12 Astonishing Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea has taken the tea industry by storm and is rapidly one of the most popular health teas available. Produced from the from Aspalathus Linearis herb, native to South Africa, this delectable red brew has developed a cult following amongst tea lovers. With health benefits that surpass those of true teas like green tea,and black tea. Rooibos tea is a nutrient-rich beverage that makes a great health tonic for both the young and the old. Here are some of the reasons you should make rooibos tea part of your tea experience!

Benefit 1: Rooibos Tea for Colic

Rooibos tea is a great tea for children and even infants. Not only is it completely caffeine-free, but it also has natural soothing properties. In its native South Africa, rooibos tea is commonly used as a natural remedy for colic. Rooibos tea has a soothing effect on stomach muscles and can help in soothing digestive problems in infants.

Due to its natural sweetness and mild flavor you do not need to worry about the taste of rooibos tea, children tend to love it just as much as adults do.

Benefit 2: Rooibos Tea for Weight Loss

Studies have found that the antioxidant aspalathin in rooibos tea actively inhibits the production of hormones that trigger hunger. If you are looking for a delicious beverage that will also act as an appetite suppressant, the answer is rooibos tea.

When it comes to weight loss, green rooibos tea is better than the red rooibos variety. This is because the green rooibos tea is typically not fermented and therefore has more antioxidants than the red rooibos tea.

Rooibos tea is also calorie-free and thus an ideal refreshment for those who want to quench their thirst without worrying about piling on extra calories. Whether you are on a diet or simply cutting down on sugary drinks, rooibos tea makes a great alternative.

Rooibos tea is naturally sweet with nutty undertones meaning that you will not need to take it with any sugar or sweeteners since it is quite delicious on its own.

Benefit 3: Rooibos Tea for Cardiovascular Health

Rooibos tea has been found to lower the risk of heart disease significantly. The antioxidants in rooibos tea act in promoting cardiac health by eradicating the free radicals in the body that cause heart disorders and other inflammatory conditions.

Elevated levels of bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol are bad for your heart. When LDL cholesterol builds up in blood vessels, it disrupts efficient blood flow by thinning the blood vessels and damaging cardiac muscles.

Rooibos tea has been found to help in reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood promoting good cardiovascular health. If you are looking for a heart-friendly beverage, rooibos tea is a great option.

Benefit 4: Rooibos Tea for Diabetes Management

Rooibos Tea Organic Tagless Teabags

One of the antioxidants in rooibos tea is aspalathin which acts as an anti-diabetic by balancing blood sugar levels in the blood. For diabetics, insulin resistance and insufficient insulin leads to high blood sugar levels in the blood. High blood sugar puts diabetics at a higher risk of heart diseases than the average person according to the American Heart Association.

Rooibos tea can play a significant role in the management of diabetes due to its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. The antioxidant aspalathin responsible for this property in rooibos tea is more abundant in the green rooibos tea than in the red rooibos tea. To reap the maximum effects of rooibos tea when it comes to blood sugar management, opt for green rooibos tea.

Benefit 5: Rooibos Tea for Better Immunity

Rooibos tea has immune-boosting properties that will help you stay healthy and fit. Rich in essential nutrients and healthy natural compounds, this potent herbal tea is an excellent health tonic.

The flavonoids, polyphenols, and dihydrochalcones found in rooibos tea give it powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds increase the body’s ability to fight off infections and make you less susceptible to everyday bugs and ailments.

Drink a refreshing cup of rooibos tea regularly to stave off colds, flu, and other opportunistic infections that take advantage of a poor immune system. Your body’s overall immunity determines your ability to fight off infections. This means that the better your immune system is, the more efficient your body will be in fighting off infections. Give your immunity a boost with a refreshing cup of rooibos tea.

Benefit 6: Anti-inflammatory Properties of Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea contains the flavonoid chrysoeriol which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and helps in inhibiting inflammation. An overactive immune system can cause inflammation in the body. Keeping inflammation in check is important in order to avoid complications that arise from prolonged inflammation and autoimmune disorders.

Free radicals that are released in the body during metabolism can also cause inflammation. By eradicating these radicals, the antioxidants in rooibos tea effectively aid in managing inflammation.

Rooibos tea can help in managing the pain and symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Since it is caffeine-free you can have a cup of rooibos tea any time of day to help in managing pain and to soothe and relax the body.

Benefit 7: Rooibos Tea is Good for your Skin

The skin is the first site where signs of aging and ill health start to appear. Wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, and fine lines are common symptoms of premature skin aging. Rooibos tea contains alpha-hydroxy acids which are common ingredients in beauty products. Alpha-hydroxy acids gradually improve skin elasticity and eradicate fine lines and wrinkles.

The aging process that causes the skin to wear out and lose its youthful appearance is partly due to the accumulation of free radicals. Since the antioxidants present in rooibos tea are effective in eliminating these free radicals from the body, drinking rooibos tea promotes healthy skin and gives you healthy and radiant skin from the inside out.

Benefit 8: Rooibos Tea for Allergies

The anti-allergen effect of rooibos tea lies in the flavonoid Quercetin which functions by inhibiting the production of histamine. Allergic reactions typically result from the release of histamine in the body.

Due to its anti-allergen properties, rooibos tea can help in relieving the wheezing and coughing that are characteristic in allergic conditions such as asthma. Making rooibos tea part of your daily routine will help in managing sensitivity to allergens and also reduce the intensity of allergic reactions.

Benefit 9: Rooibos Tea for Insomnia

The quality of sleep you get impacts on your physical and mental health. We all know that groggy feeling you get after a poor night’s rest. Our bodies need sufficient rest to renew and rejuvenate and if you do not get enough sleep this natural renewal process is impaired.

Rooibos tea has a soothing and calming effect and can be taken before bed as a sleep aid. Rooibos tea is naturally caffeine-free and is quite effective in inducing sleep and improving the quality of sleep, ensuring that you get sufficient rest. Have a cup of soothing rooibos tea at bedtime to get the rest you need.

Benefit 10: Rooibos Tea Reduces Cancer Risk

Rooibos tea has more antioxidants than green tea and is probably one of the healthiest teas available. Antioxidants clean up the toxins and free radicals that cause cell damage and cause cancer.

Rooibos tea contains natural compounds such as quercetin and luteolin, which have been found to have anti-cancer properties. These compounds have shown positive results in killing cancer cells and preventing tumor growth.

The antioxidants aspalathin and nothofagin are potent polyphenols found in rooibos tea that have anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting powers.

Benefit 11: Rooibos Tea is Good for Digestion

Rooibos tea has antispasmodic effects and is commonly used as a natural remedy for stomach pain and cramps. By soothing stomach muscles, rooibos tea promotes the efficient movement of food along the digestive tract and settles the stomach. This can help in avoiding digestive problems such as bloating and constipation. Having a soothing cup of rooibos tea after a meal will help in digestion and settling the stomach.

Benefit 12: Rooibos Tea can Help Lower Blood Pressure

Elevated blood pressure levels result from the thinning of blood vessels. One of the main enzymes responsible for the thinning of blood vessels is the angiotensin-converting enzyme commonly referred to as ACE. This enzyme causes blood vessels to shrink and thin, resulting in elevated blood pressure. A study found that drinking rooibos tea regularly reduces ACE levels thereby preventing thinning of blood vessels and effectively reducing blood pressure.

Which Variety of Rooibos Tea is Best For You?

Which Variety of Rooibos Tea is Best For You?

Thanks to its multiple health benefits, rooibos tea has become one of the most popular teas and is available both in grocery stores and online shops.

Rooibos tea is available either as a red tea or green tea. The main difference between these two varieties is that the green variety is steamed and dried immediately while the red variety is typically fermented before being dried. The green rooibos tea may have higher levels of the antioxidant aspalathin than the red variety thus a more potent remedy for some conditions.

The red rooibos tea tends to be sweeter than the green rooibos tea and is, therefore, a better option for children and people who prefer a milder flavor of rooibos tea.

Apart from the green and red rooibos tea varieties, there are also flavored varieties available such as vanilla and lemon rooibos tea. Whatever your individual taste, there is a rooibos tea available for you at a grocery shop near you or online.

Cast Iron Teapot

Naturally sweet with nutty undertones, rooibos tea is easy on the senses and has a mild flavor that is quite delicious and even children will love the taste of this tea. Whether you like it piping hot on a cold day or ice-cold on a hot day, rooibos tea tastes great either way. If you have not tried rooibos tea yet, you may be missing out on a host of health benefits and a powerful natural remedy that will give you a natural health boost.

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