The Best 10 Teas That Can Help with Laryngitis

Feeling under the weather because of an inflammation or irritation of your voice box? 

It’s never great to be in such a situation, and it’ll be extremely helpful to have a quick natural solution in your pocket to recover quickly. You’re in luck — teas are great for that! Not only will the warmth of it help you feel better in general, but some tea contents can help fight off the bacteria and get you up and about as soon as possible! Here are the best 10 teas to help with laryngitis!

Triggers of Laryngitis

There are generally two types of laryngitis: one is acute and the other is chronic. Acute is caused by infections and illnesses in the upper respiratory while chronic laryngitis is caused by heavy smoking, excessive alcohol use, being exposed to irritating chemicals and overusing or abusing the voice box by yelling and straining. Acute laryngitis can last a few days while chronic laryngitis can last weeks.

1. Ginger Root Tea

One of the best teas that can help with laryngitis is ginger root tea. Ginger root has an abundance of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that are great in helping to fight off bacteria that caused the laryngitis. As laryngitis is a type of inflammation, ginger root is perfect for that. On top of that, ginger is extremely useful in lowering the body’s temperature in the case where you have a fever from laryngitis.

2. Chamomile Tea

Another type of tea that can help with laryngitis is chamomile tea. Studies have shown that it is useful in lubricating the throat. This eases the pain and discomfort caused by laryngitis. In addition to that, chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that are perfect to reduce the swelling caused by laryngitis. Chamomile tea will even quicken the healing process as it has antioxidant properties, too. The antispasmodic aspect will prevent you from coughing, which indirectly helps the healing process from laryngitis.

3. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea has been used for years to treat problems such as laryngitis. It is because peppermint has menthol in its content, which is an effective agent for decongestant and soothing. The more you drink peppermint tea, the more your throat is soothed from the irritation of laryngitis. What’s more, peppermint tea has antibacterial and antiviral properties, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. It will help reduce the effects of laryngitis while also preventing the risk of repeated occurrences in the future.

4. Lemon Tea

Lemon is a one-stop for all cures. Its components are great for a number of things, including laryngitis. Lemon tea is packed with vitamin C that boosts the immune system. When doing so, your body is able to fight off the bacteria and infection faster, hence recovering you from laryngitis quicker. Even after you’ve recovered from laryngitis, it’s best to continue drinking lemon tea so as to boost your immune system even more and prevent risks of repetition of such infections and diseases.

5. Honey Tea

A hot, fresh brew cup of herbal honey tea is one of the most perfect natural remedies for laryngitis. Not only will the tea aspect soothe your body as a whole, the honey soothes your throat and removes any unpleasantries from the inside like your throat, like mucus that will not only clog up your throat but also causes bacterial and viral infections. While you can just have honey on its own, it’s like killing two birds with one stone if you have honey in tea form.

6. Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family, and we all know how effective ginger tea is for laryngitis. Similar to ginger, turmeric tea has antibacterial properties as well as antiviral properties that prevent the spread of bacteria and future recurrences. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are the most important when dealing with laryngitis. Not only will you be recovered from laryngitis but also your immune system will be boosted — what a two-in-one remedy!

7. Marshmallow Root Tea

If you think that marshmallow root tea is basically marshmallow in tea, well, you’re wrong. In fact, it tastes nothing like the marshmallow we all know and love. However, it’s extremely useful to cure laryngitis because it has a substance that soothes the throat called the mucilage. Along with its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s an effective cure for laryngitis. Bear in mind that this tea can affect other oral medication, so do consult your doctor first.

8. Licorice Root Tea

It’s said that licorice root tea can be dangerous, but if you have it in appropriate dosages, it’s more good than harm. The licorice root tea is more commonly used for upset stomach and other similar issues, it’s also perfect for curing laryngitis. It has the antibacterial properties and the anti-inflammatory properties that we need to help with taking out the effects of laryngitis. You’ll definitely love the taste of this licorice root tea, but make sure to consult with your doctor regarding dosages so as to keep the intake safe.

9. Slippery Elm Tea

One of the most famous types of tea for laryngitis is none other than the slippery elm tea. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to cure multiple illnesses, and that includes laryngitis. It contains a substance called mucilage which assists in coating the throat to soothe it from the discomfort and irritation of laryngitis. Because slippery elm tea is so effective, there are also lozenges form of this for convenience and ease of intake — both have the same effectiveness, only tea has the extra calming factor.

10. Green Tea

Green tea needs no introduction. It has loads of properties that help with numerous infections and illnesses. It’s extremely rich in antioxidants that are perfect for boosting the immune system and thus preventing any recurrences in the future. Not only that, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can fight the laryngitis head on as it’s caused by inflammation of the voice box. 

Other Natural Methods That Can Help Laryngitis

While teas are the best natural remedies to cure your laryngitis, there are many other ways as well — all of them are natural and easily doable if you’re set on recovering quicker. It’s recommended to combine the tea remedy with one of the below natural remedies for a more effective effort with better and faster results.

1. Moist humidifier

Dry air can add on to the discomfort and irritation of the throat due to the inflammation of the vocal cords caused by laryngitis. It’s best to be breathing in moist air, and to do that, you should get yourself a moist humidifier. Put it by the side of your bed for maximum efficiency and you’ll naturally be moistening up your inside through the moist vapour the humidifier produces.

If you don’t have one and don’t want to get one, have a warm shower, or sit in a warm bath. This will have the same effect as the misty humidifier as the air is full of water vapour and it’ll get into your insides easily.

2. Rest your voice

Another natural method that is quite obvious is to not strain your vocal cords. Rest your voice so that your voice box won’t be more inflamed by the constant use. One might think that whispering doesn’t affect the vocal cords but it actually does. In fact, it affects it more than normal speaking. Just for a couple of days, try not to converse and give your voice a rest and time to recover. It’ll be easier than having to deal with weeks of laryngitis. 


While there are tons of natural remedies to heal laryngitis quickly, it’s best to not get it in the first place. Here are some tips to prevent the infection of laryngitis:

  • Try not to put unnecessary strains and stress on your vocal cords. Singing and shouting will add on to the possibility of getting infected with laryngitis.
  • Stay a safe distance from people who are sick or have a cold. Their viruses and bacteria can spread to you and infect your respiratory system, and potentially ending up with you getting infected with laryngitis. This is the same as not sharing a drink or food with those who are sick.
  • Smoking cigarettes, as well as e-cigarettes, are harmful to the respiratory system and throat. It will add on to the irritation to the throat and risking chances of getting a sore throat as well as laryngitis.
  • Dehydrating items like alcohol should be avoided as well, as it adds on to discomfort and irritation to the throat.


It is tough when you’re infected with laryngitis but these natural remedies of various tea types including other ways will lift your spirits up when you’re feeling down under the weather. It’s also great to take note of the ways to prevent such infections for the future as well as for your loved ones.

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