Lemon verbena tea slows down fat production by increasing adiponectin, a protein that controls fat breakdown.

2. Verbena Tea is Good for Stress Management and Relieving Anxiety

Stress is an everyday part of life and we all need a soothing and relaxing tonic once in a while. Verbena tea is a popular stress tonic that has been found to have soothing and relaxing properties that can help you deal with stress and anxiety. The soothing and calming properties of verbena tea can be attributed to the natural compound verbascoside which is present in verbena tea.

The stress-relieving effect of verbena tea is further enhanced by the calming effect this healthy tea has on the nervous system and its effectiveness in relieving muscle tension. As a caffeine-free beverage, verbena tea will also refresh and calm you without the jitteriness that can be caused by caffeinated drinks.

If you need a quick pick me up and a soothing cup of tea after a long hard day, try Verbena tea for its soothing qualities and let this natural tonic soothe and relax you.

3. Verbena Tea is Good for Insomnia

Have trouble sleeping or sleep poorly throughout the night? Sleep disorders are common problems that afflict many people and affect their health and productivity. Verbena tea is a great sleep tonic that makes the perfect bedtime tea for people who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders. Not only is lemon verbena tea relaxing and soothing, but it has also been found to help in inducing sleep and putting the mind and body in a restive state.

By reducing tension and stress, Verbena tea effectively calms the body and mind inadvertently helping you get a good night’s rest. In addition, the production of the hormone melatonin which is required for proper sleep is increased by consumption of lemon verbena tea. As an added benefit, verbena tea is also caffeine-free which also boosts its sleep-inducing properties.

Research studies recommend drinking a cup of Verbena tea about an hour before bedtime to ensure good sleep and combat insomnia.

4. Verbena Tea is Good for Boosting Immunity

Lemon verbena is rich in phenolic compounds which are powerful antioxidants. Why does the body need antioxidants? Well, antioxidants help in eliminating toxins and free radicals in the body that predispose you to infections and disease. When the body has a robust immune system it is more effective in fighting off infections and disease.

The phenolic compounds in lemon verbena tea helps to reduce oxidative stress by aiding the body in detoxifying and neutralizing the harmful effects of toxins and free radicals. This detoxification process is vital for a robust immunity and for keeping the body healthy.

If you fancy the antioxidant properties of green tea but cannot stand the bitter taste, Lemon verbena tea is a tasty alternative as it has the same antioxidant activity as green tea albeit without the bitter taste.

5. Verbena Tea is Good for Digestion

The antispasmodic properties of verbena tea have made it a popular remedy for stomach cramps and indigestion. Verbena tea promotes the proper movement of food along the digestive tract resulting in better digestion. If you suffer constantly from indigestion, stomach cramps or nausea, try Verbena tea after your meals to improve digestion and combat stomach upsets. This healthy tea relaxes stomach muscles enabling food to move swiftly along the digestive tract and improving digestion.

6. Lemon Verbena Tea may Help in Reducing Inflammation

The polyphenols found in lemon verbena tea may help in reducing inflammation in the body by lowering eliminating free radicals and reducing reactive oxidative stress. Inflammation can lead to tissue and cell damage in the body resulting in inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s.

By reducing inflammation in the body, research has found that regular consumption of Verbena tea may lower your risk of inflammatory conditions. When toxins and free radicals accumulate unchecked, they can cause oxidative stress which inturn leads to inflammation. Antioxidants which are found in lemon verbena tea plays a significant role in eliminating these toxins and preventing inflammation of cells and body tissues.

The anti-inflammatory properties of verbena tea due to the natural compound verbascoside are also credited for its ability to relieve joint pain in cases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

How to Prepare Verbena Tea?

If you find herbal teas bitter and hard to take, you will love the sweet-tasting herbal tea that is verbena tea. Unlike other herbal teas, Verbena tea is easy on the senses and has a delicious taste that will suit most palates. When you brew it strong, you will get a zingy, health-enhancing liquid sherbet in a cup that is both mild-flavored and warming. When you brew it weaker, it yields a delicate, uplifting citrus-scented tea that will soothe and relax you. You can use this simple recipe to make your verbena tea at home.


4 lemon verbena leaves, 4 cups water, 4 tsp honey or sweetener of choice


  • Step 1: Place the 4 lemon verbena leaves in the water and bring to a boil. If you want a stronger brew chop the verbena leaves before boiling as this will release more flavor.
  • Step 2: Allow the mixture to boil for at least 15 minutes.
  • Step 3: Remove from heat and strain into a cup. Add some honey or sweetener of your choice and enjoy your refreshing cup of verbena tea.

Verbena tea is also just as invigorating when it is taken ice cold so you can allow you brew to cool completely and then refrigerate for an ice-cold refreshing tea. For iced lemon verbena tea, use double the number of verbena leaves in the recipe above to ensure you still get the rich flavor and aroma of the verbena tea.

Side Effects of Verbena Tea

Verbena tea is a healthy herbal tea that is generally well-tolerated in healthy people with little to no side effects. However, it is important to note the following possible side effects before consuming Verbena tea.

  • Verbena tea is not recommended for pregnant women since some studies have linked the verbascoside present in the lemon verbena plant to chromosome abnormalities.
  • Lemon verbena tea may cause dermatitis and aggravate kidney irritation in people with kidney diseases so it is best to consult your doctor before taking verbena tea if you have these conditions.
  • Though verbena tea is a potent natural remedy for many conditions, It is not recommended to use lemon verbena tea instead of or with prescribed medication without prior consultation.

There are many herbal teas available, but verbena tea is exceptional in its taste profile and health properties. This healthy tea is widely available in grocery stores and online and you can, therefore, easily make it part of your tea experience. Whether you are looking for a healthy diet tea or a natural sleep tonic that will help combat insomnia, verbena tea promises a host of health benefits that come in a refreshing and delicious cup of tea.

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