Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea and Its Amazing Benefits!

For centuries, ceremonial grade matcha has been deliciously washing down throats. Yes for so long, many have been drinking this matcha grade most commonly in Japanese tea ceremonies. Well, ceremonial matcha is definitely worth this rich history and love considering that it is one of the highest quality of tea we have around.

What is ceremonial grade Matcha tea

The allure of ceremonial grade matcha tea is rightly gripping and almost irresistible. This premium grade stands gloriously out of the crowd of matcha grades for its delicate taste, its radiant greenness and palatably impeccable texture. Looking back at its origin, ceremonial grade matcha is masterfully sourced from the freshest of tea leaves, most times agreeably the youngest with their veins and stems fully removed.

After this, the ceremony goes on to getting these vibrant and enterprising leaves stone-ground. This explains why the ceremonial grade matcha perfectly fits the thick-style tea as Michelle fits Barack Obama! Well big courtesy of the greenness reveling in its brightness, ceremonial grade tea royally typifies itself from the bunch of grades of tea out there.

Adequately whisked with hot water, the ceremonial grade matcha is the king of tea even without those extra sweetening blends or supplementing flavors. For every typical Japanese tea ceremony, they dare not risk the absence of the ceremonial grade matcha tea.

Culinary grade vs ceremonial grade

Having poured some amount of words on an introduction of ceremonial grade matcha, some of us who are already acquainted with culinary grade matcha may be wondering what the hell separates the ceremonial grade from the culinary grade matcha green tea. Aren’t they necessarily equivalent tea colleagues in terms of grade?

Well, in ideal terms, ceremonial grade matcha is a notable class ahead of the culinary grade matcha. While they share the same general umbrella of matcha tea, ceremonial grade matcha is rightly an elder sibling to culinary grade matcha in terms of superior quality.

Sensibly, culinary grade matcha tea comes second to ceremonial in the matcha tea hierarchy. In most cases, while ceremonial grade matcha tea dignifiedly graces the big tea ceremonies, culinary grade matcha tea would have to settle for less elegance, finding use in cooking as well as customarily used in baking. This is not to say, culinary grade matcha is not worth drinking.

Of course, the quality is yet impressive when considering its appreciable flavor and distinct characteristics. Now let us expansively compare ceremonial grade matcha to the culinary grade matcha along various parameters.

The purpose of both grades of matcha tea

Fine, so to begin, the ceremonial grade matcha tea passes off better for its exclusive blending. Whisk with hot water and it is excellently ready to be gulped lusciously just like that. You don’t have to go through the rigors of boosting its flavor with other sweeteners and all other superficial ingredients. It is safe to say ceremonial grade is autonomous in its deliciousness – it gets the job done all on its own.

Moving over to culinary grade matcha on the grounds of purpose, we see that culinary grade matcha would almost compulsorily have to make do with the supportive company of other flavors and sweeteners. Most times, it combines with other ingredients for cooking. All the same, culinary grade matcha tea is great for making those lovely green tea lattes as well as those mind-blowing smoothies.

The flavors of both grades

Well for ceremonial grade matcha, the sweetness is nature at its independent best. The flavor is all natural and yet lovable. You can go as simple as just pouring hot water in and your sweet tea is all pure and ready for your delectable drinking. In other extreme cases, where you want an added touch of marvel, you can smother it with milk. For the culinary grade matcha, the flavor is enhanced. In other cases where we have the ceremonial grade having this witty unique flavor, you can see your culinary grade matcha having a significantly bitter undertone.

The texture, color as well as the smell?

The ceremonial grade matcha tea with no gloss of flattery is a winner in all regards. The smell is great and fresh, the color is energetically green and the texture come with an admirable talc-like powder finesse. It is significant to point out that the smoothness of ceremonial grade matcha is one of its eloquent stand out features. It shouldn’t feel gritty on your hands or coarse so say.

More than this, the constitution of tea strictly states that the of ceremonial grade matcha tea must always be brilliantly green.

Still for culinary grade matcha, of course the smell is yet fresh although quite grassy. All the same, it should feel appreciably smooth. For the color, we don’t expect it to replicate the brilliant greenness of the ceremonial grade matcha – yet the color should at least be commendable green.

Their dietary application

While we have acquitted culinary grade matcha for use in cooking, it is not recommended that you use ceremonial grade matcha for cooking in the same regard.

Also, it is quite against the legislation of the kitchen to use ceremonial grade matcha for baking. This is easily understandable considering that the cost of ceremonial grade matcha is relatively too elevated for such use.

Moreover, when you use ceremonial grade matcha for cooking, their uniquely celestial flavor of its may be lost among the crowd of other ingredients. It is as uneconomic as using a very expensive bottle of wine for making cheap pasta sauce – very wasteful, isn’t it?

The premium quality of ceremonial grade matcha is obviously too high for that. Your culinary grade matcha would do well for your cooking and baking. For the ceremonial grade matcha tea, it is quite a celebrity tea that deserves some eminence in its usage. Best for its premium quality, drink it even directly. Half a teaspoon of your ceremonial grade matcha would marvelously go well with a cup of hot water (which is equivalently eight ounces). Carefully whisk together and you are ready to enjoy matcha at its drinking best.

Ceremonial Matcha Tea Vs Green Tea Powder

Premium Japanese Matcha Powder

Here is another blazing debate that wouldn’t be abating soon. Enthusiastic ceremonial grade matcha tea lovers are quick to measure it against the conventional green tea. Yes, there really is a distinct line of separation between green tea and ceremonial grade matcha tea despite how much of close pals both are in the beverage family. Notably, both green tea and ceremonial grade matcha tea differ along lines of color, texture, flavor and even how they are prepared.

About the color

For the color, ceremonial grade matcha powder is distinctively lighter than your customary green tea. In most cases, while ceremonial grade matcha gallantly parades it brilliant green, green tea would have to make do with a duller brown which is not too optimistic. Well, the variation along color for both ceremonial grade matcha and green tea can be easily traced to the heightened level of chlorophyll composition in ceremonial matcha tea.

About the taste

For the taste, a popular consensus consolidates the verdict that ceremonial grade matcha flaunts a better taste when compared to green tea. Green tea prevalently has this bitter edge furnishing its taste. A lot of green tea drinkers ferry it down their throats in the company of sweeteners and additional dairy flavors. For ceremonial grade matcha tea, it is good enough to go along with no sweeteners or sorts.

About the texture

Moving over to the texture, we see that ceremonial grade matcha powder is distinguishably smooth with this unique velvety feel. On the other hand, there is this notable grittiness that comes with green tea. The latter could even feel like leaves just crushed up together struggling to match the outstanding smoothness of ceremonial grade matcha.

The benefits of ceremonial grade matcha tea

The benefits of ceremonial grade matcha tea are so gleaming that it has endeared the tea to so many millions of hearts across the globe. The wealth of antioxidants accumulated in ceremonial grade matcha tea is simply amazing.

Ceremonial grade matcha tea is filled with antioxidants

This type of matcha is well stocked with a variant of antioxidants known as catechins. Very powerful catechins – particularly the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) – are very powerful in maintaining your youthfulness with proven anti-aging properties. With a tireless knack for protecting your skin, the antioxidants in ceremonial grade matcha tea will effortfully shield your skin from UV damage. This way your skin is enviably equipped with more elasticity and eventual youthfulness.

Fights cancer

Studies have proven the consolidating capacity of ceremonial grade matcha in fighting cancer. Far away in Japan, a platoon of scientists brought their brains together and discovered that ceremonial grade matcha tea boasts as much as 137 times the epigallocatechin gallate catechin found in green tea.

This epigallocatechin gallate antioxidant is very effective in combating cancer at various levels cutting through cancer of the colon, of the mouth, of the breast even as far as cancer of the pancreas.

Immensely helps in detoxification

Many others love ceremonial grade matcha tea for its detoxification capacities. The chlorophyll content of this tea makes sure it is industriously deporting all the toxins from your body. The amino acid contained in this tea could as well be of immense fortification to your immune system.

Raise focus and concentration

Also, ceremonial grade matcha tea can tremendously boost your energy levels. This tea can help you to impressive levels of mental alertness, giving you such sumptuous relaxation while relieving you of accumulated stress and anxiety. This clean energy can refresh you big time in the head. This way you can enjoy increased levels of focus and calm. Such mental reinvigorating capacities trail to its significant composition of caffeine.

In addition to all, ceremonial grade matcha is yet tremendous at improving your cholesterol levels and regulating your blood sugar levels. This is a big boost to diabetic patients struggling with unchecked leaps in their insulin and blood sugar levels. Studies have uncovered the reality that those who imbibe the healthy habit of drinking this tea have higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol as well as lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Isn’t this applaudable?

Organic Premium Ceremonial Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder

To wrap things up we have seen that the ceremonial grade matcha recipes is a darling about the matcha family and the beverage clan in general. When put comparatively beside the culinary grade matcha, the ceremonial grade matcha dusts the culinary grade. This superiority sprawls through quality, texture, and flavor.

The only aspect where culinary comes on top ceremonial grade is at cost where the culinary grade is cheaper. Yet, this is perceivable because great things like ceremonial grade matcha don’t always come cheap, do they?

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